The grace of enlightenment is greater than heaven...

If anyone dares to stop him, Yu Ziyu will not mind laying down millions of corpses and slaying gods and demons....

And all this is because Yu Ziyu now has the confidence...

The physical body has turned seven times, and his body will soon carry the supreme sea of ​​chaos and set foot on the dominator..


Suddenly laughing, Yu Ziyu is truly passionate...

Now, it's time to go through the tribulation.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also slowly dispersed the storm body brought by the Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings, and then turned into a human form


There was a roar, and under the sea of ​​chaos, only a figure in white clothes stood leisurely.

And on his shoulder, there is a spiritual flower exuding colorful danxia, ​​graceful and graceful....

"Cai'er, I'll take you to overcome the disaster."

With a raised corner of his mouth, Yu Ziyu stepped up and walked towards the land of void beyond the nine realms. The boundless void is the holy land for overcoming tribulations.

Here, there are all kinds of weird and ever-changing things, even the power of the domination realm is taboo.

Not to mention, most of today's giants have reached the sixth level of extraordinary cultivation...

Therefore, there is no such thing as the last interruption....

As for why we went through the tribulation under the stars last time?...Naturally, when Yu Ziyu broke through, the catastrophe was already locked...It’s too late to escape to the void...

In this way, he was besieged by several imperial soldiers....

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but laugh....

"One time is enough. This second time, you come and stop me from trying... By the way, there is another prerequisite....It is you who can step into the void and find my place of salvation..."

While sneering, Yu Ziyu didn't care much.

Now Yu Ziyu is fearless.

Even if several pieces of imperial weapons are flying through the air, he can still blow them up with his bare hands.... this is him...Now under the sky, the veritable strongest man... certainly...It's better to find his place of salvation...

After all, his relationship with the Void Clan cannot be exposed.

Void is the public enemy of all races...

If the true relationship between Yu Ziyu and the Void Clan is exposed, the consequences can be imagined.

At least Yaoting will become the target of public criticism.

At that time, Yu Ziyu was able to protect himself, but it was difficult to keep the Demon Court....


It's better not to find anything...

If someone really finds something...Then if he can leave the void alive, it’s his ability...

And not long after...


In the sudden roar, Yu Ziyu's figure had arrived in the boundless void.

Above the head, the power of law continued to surge, and the sea of ​​chaos turned into a huge whirlpool that swept the entire void.

And deep in that whirlpool...Thunder after thunder flashed... and around Yu Ziyu...A purple ocean, rolling up waves.

The power of the void in the deepest part of the void is like substance...It looks like waves and clouds.

However, I don’t know if this place is too scary.

There is actually no living being.

No, to be more precise, there is a living body.

Slowly raising his eyes, Yu Ziyu narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the endless, yet terrifying life form lingering in the depths of the void - the Sky-Bearing Purple Dragon.

After a hundred years of growth, there has finally been some improvement.

Today's Tongtian Purple Dragon's body alone is enough to traverse an asteroid belt.

It's like a giant city, covering the entire void here.

And now, Yu Ziyu's place of overcoming the tribulation is in the center where the purple dragon is entrenched in the sky.

Looking around, all the way to the end is the body of the purple dragon in the sky....

The purple dragon scales glow with a faint light, and each dragon scale is as huge as a mountain.

A pair of purple dragon eyes that seem to be open but not open, also showing a restrained charm...

"Tsk tsk, it’s growing better than I thought...."

With a sigh in her heart, Yu Ziyu looked at the purple dragon as if looking at a masterpiece of the Creator.

This is his second body.

More powerful than he imagined.

Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that this body is still growing at a speed visible to the naked eye....

Yes, grow.

In just a hundred years, the body size has more than tripled.

And its intensity has been increased twice....

This growth rate is simply appalling.

After all, most life masters grow more slowly the more they practice...

But Tongtian Purple Dragon is different. Even if it is sleeping, it will become stronger.

Moreover, the speed of becoming stronger is faster than that of other hard-working cultivators....

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also raised the corner of his mouth....

"If you can't even match the growth rate of my sky-reaching purple dragon body, how can you compare with my true body?..."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyes and looked above his head, where the increasingly terrifying thunder calamity gathered....

This is the calamity of his master.

Once he survives this calamity, he will become a truly extraordinary seventh-level master.......

"Then go through the tribulation."

With a chuckle, white clothes fluttered, but Yu Ziyu jumped up and shot towards the depths of the sea of ​​chaos....

As for whether someone will come to stop the disaster, Yu Ziyu doesn't care....

Gods come to kill gods, Buddhas come to kill Buddhas...

He wanted to see who dared to look for thunder and rush towards the depths of the void.......


There was a loud noise, and the entire void was shaken.

He raised his eyes and looked up, and at some point, a long white thunder surged down from the deepest part of the whirlpool.


Like a dragon's roar, the ten-thousand-foot thunder turned into a silver thunder dragon, and fiercely pounced on a white-clothed figure under the sea of ​​chaos.

It's just shocking...Facing such a thunderstorm, that figure looked calm and calm, as if he didn't care.

"If my body did not have the seventh revolution, how much would I be afraid of you?..."

"But now..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu looked at the thunder dragon coming towards him with a smile.


Accompanied by an earth-shaking loud noise, this white figure was completely submerged in the boundless thunder.

"Click, click...

Lightning flashed, thunder raged, and the void was submerged in the sea of ​​thunder.

However, in such a terrifying sea of ​​thunder, there was the sound of footsteps...


Light footsteps sounded in the void...

Looking for the sound, a figure in white walked out from the depths of the thunder sea.

Still as before, the wind is calm and the clouds are light.

Even her skin was as crystal clear as jade, as delicate as a woman's.


Really unscathed.

Even Yu Ziyu's eyes were as calm as ever.

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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