As the saying goes, 'seeing is believing, hearing is believing'...

Now, he really saw it...

A person can be so terrifying just by his momentum. It is also conceivable how shocking it will be for him to take action.

"Today’s Demon Court is really untouchable..."

With a sigh in his heart, the second elder of the Sword Sect also made up his mind.

At least, the Demon Court will not provoke the Demon King when he is there....

Otherwise, I don’t even know how he died.

As for the Sword Sect, some guys who call themselves 'Demon Slayers'... If you want to come, let them come.......

At this time, Yu Ziyu, who had slowly arrived at the Demon Palace, also walked along the jade steps of the Nine Heavens... one step after another....

Until the supreme 'throne'.

And in the main hall of the Demon Palace, on both sides...The ten major divine beasts, Emperor Ji, Yue Ji... and other core members of the Demon Court are all prostrate...

"We are waiting to welcome you, Demon King...."

"We are waiting to welcome you, Demon King...."

A chorus of calls...There are only a few dozen people in Ming Dynasty, but they are more shocking than the tens of thousands of people in the outside world.

Just because, those who can exist in the main hall are all princes.

In fact, even the cultivation level is not lower than the fifth level.

And these are the core members of Demon Court.

Every step into the starry sky is enough to shake one party.

But now...One by one, they crawled on their knees...but they all watched as their only king walked towards the throne....


Take a deep breath...Yu Ziyu also caressed the deputy leader of the throne and slowly sat down.

And the moment he sat down, the heavy pressure in the entire Demon Palace was relieved.

However, at this time, when he raised his eyes and looked at the figure on the throne, it looked like mist but not mist, hidden in a haze.

Even the white tiger with the heavenly eye cannot see its true body...

However, at this time, it seems that it is not the time to care about this...

The corner of his mouth curled up slightly, and Yu Ziyu also smiled and said:

"This time, hard work, I got the position..."

"I should wait for this..."

Hearing this, many powerful men seemed to have a tacit understanding and responded in unison.

"All right..."

After smiling, Yu Ziyu was no longer polite.

Then...looking at Jiuwei who was standing at the top, Yu Ziyu also ordered:

"After the return ceremony...It’s about discussing merit and welcoming all races...You can arrange these properly"


Nodding, Kyuubi also smiled and said:

"Report back to the Demon soon as ready...I'm just waiting for your word.."

"Let's get started...

Listening quietly, many figures like gods and demons also nodded.......

This reward based on merit is naturally a reward for the many powerful people who have made great contributions to the Demon Court in the past hundred years... like Yu Ziyu's Three Disciples Style, and like Yue Ji...

There is also Yu Ziyu's second disciple Bo Xun, who are all on the list of rewards... and just after the reward was given based on merit....This time the return ceremony also ushered in the key point...Meet the envoys of all races...

And among them...Especially Buddhism is the most

"Xuan, Buddhist envoy..."


In one response...The figures in the Demon Court Hall stood on both sides, looking towards the entrance.

"tread...tread..." step after step...As you can see, a very handsome and barefoot monk is approaching....

Wearing a red cassock and a ring scar on his head...

The whole body is shrouded in golden light...

However, what is a bit concerning is that this monk actually has a real dragon tattoo on his back....


Faintly, there are real dragons screaming.

Arhat subduing the dragon...In Buddhism, the famous Eighteen Arhats, the seventeenth Arhat, also known as 'Venerable Kasyapa'...

It's just that the Eighteen Arhats are passed down from generation to generation...

I wonder if this generation of dragon-subduing Arhats can be called 'subduing the dragon'

"Young monk, pay homage to the Demon King..."

He slowly raised his eyes and looked at the figure sitting high on the throne. This figure had a handsome face and a somewhat masculine aura....The Arhat who looks very good also wishes to see the way


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu did not delay, but went straight to the topic:

"I have heard about you many times and asked to see you...."

"Yes, Lord Demon Emperor."

Nodding, the Dragon-Subduing Arhat also said bluntly:

"I am the Holy Son of Buddha...A virtual battle, unfortunate death...But his death was nothing....Now my Buddhist door has become a void, and a master has emerged....Please ask the Demon King to take action...Conquer the devil.."

A voice full of sincerity that makes it impossible to tell the truth from the false.

And that face with clear water chestnut angles exuded some indescribable righteousness.

No wonder...This one from the Buddhist Association is coming...

For such a righteous person to talk about such big rights and wrongs, it is naturally difficult for people to refuse.

But...Yu Ziyu is not an ordinary person.

The corner of her mouth raised slightly, and Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"It's easy for me to take action...I want to go to your Buddhist Buddhist Scripture Pavilion..."


Suddenly startled, this Dragon Subduing Arhat was also stunned.

But before he could say anything, Yu Ziyu's voice came again:

"I have always heard that the Buddhist Sutra Pavilion is profound and profound....And now I'm encountering some bottlenecks...If we can gain something, we will surely be more confident in suppressing such evil spirits...."

"in this way...I'm sure you're a Buddhist, so you won't refuse...."

The narrations one after another are full of smiles, but they make it impossible for people to say the word"rejection"....

In order to have more certainty, suppress the evil spirits...

This... is understandable.

But...will those old-timers from Buddhism allow it? suspicious...Jiang Long Han is also not sure....

With his temperament, he is naturally happy...Who made Buddhism seek help from the Demon Emperor today?...

However, those old antiques in Buddhism are different. They regard inheritance as extremely important.

If they knew about this, the Demon King would probably jump into a trap as he planned the Sutra-Tiding Pavilion. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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