If this is the case...Then this 'enemy of all races' is really intriguing.

A flash of thought flashed deep in his eyes, but Yu Ziyu gently exerted force with his right hand.

"Click, click...

Bit by bit, this demon, who has not even opened his mind, was crushed into pieces....Until it turns into black smoke and disappears completely.

Now is not the time to think about 'enemy of all races'.

For Yu Ziyu, what is more important is...Invading the Buddhist world.....

Nowadays, the entire Buddhist world is protected by world barriers. It is difficult for external forces to break through.

Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that...There is also a 'big formation' in the Buddhist world.

This was a formation that was a bit scarier than the advanced spiritual formations that Yu Ziyu knew.

If your guess is correct, it should be the famous Buddhist boundary-protecting formation - the Eight-Bud Pagoda Formation.

This formation cannot be broken...Worry about the Buddhist world...

"The formation may be a difficult point for others...But for me, it is like that."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu didn't care about the formation.

No matter how terrible the formation was, it felt like walking on flat ground under Yu Ziyu's feet....

The Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings are not vegetarians.

As the legendary wings of freedom...The sacred sixteen wings of the emperor's soldiers can ascend to the blue sky and descend into the netherworld, coming and going freely.

He even regards the 'formation' as if it were nothing....

But...This time Yu Ziyu did not plan to use the imperial weapon's sacred sixteen wings.

After all, the invasion was initiated by the void, and naturally it used the power 'from the void'.

And the power of the void...

A sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth, and Yu Ziyu also had a look of expectation.

"One-eyed...here you are..."

"Yes, my lord."

There was a response, ripples appeared, and a figure appeared behind Yu Ziyu.

His figure was thin and slender. But his face was extremely delicate.

There was a ring scar on the top of his head.

His whole person looked like a pilgrim....solemn eyes...

And this is the Buddhist saint whom Yu Ziyu suppressed and killed....

However, at the beginning, Yu Ziyu deliberately kept the physical body of the Buddhist saint intact just for today.

At this time, if you look carefully, you will definitely be able to see a purple crack appearing between the eyebrows of this Buddhist saint.

And the very next moment,


The crack widened little by little, revealing a vivid purple eye.

Weird, yet terrifying.

But he is the one-eyed man under Yu Ziyu...The former Cyclops... then abandoned his decaying body and parasitized the vajra body of a Buddhist holy son.

Same thing...He is like an extraordinary sixth level...It has become a pretty good trump card in Yu Ziyu’s hand....

"How much have you digested the power of this Holy Son?"

Somewhat curious, Yu Ziyu also asked

"Five or six points..."

Hehe smiled, and the eyes that appeared between the eyebrows of the Buddhist saint were full of joy.

A person lives up to his name.

The one eye between his eyebrows is his true nature...

And now, it has parasitized the Holy Son of Buddhism...It also took him a hundred years to master half of this guy's strength during his lifetime.

However, these five or six points are enough to make him dominate at the same level.

After all, the Holy Son of Buddhism, looking at the starry sky, is also a first-class genius.

And this kind of genius has exhausted a lot of the foundation of a big force like Buddhism....Only truly cultivated. in this way...It can also be imagined, what does it mean to master five or six points of this guy's power during his lifetime?

To a certain extent, it also means that this guy with one eye has stolen most of the Buddhist heritage.

And if this is known to Buddhism,...I'm afraid that the entire Buddhist sect will be shaken...

But, at this time, it is not the time to care about these things.

The Dharma is solemn, with hands clasped together, and a circle of Buddha's light rises around One Eye.

Faintly, he could still see a hazy shadow of the Buddhist Kingdom rising around him.

"Lord Lord, what do you think?"

Smiling weirdly, one-eyed like a child, showing off

"not bad..."

Nodding, Yu Ziyu also praised.

If it weren't for the strange and vivid purple eye between this guy's brows, Yu Ziyu would have doubted whether the true spirit of the Buddhist saint had revived.

However, this is also the terrifying thing about the parasitic nature of the Void Clan.

Able to steal power perfectly.

Even if you die and leave your body empty, you can still steal the inheritance from your body.

It's like a small magical power cultivated by a Buddhist saint - the Vajra is indestructible and has a perfectly preserved body.

Another example is that the 'Buddha Kingdom in the Palm', which has almost transformed into the innate supernatural power of the Buddhist saint, has also been partially preserved....

As for, more...Especially the spiritual secrets, very few are preserved.

After all, it is just a body with no power, and it is unrealistic to steal more inheritance. only...Even if it is just the inheritance of body...For the current Yu Ziyu, it is enough

"You should be able to take me into the Buddhist world, right?"

"This is natural."

Putting his hands together like a divine monk, the handsome young monk in front of Yu Ziyu said:

"Lord Lord, please..."

As he spoke, One Eye took a step forward.

Along with it, Buddha's light rose up, covering One Eye's entire body.

Carrying the Buddha's light, the whole body is surrounded by the phantom of the Buddha's kingdom...

One-eye's whole body has touched the barrier of the Buddhist world.

But what's surprising is...His touch did not arouse the vigilance of the world barrier and the bombardment of the formation....

Instead, it's like a fish returning to the sea, with only ripples spreading.

Then, a little, a little...One-eye squeezed everyone in

"Even if I haven’t returned for many years...It is impossible for the Buddhist world to exclude me.."

Learn the tone of the Buddhist saint...One Eye also smiled proudly


Nodding, through the passage opened by One Eye, Yu Ziyu also quietly poured into the Buddhist world....

However, Yu Ziyu is also clever.

Able to perfectly avoid one's own scent...That’s why the Buddhist world didn’t notice it...

Otherwise, even if it is through the passage opened by the one-eyed...The arrival of Yu Ziyu will also shake the entire Buddhist world...

And now...

Slowly raising his eyes, looking at the peaceful and peaceful Buddhist world on the other side, Yu Ziyu also had a look of amusement on his face.

"Invasion from the Void...Are you prepared?"

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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