Yu Ziyu was suspicious, but he didn't pay too much attention.

If you have a chance, just ask Kyuubi.

However, Lan becoming the third dragon envoy of Demon Court was indeed beyond Yu Ziyu’s expectation.

"It’s been a long time no see..."

With a sigh in her heart, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but recall a woman.

A head of dazzling blond hair, carrying pure white six wings...

Beautiful as God...

And that is the only woman among the Seraphs—Lan.

Long before Yu Ziyu set foot in the starry sky, she was famous for her 'extreme speed'.

And now...Follow the Law of Speed...His own cultivation level has even reached half-step of domination.

Such existences should be among the top twenty if you look at the starry sky.

"Tsk tsk..."

After smacking her mouth, Yu Ziyu was also a little surprised....

In this way, Demon Court has gained another powerful fighting force... but...At this moment...It seems that this is not the time to care about these things...

He slowly raised his eyes...The very vocal Golden Monkey also stepped forward.

"Owner...Recently...There is news from the Angel Clan that the God Clan seems to be ready to make a move..."

With a narration, Golden Monkey also briefly explained the movements of the Gods.

However, it was also within Yu Ziyu's expectation.

After a hundred years of silence, the gods have become restless....In other words, Yu Ziyu's long absence has made them want to conquer the angel clan again.

And the angel family...A strong family with a profound foundation.

If you submit to the God Clan, you will definitely be able to greatly strengthen the God Clan’s heritage....

And this, not to mention, the angel family has the fifth blazing angel wings, and Lan is such a great person.

"Each of these forces will have their own plans."

With a sneer, Yu Ziyu's eyes were slightly cold.... only...Now, when not dealing with this.

Eat the rice one bite at a time and drink the soup one bite at a time.

Before getting familiar with the current Demon Court, Yu Ziyu didn’t want to express his position too much...

"I just came back. Let me rest for a while. You can leave later."

"Yes, Lord Demon Emperor."

In the chorus of responses, many figures also retired.

Only Jiuwei and Di Ji Ling'er still stayed in the hall.

"Demon King..."

Amid the sudden call, Di Ji Ling'er also came over with a smile....

"Why do you still call when no one is around?..."

With a playful sound, Yu Ziyu also said with interest.


After being slightly startled, Di Ji Ling'er also pursed her lips and smiled:

"Then it’s still the master, right? The master still speaks smoothly...."

"it's the same..."

Smiling, Yu Ziyu didn't care much about these titles.

But, for some reason, it feels weird to hear these acquaintances calling him 'Demon King'...

At this time, Di Ji Ling'er came slowly and said with a smile:

"Master, do you want me to take you around? You haven’t returned for a hundred years, and I’m afraid you’re not even familiar with the Demon Court now...."


Nodding, Yu Ziyu was also pleased.

That's exactly what he meant.

In ten years, things have changed and people have changed.

Not to mention a hundred years... these hundred years...A new generation replaces an old one...I don’t know how many powerful people in Demon Court have risen.

However, one thing is for sure...Yaoting did not disappoint him.

After all, the aura he sensed was indeed much greater than it had been in a hundred years...

"Let's go then."

With a murmur, Yu Ziyu took Di Ji Ling'er and Jiuwei who were following him, stepped out and walked towards the outside of the Demon Palace.....

"In today's Demon Court, the most famous legion is the Iron Legion, which can also be called the 'Steel Torrent'.’...There are as many as one million interstellar battleships across the star field, which is the biggest weapon of Demon Court in external war. And it is worth mentioning that all 108 main ships are equipped with main guns-Annihilation Wave, which is enough to deal with extraordinary Level 6 giants pose a threat..."

In a rare introduction, Yu Ziyu also followed Di Ji Ling'er and Jiuwei to the outside of heaven....

Here, looking down at the entire heaven, one can suddenly see a black torrent, which is lingering around the heaven and constantly flowing.

And this is the most famous Iron Legion in Demon Court.

The smallest warships are tens of thousands of meters long.

And those main ships, individually, are no less than the size of a city in size alone.

It is said that a main ship called the 'Titan Battleship' is as huge as a small continent.

It's a real giant

"This should be the masterpiece of the Sky Magnetizer..."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu's eyes were filled with smiles.

The Magnetizer is the master of magnetism and one of his apostles.

However, his other identity is the commander of the Iron Legion and the top scientist of Demon Court....


Nodding, Kyuubi also praised:

"When I saw this legion for the first time, I couldn't believe it either...Moreover, it is worth mentioning that most outsiders think that we only have 100,000 warships..."

"million? One hundred thousand? A full ten times difference...It seems that our next generation will also hide our cards...."

Among the rare compliments, Yu Ziyu also affirmed that Bo Xun... is good, really good.

I haven't learned anything else, but I've learned quite well about this hidden skill.

And this is what Yu Ziyu hopes to see.

He doesn't know how to hide his trump cards. It's extremely dangerous in this starry sky.... after all...There is no trump card, just like the naked body, exposed to all the races in the starry sky, if you are not careful, you will be swallowed up.

So... hide your trump cards and hide your clumsiness. This is what Yu Ziyu has repeatedly taught several disciples.

Now it seems that Bo Xun did this quite well....

"In addition to the Iron Legion, the other nine legions also have their own growth....Moreover, that little guy Bo Xun even personally formed a legion that belongs to him - the Six Desire Demon Guards...Rule the roost with secrecy and destabilizing people's hearts..."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu also had a rough understanding of the current military strength of Demon Court.

Compared to a hundred years ago...Not much has improved a hundred times or even a thousand times.

And this is the Demon Court that has completely transformed after digesting its foundation.

The Western Star Territory is also the well-deserved number one force in terms of military strength alone.

Any legion's attack is enough to wipe out the second-rate forces.

Among the eleven legions, the top three legions can take action and challenge the first-rate forces head-on. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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