The purple storm that swept everything became more and more vast, and its terrifying power was horrifying.

And if such a storm falls on Blue Star, I am afraid that within a moment, the entire Blue Star will be shattered into pieces....

And this is part of Yu Ziyu's strength.

Even if a large formation is set up, the spiritual power it draws is enough to destroy a planet.

And now...

In the midst of this appalling void storm...A purple lotus gradually stopped spinning.

No, it shouldn't be said that it stopped spinning.

Instead, time gradually slows down...Everything is back on track... it is spinning slower and slower, and the gathering void spiritual power storm is gradually subsided.

"Although it is not mature yet, it is close..."

Staring quietly...Seeing the purple lotus flower in full bloom, Yu Ziyu's eyes couldn't stop twinkling.

Looking carefully, there is a deep purple energy surging in the center of this lotus flower.

It's like a fruit, but also a crystal.

Transparent, giving a dreamlike texture.

And this is a sign that the Void Purple Lotus is approaching maturity.

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu also understood.

The energy contained in the Void Purple Lotus today is suffocating.

And this amount of energy is enough to transform the Tongtian Purple Dragon.

Read this...Yu Ziyu raised his right hand...


With a roar, the leisurely blooming purple lotus was already spinning, flying, and scattering purple crystals like stars all over the sky... slowly flying towards the sleeping purple dragon.......

But at this moment, Yu Ziyu's consciousness also changed as his eyes condensed.


The thundering dragon roar shook the sky and the earth.

Visible to the naked eye, shock waves like sound waves spread in all directions, sweeping through the void of Nuoda.

The sound alone is earth-shaking.

One can imagine, what does this mean?

But now, a head as big as a star suddenly rose into the sky, carrying a long and extremely thick body. visible to naked eye...The faint purple dragon scales overflowed with purple dragon flames from time to time.

Its terrifying aura permeated the heaven and earth.

The top of the food chain, the scent of the predator.

Like the king of the pyramid, looking down on the entire void.

And this is the sky-reaching purple dragon, a terrifying existence known as the 'Infinite Dragon God'.

Just the dragon raising its head is earth-shattering... but...This is just the beginning.

Just because the real transformation has only begun now

"Hum hum...I look forward to it more and more...A body has the power to transform...

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also swallowed the purple lotus flying from far away.


There was a sudden roar, and Yu Ziyu was shocked.

Just because, at this moment, an unprecedented torrent of energy suddenly erupted

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Amidst the increasingly terrifying roar, Yu Ziyu's body was actually seen glowing with purple light.

The purple light is bright, and even Yu Ziyu's body is transparent. You can faintly see that one dragon bone after another is emitting an astonishing purple light.

"This is the seventh level spiritual flower...."

In rare shock, Yu Ziyu's expression also changed slightly.

Such energy is truly sensational.

If it were a sixth-level giant, he would probably explode and die at the moment of devouring it.

However, he was okay.

As an existence carrying 'infinite' power, his body is growing all the time.

No...not just the body

, but also the cultivation level, and even the power of understanding...They all show a state of rapid growth that is visible to the naked eye. , and this is the horror of the supreme infinite law.

It relies on power itself.

If Yu Ziyu is good at light, then his power of light will grow infinitely until he breaks through and becomes the master of light.

If Yu Ziyu is good at darkness, he will fall into the abyss of darkness and become the god of darkness. he is a true dragon and a member of the Void clan.

Therefore, what he got in exchange was his dragon body and the infinite growth of void power.

In this way...His clan characteristics are naturally extremely amazing.

Even with such a terrible torrent of energy, it is forcibly digested

"As if swallowing the energy of a world..."

Among the strange voices, Yu Ziyu looked up to the sky and roared


The dragon roars...

Along with this, Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body began to transform bit by bit. endless energy influx...But Yu Ziyu's body refused to reject anyone who came, swallowing them all

"Click, click...

The keel kept making a crisp sound, like the sound of thunder, resounding through the void.

The dragon scales are constantly trembling, as if they are growing....

Everything is just as Yu Ziyu expected...The body is strengthening, the strength is increasing, and Yu Ziyu's terrifying spiritual power is also accumulating.

At this time, if you look at Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body, you will be surprised to find that the endless power of the void has actually wrapped Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body and turned it into a giant egg as big as a star.

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

The purple giant egg swells and shrinks, as if it is alive, but it is swallowing the endless power of the void....

According to legend, there is a giant egg that gave birth to life in the chaos.

And when this life is born, it will do the things that create the world and break the chaos.

But now, Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body has such a trend.

Forming a cocoon in the void, his body became stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his strength increased at a terrifying speed.

Its breathing is like the breath of the void...It turns out that the void is all affected.

And now, looking at...An extremely bright purple vortex has emerged above the top of the dome.

That's not a calamity cloud.

Just a feeling of emptiness...Therefore, I cast my gaze and stared deeply at this great life that was about to break out of its shell....

However, don't wait to stare into the void for too long


Along with the terrifying vibration, an endless tree also rose from the ground.

One branch after another, like a divine chain, spreads to the end of the void.

The tree roots turned into real dragons and roared towards the sky, but they surged deeper into time and space, absorbing the mighty power in the dark.

And now...This giant tree, which could support the entire starry sky, continues to grow like this until the canopy that blocks out the sky and sun covers the purple dome.... like an umbrella...Blocked out the wind and rain.

But now, Yu Ziyu's true body is a purple dragon that reaches the sky, blocking the prying eyes from the void.

No, it’s not just the void.

Everything in the world is carried by the main body, and it only breaks out of its shell to protect the sky-reaching purple dragon... King of the Void..._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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