"beyond the realm itself...This means that the Void Purple Dragon is obviously an extraordinary sixth level, but it has the dominant combat power of an extraordinary seventh level..."

While murmuring, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth curled up slightly.

This is good.

After all, the movement carrying the supreme law is too big, too big... enough to alarm the entire void, and even the starry sky outside the void.

This is naturally inconsistent with Yu Ziyu's consistent principle of keeping a low profile.

Moreover, a master who is suspected of carrying the 'Supreme Law' has appeared in the void.

If this happens again,...All races in the starry sky will be dumbfounded.

Although Yu Ziyu hopes that all races will be afraid of the starry sky and slowly join forces, there will not be another master in the void... just because at that time, they will not be afraid, but fearful. fear, fear...

The difference between the two words is completely different.

Once the balance of power is broken, the chain reaction it will cause is difficult for Yu Ziyu to control. so...Zilong's transcendent characteristics are in line with Yu Yuyu's wishes....

"However, transcendence is transcendence. But when it comes to true transformation, there is still some movement...."

With a murmur, Yu Ziyu also fell into deep thought.

According to the induction in the dark, the breakthrough of the Void Purple Dragon should be like forming a cocoon, forming a large 'dragon cocoon' in the deepest part of the void, thus continuously sublimating the existence itself.

At this time, resources are particularly important.

If there are enough resources, the purple dragon's transformation will also speed up.

More importantly, Yu Ziyu didn't have much time to wait for Zilong's breakthrough.

If it takes too long for him to break through, Yu Ziyu will be exposed sooner or later if he plays two roles.

Only when the Void Purple Dragon breaks through, turns into a human form, and collides head-on with the Demon Emperor incarnated by Yu Ziyu, can certain unwarranted speculations be eliminated.... so...Zilong's sudden breakthrough is necessary and must be done as soon as possible...

"To be ordinary in the void and breed a treasure with rich power of void..."

With a murmur, Yu Ziyu also had an idea.

Although, the land of void is desolate.

But occasionally, treasures of heaven and earth can be born. like invisible...She said that while she was wandering aimlessly in the void, she swallowed a piece of purple spiritual grass.

It was that group of purple spiritual grass that pushed her to the sixth level of extraordinary... in this way...Yu Ziyu also started to think about it.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also called out:

"Avril Lavigne, purple sickle..."

"boss..." sudden response...Even though they were thousands of miles apart, their voices still sounded in Yu Ziyu's ears.

"Go ahead and let many void creatures begin to collect heavenly materials and earthly treasures that contain void characteristics....If you gain something, I will definitely give you a heavy reward..."

"Yes, boss..."

In the chorus of responses, the two of them also started to act immediately.

Although I don’t know what the boss is doing.

But they will definitely obey the boss's orders.

Just because this is their boss and their real master......

However, just when Yu Ziyu was giving these instructions, a voice also sounded in Yu Ziyu's ears.

"Speaking of treasures containing void characteristics...When you were in retreat, your little empty world seemed to have given you a world treasure?"


Astonished, Yu Ziyu was also surprised.

Since the end of his seclusion, he had forgotten to pay attention to the Nine Realms.

However, he remembered that Jiuwei seemed to have told him.

But at that time, he was busy adapting to his own strength, but he did not really pay attention..And now, listening to Emperor Bingyi’s reminder...


With a dry cough to cover up her embarrassment, Yu Ziyu also explained:

"this...It was so complicated that I forgot about it."

As he said that, Yu Ziyu also changed the topic and said:

"I'll go take a look now..."

As soon as the words fell, Yu Ziyu turned into a human form again and walked towards the small world of void.

Void small world...

The most mysterious small world among Yu Ziyu's nine small worlds is also the famous place of exile in Demon Court.

Rumor has it that even the gods can be banished.

And this is also a fact.

After all, under Yu Ziyu’s cultivation, this small world leads directly to the boundless void....Boundless and most unfathomable.

And now...


Along with a roar, a figure emerged in the endless void.

Slowly raising his eyes, what he saw was a strange and bizarre world....

The power of the purple void filled the sky and the earth.

Thick purple clouds seemed to crush the whole world.

And under the earth...The so-called land has a deep purple meaning.

However, at this moment, his eyes narrowed slightly, and Yu Ziyu's gaze actually fell on the center of the world....

There, there was a purple light group shining.

The hazy purple brilliance set off little ripples between the sky and the earth, as if there was a halo emerging.

A different kind of fragrance permeates the...

"This is..."

With a sound of surprise, Yu Ziyu's eyes narrowed slightly.

And at the next moment, what caught Yu Ziyu's eyes was...

【Lotus of the Void (seventh level) - a strange flower bred in the deepest part of the small world of the void. With the power of the void, it can not only greatly improve physical fitness, but also greatly enhance the perception of the void.

Notes: To those who possess the power of the void, it is a divine flower, but to outsiders, it is a poison....】

Staring quietly, the corners of Yu Zi's mouth curled up slightly.

He didn't expect that the Nine Realms would give him such a surprise.

It gave birth to such a magical flower...

If this magical flower is given to Zilong, it may greatly speed up his transformation time....And more than that...

As a seventh-level spiritual flower...There must be incredible power.

And that kind of power, if Zilong can absorb it...There will even be a qualitative transformation...

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu's face also showed a strong look of expectation.

However, at this moment, as if he noticed something, Yu Ziyu turned his eyes and saw...

Under this purple lotus, there is an elf girl who looks like purple jade, sitting quietly cross-legged.

The skin was crystal clear, but glowing with purple light.

The deep eyes were as bright as purple stones, and the long purple hair that poured down like a waterfall was even more dazzling.

This is the Void Origin Elf, the most mysterious one among the nine origin elves.

And now, this elf girl who seems to have walked out of the scroll is quietly guarding the treasure of this small void world...._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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