The divine weapon bred with the will of the void is the divine weapon of the void

"In this way, it means that even the Will of the Void recognizes my strength..."

With a chuckle, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth rose a little. The purple flying knife in his hand had complicated patterns, and it was like a butterfly dancing on the fingertips, with an indescribable agility.

However, if you look carefully, wherever the purple flying knife passes, the space is torn apart, revealing a black trace....I'm afraid everyone's heart will tremble.

The flying knife in the void ignores defense and can even escape into the void.

Give full play to the characteristics of the void.

If one is not careful, even a strong man who is also the master will be killed by this flying knife.

And this can be said to be Yu Ziyu's decisive blow.

But now...A flying knife has not yet been launched. It needs Yu Ziyu to refine it and then sacrifice it with blood.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"Let's go..."

"boss...Let's go?"

The sudden inquiry was made by the invisible Emperor of the Void. This figure hidden in the mist took the initiative to speak.

Now, the original sin has been established. For convenience, Yu Ziyu also ordered everyone to call themselves brothers....

And he is naturally called 'Boss'’

"Go to the stars...Then find a few forces to play around with..."

There was a chuckle, but there was a cold look in the depths of Yu Ziyu's eyes. original sin...How could he succeed if he didn't kill the monkeys?

And the 'chicken' he chose was naturally the force that rushed to the depths of the void some time ago.

"Trolls, dwarves...And Buddhism..."

The faint voice echoed in the void, but it made people shudder....

At this time, the starry sky, Beida Star Territory, a remote star territory, a corner.

The wailing sounds continued, and there were even wailing sounds like ghosts, resounding throughout the entire planet.

Looking for the sound, countless large, human-like creatures were actually formed in circles, as if they were dancing.

This is the troll family...Their dance is the ancient sacrifice of their clan.

And the reason why...It's because the troll king of their clan went deep into the void, and then...The mark symbolizing the signal of life dimmed.

In other words, their current troll king died in the void.

And this news also caused the entire troll clan to be shrouded in sadness. Each of the elders organized an ancient sacrificial dance just to honor the deceased clan leader....

"Gulu la la la hoo..."

"Gulu la la la hoo..."...

One after another, the trolls were dancing on the plains, holding long necklaces with skulls hanging on their necks.

At first glance, it seems absurd and unparalleled, but also kind of shocking.

The troll clan is not strong...

At least it doesn't rank high among all races.

However, this race has a powerful body and a terrifying racial talent - violent...And he is extremely good at throwing weapons... but, this is not terrible.

The really scary thing is...A race that specializes in voodoo...A terrifying toxin that even fifth-level life forms and even sixth-level life forms cannot resist....

Because of this terrifying voodoo, the troll clan once rose to the point where it was even enough to compete with the elves....

But it's a pity...Voodoo is a foreign object after all...Even if there are geniuses from the troll clan who turn voodoo into a part of their own cultivation...It is difficult to change the fact that voodoo is an external object.

It can only attack, but it cannot promote the essence or even the level of life....This is the definition of 'foreign object'.

As a foreign object... naturally there are ways to fight against it.

As for this, there are still records in the inheritance of the elves.

There is even a volume called 'Voodoo Antidote'.......

But at this moment, what none of the powerful trolls noticed was that in the sky above them, at a high altitude that was difficult to see with the naked eye, there were already seven figures standing quietly....

"The troll clan has five largest tribes, namely the forest troll tribe, the jungle troll tribe, the frost troll tribe, and the sand troll tribe....

After the introduction, Yu Ziyu also briefly explained what he knew....


Amid laughter like a silver bell, the fallen angel Avril also joked:

"It’s really interesting. Other races are in Star Wars, but the Trolls are still in primitive tribes...."


There was a moment of silence, and Yu Ziyu was also silent.

It seems, indeed.

Except for a few strong ones who can set foot in the starry sky, the trolls also hunt on the planet all day long....

There is really no difference between them and primitive tribes.

However, this is also good...

At least such a race has a lot of value that can be developed.

Moreover, when Yu Ziyu came to this planet, he had already noticed the great aura of this planet, and estimated that it had given birth to many treasures of heaven and earth....

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also ordered:

"Act according to the plan, each of you will conquer a powerful tribe, leaving traces of the void....The last one is looking for treasures of heaven and earth...and Yun inheritance..."

"Yes, boss..."

In the chorus of responses, six humanoid figures stepped out in one step


With a roar, the clear sky shook.

Out of the time and space where Yu Ziyu is...The terrifying breath of void in their bodies could no longer be concealed.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Thick dark clouds gathered from all directions, and heavy pressure pressed hard on the entire planet.

What's even more terrifying is...Wiping the deep purple meaning also spreads.

And that is a sign that the void is coming...

"What's this?"

"I smell something ominous..."

One after another, the expressions of countless elders of the troll clan changed drastically.

However, at this moment, a troll elder who seemed to have a lot of experience seemed to have reacted, and his face suddenly turned pale.

"This is..."

"This is...void..."

In the extremely horrified voice, the elder of the troll clan saw that at some point, purple had filled the sky and the earth.

The deep purple meaning tore apart the space and swallowed everything.

Yes, devour...

The power from the void seems to be dragging the entire planet deeper into the void.

And this is the real terror of the void..._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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