After taking a deep look at Yuan Jiuwei's greeting, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth also curled up slightly.

It seems that the expected effect has been achieved.

In this way, Demon Court's status in the starry sky should be significantly improved.

A smile in my heart...Yu Zi was also a little proud. only...This is the time to be proud...He also needs to make some preparations..



Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also followed her personal maid, the Elf Queen, towards the palace....

There, there were Jiuwei and Di Ji Ling'er, who had already prepared the royal robes....

Waiting for the royal robe to be added...He is the Lord of the Demon Court - the Demon Emperor...

He is also the true number one person in heaven and earth under the starry sky now......

And just when Yu Ziyu and even many generals were preparing to return to the ceremony...No one knows that one ancient force after another has rarely surfaced.

"That's the first-generation mythical beast of Demon Court...."

With a murmur, in a corner of the heaven, a young man stared blankly at the figure that looked like a god and demon in the starry sky, his eyes blazing.

And right next to him, a gray-haired old man stood tall and rare....Staring at the figures of the ten mythical beasts

"The Demon Court is well-deserved."

Smiling, the white-haired old man also sighed while stroking his beard....

This is following an ordinary warship from Yaoting to the heaven....An old man and a young man look like their grandfather and grandson.

What is worth mentioning here is that...The return ceremony of Demon Court is coming soon.

Demon Court’s heaven is also open to external development.

In this way, there will naturally be an endless stream of people coming.

There are many of them, these travelers who want to see the magnificence of the Demon Court...

Of course, there should be many people with ulterior motives.

And for this, not only Yu Ziyu, even Jiuwei and others don't mind...

And all this is just because...No one dares to be arrogant in the heaven. If there is, it can only be a dead person...

Perhaps, it is not just as simple as death, but even the forces behind it will be implicated.

Therefore, even if someone with ulterior motives comes, it will be difficult for them to remain content...

And this pair of figures who look like grandfather and grandson...It is also one of the many beings who have arrived’...But compared to ordinary travelers, they are extremely extraordinary.

Just because, if you feel carefully, you can suddenly find that this old man is actually an existence in the early stage of the sixth level.

The sixth level, even if it is only in the early stage, is the first-class combat power in the starry sky today.

No matter where it is placed, it is enough to be called a prince.

However, now...This ordinary old man turned out to be more than just him...The one next to him, feel the aura carefully, is actually a half-step giant...

Moreover, judging from his appearance, he is a young man.

Sword star eyebrows, handsome face.

And behind him, there is a black box on his back... and this is the human race, Sword Sect, the number one genius known as Tianjian. Jian Chen...

At a young age, he is already half a giant.

He is also born with a sword bone and a clear sword heart, making him a true swordsman prodigy.

The elders of his Sword Sect even praised him as a genius who is"rare to appear in ten thousand years"... but...It is worth mentioning that...Human Sword Sect...It’s not rooted in the Western Star Region...Like Heaven, they are also rooted in the secret realm. and..Compared to all the enemies in heaven,...Jian Zong even keeps a low profile and not many people know about it....

However, even this cannot affect the terrifying power of Jian Zong....

Terran...In the last century, they were known as the 'first tribe in the ages'.

And it is not just Heaven that supports the entire human race.

Except for heaven...clan, clan, even dynasty...These are also extremely terrifying.

As for the"One Sect of Heaven and Eight Eternities" passed down from mouth to mouth, six of them are from these forces of the human race. only...At that time, the power of Heaven was so great that it swallowed up all directions, and because of the general trend,...So much so that the Eternal Venerables of the other forces in the human race are all elders of the Heavenly Court....Just to suppress all races and build a great cause for the ages...

And among them, an eternal venerable...It comes from this extremely low-key sword sect... and, more importantly...the Eternal Lord holding a three-foot green peak, his combat power is one of the best in eternity.

From this, it is also conceivable...The Sword Sect's background... is so terrifying.

Even if it is not comparable to Heaven, it cannot be underestimated.

However, Heavenly Court has been hit hard repeatedly, and its foundation is completely gone....To be honest... today's heaven is not necessarily as scary as the Sword Sect. certainly...Jian Zong and Tian cannot be treated together.

The Sword Sect is the Sword Sect, and the Heavenly Court is the Heavenly Court.

Although both are human forces, they are completely different.

The so-called 'different ways do not work together', this should be what it means.

Moreover, it is not only the Sword Sect, the Immortal Palace of the human race, but also the undefeated dynasty... these forces one after another...Although they are all from the same human race as Heavenly Court, if they want to take action for Heavenly Court, even if they are beaten to death, it is impossible.

It’s not just the humans of Blue Star who are killing each other.

Even under the starry sky, the different forces of the human race have their own grievances.

That time in Heaven, the integration of the entire human race was just an accident after all.

Just because that 'First Immortal of the Human Race' is too terrifying... and...more importantly...because of heaven...The entire human race has suffered heavy losses...It’s good that the other human forces don’t hate Heaven to death....

And just then...Quietly staring at the ten figures that looked like gods and demons in the sky, Jian Chen, the human race boy, also said with blazing eyes:

"This is my future opponent..."

A murmur, full of expectation...


Suddenly interrupted, the old man following the young man lowered his voice, pointed to the depths of the heaven and said:

"Remember, Jian Chen, your opponent will always be the one in the deepest part of Demon Court..."

"Only take that person as your goal...Only then can you truly grow up..."

Listening quietly, the young man was also stunned.

Then, as if he thought of something, this young man's eyes suddenly burst into light.

"I...bright...white...Got it..."

With every word, the black box behind this young man started to vibrate slightly.

Along with the surroundings, there is a hint of extremely fierce Qi.......

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