Buddhism is the oldest and most terrifying force.

It is said that the place where this force is located is a big world.

And that is an existence even more mysterious than the secret realm.

Somewhat similar to Yu Ziyu’s Tenth Realm.

And now...Yu Ziyu’s idea is to attack Buddhism’...

"Tsk tsk...boss...This time it's a really big fish..."

"Big fish indeed...

Nodding, Yu Ziyu also admitted.

However, after a moment, the conversation changed and Yu Ziyu also added:

"But don't worry, we haven't started a full-scale war yet... at most we are just testing the waters...."

Saying this, Yu Ziyu turned his eyes and looked at Zi Lian not far away:

"Purple Sickle, summon the void army...Attacking Buddhism still requires a large army to contain it...."

"Yes, boss..."

With a response, Zi Lian's figure also disappeared in a flash, and then escaped into the depths of the void....

He is the existence of original sin second only to Yu Ziyu.

He is also the boss in charge of the Legion of Original Sin....

As for the Original Sin Legion...Naturally, headed by the Seven Deadly Sins, countless void lives...

These void beings were summoned by void emperors one after another, and then fell asleep in the surrounding star fields.

If it is necessary for 'original sin'...They will wake up one after another.

Then, like a tide, it flooded everything......

And like this kind of invasion of a world...Without the restraint of the Void Legion, it would be difficult to attack.

After all, a force like the Buddhist world has too deep a foundation...Too scary...

If there was no Void Legion and the original sin seven fought against Buddhism, I don’t even know how they would have died....

So...The convening of the Void Force is a necessity. and...Natural selection, survival of the fittest.

In war, the chance of a strong person being born will be greatly increased.

If you sacrifice millions of void troops to create a sixth-level void emperor,...Then it's worth it.

And for this...Tzuyu is also looking forward to it.

After all, the void is not like all the races in the starry sky.

They have no emotions and don't need to care about casualties....And Yu Ziyu can also cultivate 'real' elites time and time again through 'raising gu' unscrupulously.

Wait until there are enough sixth-level void life forms following him, and there are even seventh-level void masters following him....The day when he will unify the entire void is not far away.

And at that time...Yu Ziyu can build his own empire in this vast void’

"Ha ha.."

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu also looked forward to it more and more.

And at this moment,

"squeak squeak...."

Suddenly, a piercing scream resounded throughout the void.

Looking up, the purple color visible to the naked eye continues to spread, like ocean waves, rushing in all directions....

Call from the Void Emperor...Finally at this moment, it rang again.

And just as this scream echoed in the void,

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

"Yin, Yin, Yin...

One low roar after another...Centered on the entire continent of God and Demon Breeding Farms...Inexplicable roars continued to come from the surrounding void.

Then, visible to the naked eye...One after another, bizarre void monsters kept pouring out from the surrounding void.

Some are like octopuses...

Some are like liquid...

Some are like giant pythons...

Their figures are all distorted, but the breath from the void is constantly coming out.

But now, under the call of the Emperor of the Void, these monsters in the deepest part of the Void...are waking up from their slumber.

What awaits them will be another carnival feast......

At this time, Zi Lian was not the only one to start calling...

"People who have fallen into the void...Now, your king needs your strength..."

Raising her right hand high, a purple scepter appeared in the hands of the fallen angel Avril.

Then, holding up the scepter, purple light suddenly bloomed.

It is as dazzling as a star, but it also illuminates the entire farm of gods and demons.

"I, the Fallen Heaven Clan, pay my respects to Lady Avril..."

"I, the Crystal Clan who has fallen into the void, pay my respects to Lady Avril.."... one sound after another...It is a breeding farm for gods and demons. Over the past hundreds of years, it has cultivated one strong person after another.

And among them, there are several even half-step giants.

It's just a pity that they didn't have enough opportunities and were not selected by Yu Ziyu.

Otherwise, it is uncertain...Sora will have a few more good strong men......

"The fighting power under the command of my brothers and sisters is really great...."

She curled her lips, feeling a little aggrieved by the reputation of being 'invisible'.

Just because, at this time.

Slowly raising her eyes, all she could see were hundreds of dolls, slowly coming from the depths of the mist.

Compared to Zi Lian’s infinite void army and the fallen void clan under Avril Lavigne’s command,...The combat power under Little Loli's command is really low.

However, what is concerning is that...This toy doll that came out of the depths of the mist actually had a fifth-level aura.

What's even more shocking is that they are actually lifeless. They are like puppets, and their eyes are a little dull.

And this is the invisible method of the Void Emperor, which can turn the beings she defeats into dolls and follow her forever.

And this almost regular power...This is also the reason why the invisible has become more and more terrifying recently.

After all, no one wants to suddenly turn into a toy doll and lose all the memories of the past.......

"It seems that you have not been idle during this period of time."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also looked at the army summoned by each original sin member.

Zi Lian...The troops under his command do not care about quality, but are dominated by quantity.

The greater the number, the more terrifying it is.

To put it simply, it is the vanguard army of the Void Clan....

The fallen angel Avril’s subordinates are all the fallen void clan she trained with her own hands....Excellent quality...

In terms of combat power, it far surpasses other void life forms.

It can be regarded as the middle-level combat power among Original Sin.

As for the hundreds of fifth-level dolls invisible to the Void Emperor... they are the elite among the elite.

Although I don’t know what power these dolls that look like flower stands have?

But just looking at the weird smile on this delicate little loli's face, Yu Ziyu also knew...not simple...It's really not simple..

"This little loli has the potential to grow into a great demon king of the void..."

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu also commented seriously.

Not to mention anything else, the more powerful people the little loli defeats...The more dolls she has under her command, the more terrifying she will be....

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