The old monk, known as the 'Buddha in the palm of his hand', is the only half-step master of the Buddhist world.

He is also the master of the Imperial Army's Great Thunder Sound Temple.

The Buddhist Saint Son is his personal disciple.

However, he never thought that if he let his disciples go out to practice, they would suffer death.


With a sigh, the figure hovering in the illusory Buddhist kingdom also slowly put on a cassock.

The cassock is hazy and the Buddha's light is flashing.

The old monk is all adorned with treasures.

At first glance, it seems like the reincarnation of the ancient Buddha, which makes people feel humiliated.

"I'd like to see...Dare you deceive me about Buddhism?"

With a murmur, this old monk also walked towards the center of the Buddhist world.

And not long after that...

The center of the Buddhist world, above the treasure hall deep in Daleiyin Temple...Ancient monks were sitting cross-legged one after another, including Arhats.

"Senior brother...The Holy Son died..."

In the dry voice, countless monks looked at a figure sitting high in the hall.

This is the 'Buddha Kingdom in the Palm', the Buddha's name is 'Three Precepts'’


Nodding slightly, the kind-faced ancient monk also indicated that he knew.

Then, he raised his eyes, looked up into the sky, and said:

"Master, do you know...The reason for my disciple’s death?"


There was a moment of silence, and the whole hall fell into silence.

However, not long after, a faint voice suddenly echoed in the hall:

"I encountered a formidable enemy, and it was an unimaginably formidable enemy. Even the projection of the Imperial Soldier I lowered was shattered...."

Saying this, the weapon spirit of the Imperial Soldier's Great Thunder Sound Temple also sighed.

He also valued this Buddhist saint very highly.

Born sacred, with a clear Taoist mind, and a profound true teaching of Buddhism, such a disciple is actually lost in the experience.

It's a pity

"Master, this great enemy is..."

Suddenly asking, the figure sitting cross-legged in the main hall also condensed his voice.

However, what was shocking was that the tone of this old monk, who had always been gentle and soft-spoken, actually had an indescribable coldness in his tone.

Buddhism cultivates the mind, but it does not mean that one has a pure mind and few desires.

On the contrary, Buddhism is more controversial.

It’s just that we’re not fighting for mundane things.


With a sigh, the face of the weapon spirit of the Imperial Army's Great Thunder Sound Temple also gained a touch of complexity.

It is truly terrifying that such monsters were born in the void.

Thinking of this, the weapon spirit of the Imperial Army's Great Thunder Sound Temple said:

"Deep in the void, a master has been born...What's more, he seems to be in charge of time...Even my projection is powerless in front of him..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole place fell into silence.

There was only a look of dismay on the faces of the monks one after another.

Moreover, I don’t know if it was an illusion, but beads of sweat overflowed from the foreheads of some monks.

At the same time, the speed of turning the beads has accelerated a lot. dominate?

Moreover, is it still suspected to be the master of the void that controls time?

Are you kidding me?

Is this kind of monster really possible in today's era?

An ordinary void master just appears.

But a master of the void who controls time can cost lives.

At least, such a Void Master is worthy of more than ten ordinary Void Masters, or even more exaggerated....

As for whether anyone doubts the authenticity of this statement?

If it comes from other people's mouth, they may be suspicious.

But from what the imperial soldiers said, no one doubted it.

Just because this is the imperial weapon, the most sacred and terrifying, and it is the foundation of Buddhism


Listening to what Emperor Bingruo said, the old monk who was known as the 'Buddha Kingdom in the Palm' also took a deep breath, and his eyelids couldn't stop beating.

"My disciple...Not defeated..."

Between a sigh...The old man also chose to enter meditation.

However, at this time, if you look carefully, you will definitely find that the countless Buddhist kingdoms hovering around this old monk are becoming more and more hazy, and their momentum is becoming more and more terrifying....

I don’t know how long it took...The entire hall became quieter and quieter.

The silence was suffocating.

One after another, the monks entered meditation, making the place seem frozen.

However, at this moment...As if he thought of something, a voice suddenly echoed in the hall.

"Under the starry sky, is there anyone who can deal with such a void master?..."

"Maybe, maybe not..."

In response, a handsome-looking monk also said bluntly:

"Now under the starry sky, the Demon Emperor, who is known as the"No. 1 in the starry sky", has turned seven bodies and has combat power comparable to that of the Lord....It should be capable of fighting..."

"okay, I get it..."

In the faint response, Sanjie closed his eyes, and his expression returned to its original calmness.

I don’t know what I’m thinking about.......

But at this time, in the deepest part of the void, Yu Ziyu, who had already killed the Buddhist Holy Son, touched the body of the Buddhist Holy Son into a space with his right hand.

Sixth level, and a body at the peak of sixth level...It can definitely be called 'extraordinary'.

And this Buddhist holy son has also cultivated his physical body. This body alone is probably comparable to ordinary sixth-order giants.

So if you can...It's not bad to be someone else's body.

And this 'other' naturally refers to void creatures.

Void creatures feed on all races and can also parasitize all races.

If we find a good void creature and combine it with the body of a Buddhist saint, it may be enough to create an extremely terrifying sixth-order giant.

And this is Yu Ziyu's preparation for the 'Original Sin Project'.

As for the Original Sin Project...

As she smiled in her heart, Yu Ziyu also slightly raised the corners of her mouth.

"Conquer enough sixth-level void emperors, and then order them all to walk in the starry sky in human form....He even calls himself 'original sin'’...In this way, all the races in the starry sky will realize the unity and order of the high-level combat power of the Void clan....This will give rise to fear..."

"Original Sin, standing on the top of the void, walking in the starry sky in the shape of a woman, is the ultimate existence among void creatures...."

Whispering one after another, Yu Ziyu has already constructed the 'Original Sin of the Void' that will be heard throughout all races in the future....

For a being like him, even a single thought is extremely terrifying.... like now...The original sin plan he had in mind would have a profound impact on the future Void Clan....As for the Xingwan Clan, there is no need to say more.

The more unified and perfect the Void Clan is, the more trouble the Starry Sky Clan will have...

And now, Yu Ziyu's original sin plan is to unify the high-level combat power of the Void Clan to a certain extent....Establish an order unique to the void...

If we say that Yu Ziyu used to live under order.

So now he has reached the level of 'establishing order'.

Moreover, it is not a one-place-one-country order....The order of the most vast and boundless void land..._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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