
A sudden roar rose between heaven and earth.

The entire Buddhist world was shaken by it.

Looking up, far away...There is actually an ancient temple across the sky.

Imperial Soldier...Daleiyin Temple...One of the Buddhist heritage.

And now...This temple swelled in the wind, and in just a short moment, it turned into a size that could cover the sky and the sun....

There is an overwhelming illusion.

However, what really concerns Yu Ziyu is the behind-the-scenes...A slowly rising weapon.

Like a walking stick, glowing with colorful light...

When the brilliance shines, everything in the world becomes dim....

What's even more shocking is that one weapon after another began to tremble, as if afraid, but also panicked....

Even the Void Divine Weapons held by several Void Emperors became uneasy at this moment.


Word by word...Yu Zi's voice had a different kind of solemnity.

And all this is just because the reputation of this imperial weapon is too big, too big...

It is said that this is a powerful object used by Buddhists to achieve enlightenment in the prehistoric era....Known as 'nothing is brushed, nothing is brushed'’...

All weapons illuminated by his colorful brilliance will be captured by it....

Even if they are both imperial weapon-level weapons,...He was particularly in awe of this imperial weapon.

Just because...Although the Qibao Miaoshu cannot seize the imperial weapons from other people's hands, it can still make them lose their divine power. certainly...This is the power of the Imperial Weapon Treasure Tree in its heyday.

And now...

Eyes narrowed slightly...Looking at the Qibao tree in the distance, with only one broken branch left, Yu Ziyu also breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that this imperial weapon was more damaged than he imagined...."

"What's more, even the true spirit of the emperor's weapon does not exist..."...

He was muttering in his heart. Yu Ziyu felt relieved.... if only...It’s okay if it’s not in its heyday.

If it were the Seven Treasures Tree in its heyday...Yu Ziyu was probably the first to run away...

After all, the reputation of this imperial weapon was truly terrifying. legend...That semi-eternal, physically sanctified, peerless genius of the peacock clan who is famous for his fighting prowess....It was also in front of this imperial weapon that he stumbled several times.

Although Yu Ziyu is confident, he is not so arrogant as to compare with the ancient great power - the peacock clan, the peerless genius who has stepped into eternity halfway.......

And just then

"South Amitabha...

Bursts of Sanskrit sounds resounded throughout the world.

Visible to the naked eye, in the distance, the Imperial Army's Great Thunder Sound Temple, which had covered the sky and sun, was actually pressing towards the area where the Gate of the Void was located, like Mount Tai pressing down on top.


In an instant, the sky was dark and terrifying, covering this area fiercely.

Even the space is settled...

One void creature after another looked horrified.

In front of this Imperial Soldier, the Great Thunder Sound Temple...They are really as small as ants...

And now...Emperor Binghao actually locked the space...It was like an endless land, slamming towards the entire Void Gate.

If this one is hit by it, the Void clan that has not dispersed will probably suffer heavy casualties....

And this is naturally something Yu Ziyu cannot tolerate....

The corner of her mouth lifted into a sneer, but Yu Ziyu raised her hand

"Boom, boom, boom..."

A vast amount of spiritual power erupted from the palm of his hand, and Yu Ziyu suddenly slapped his palm towards the sky.


Just a roar was heard, visible to the naked eye. An infinite sky-covering giant palm had risen from the earth and headed straight into the sky.

What's even more shocking is that this sky-covering palm is so clear that even the lines on the palm are minutely visible....

"How dare you physically challenge the emperor's soldiers?"

The sudden voice contained a touch of indescribable astonishment.

But even like this...The owner of a voice still controlled the imperial army to smash the Great Leiyin Temple fiercely.


Along with an earth-shaking loud noise, the aftermath that swept through the entire Buddhist world erupted in the sky above the sky.

Countless void creatures were all washed away by the wind and waves that turned into the aftermath.

And this is exactly what Yu Ziyu wants.

Instead of waiting for the void creatures to rush out one after another, it is better to use the aftermath to send them away. only...At this moment...The strong Buddhists don't care about these little minions who are scattered around....

The focus of everything they have is this slender figure standing between heaven and earth.....

Just because...They unexpectedly discovered...This master from the deepest part of the void actually shakes the imperial soldiers with his physical body.

"How can it be?"

Looking at the thin figure holding the entire Imperial Army of the Great Thunder Sound Temple with one palm, the old man sitting high in the depths of the Great Thunder Sound Temple also suddenly changed his color.

"nothing is impossible...This guy's physical strength is terrifyingly powerful...and...he still..."

We haven’t waited for the true spirit of the Imperial Army’s Great Thunder Sound Temple to finish speaking....

But I heard,


A long-lasting dragon roar suddenly rose from the entire Buddhist world.

Looking for fame, countless beings in the Buddhist world suddenly saw...On top of the figure with six wings on its back...There was actually a purple dragon-shaped shadow rising into the sky.

The purple dragon is unruly and full of evil


Amidst the increasingly terrifying roar of the dragon, it can be seen with the naked eye that the body of this purple dragon is gradually turning into substance....

And this, in the eyes of others...Just like, the young man with six wings on his back turned into a sky-reaching purple dragon in the purple tornado and attacked towards the Imperial Army's Great Thunder Sound Temple.

I have to say, this scene is truly terrifying.

The purple dragon raised its head and screamed.

The mottled dragon scales exude an ancient and vicissitudes of atmosphere...

And the ever-expanding purple body is constantly coiled... and has the tendency to restrain the entire Imperial Armament of the Great Thunder Sound Temple.

"you...This guy..."

Amidst the increasingly disbelieving voices, the powerful men in the Buddhist world also changed their expressions one after another....

At this time, what they didn't know was that Yu Ziyu's voice had quietly reached the hearts of everyone in Original Sin.

"do what you should do...I will hold back most of the strong men of Buddhism and the imperial soldiers."

"Yes, boss..."

In response, under the Void Gate, six humanoid figures shot out one after another, rushing towards the boundless Buddhist world....

As for...Yu Ziyu...

"Hum hum..."

While sneering in her heart, Yu Ziyu tried her best to stretch her body.

This is the body of the Heavenly Purple Dragon...Yu Ziyu is still a little uncomfortable with it...

But it's really scary...

This terrifying and arrogant and unreasonable body, supplemented by the 'supreme' law of time and space, makes Yu Ziyu arrogant. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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