"In order to cultivate these two ghost emperors, you emptied half of the ghost clan's heritage?"

The corner of her mouth twitched slightly, and Yu Ziyu was helpless.

With only half of his family's background, he could only cultivate two extraordinary sixth-level ghost emperors....It is really difficult to cultivate this sixth level strong man.

What is worth mentioning here is that the ghost race is a race that ranks high among all races.

However, a hundred years ago, when Yu Ziyu's body was in its seventh turn, a sixth-level extraordinary giant from the Ghost Clan joined forces with the Hades Emperor from the Nether Clan to attack Yu Ziyu.

So...The whole ghost is in bad luck.

Until now, the remaining ghost clan has a lot of resentment towards that giant of the ghost clan.

As for Demon Court...It's so strong that it makes them despair, so how can they dare to resent it?

The Nine-Tails alone, leading the legion, had swept away the entire ghost clan.

And this ghost tribe is also knowledgeable.

Seeing that the Demon Court was too terrifying, he actually surrendered and then joined Emperor Ji Ling'er... like this...Half of the ghost clan's background also fell into Ling'er's hands... and borrowedIt took Ling'er a hundred years to cultivate two extraordinary sixth-level ghost emperors.

"Yin, Yin, Yin...

"Hiss, hiss, hiss...."

With two neighing sounds in succession, the dragon and the snake actually rolled up a vast tornado, covering Emperor Ji Ling'er.

And all this is because these two little guys who are still weak in intelligence feel the great terror, and out of instinct, they defend themselves....

"You guys...Why can’t I bear the Master’s gaze?..."

With a complaint, Di Ji Ling'er's face turned red.

Fortunately, she had praised these two ghost emperors in front of her master before.

But now...

"Ha ha..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu shook her head helplessly, and immediately withdrew her gaze.

Sure enough, the perception of soul-like creatures is very terrifying.

I actually felt the threat in his eyes....

However, it is also normal.

Now, with his eyes focused for the first time, if Yu Ziyu deliberately looks at a strong person,...The pressure in his eyes is really not something that ordinary strong men can bear.

That is to say, Jiuwei, Di Ji Ling'er and Yu Ziyu are too familiar with each other.

I haven't noticed the real horror of Yu Ziyu now.

If it had been anyone else, I would have shed a cold sweat.

And this is the current Yu Ziyu. In terms of combat power alone, he is a terrifying existence that rivals the Triple Master.......

However, at this time, as if thinking of something, Yu Ziyu also took the initiative and said:

"How about Bull Demon, White Tiger and the others?

After asking, Yu Ziyu was also curious about the other little guys....

His time is limited, so it is naturally impossible to take a look at it. so...Asking what is naturally necessary

"Bull Demon, still in seclusion...White Tiger, that guy is crazy. He is probably still driving around in Storm Valley...."

"Xiao Shi...Still fighting for the bloodline of the Purgatory Thunder Dragon...Now he is in the late sixth level of cultivation..."

"As for the red lotus platypus, it has been sitting on the volcano for decades....."...

Narrating one after another, Kyuubi also briefly introduced everyone's situation.

However, to Yu Ziyu's expectation, among the ten great beasts, there are now seven who have stepped into the sixth level of extraordinary and become eternal giants.

The eldest sister is Nine Tails, the fourth is Emperor Crocodile, the fifth is Golden Ant, the sixth is Thorns, the seventh is Kui Zhou, the ninth is Iron-eating Beast, and the youngest is Thunder Dragon....

But now, only Niu Mo, Bai Hu, and Laoba Glacier have not set foot on the sixth level.

"Niu Mo and Bing Glacier are both late-stage masters. It’s not surprising that they haven’t reached the sixth level yet....But the third white tiger..."

Speaking softly, Yu Ziyu's eyes couldn't stop twinkling.

The third white tiger has not stepped into the sixth level, but it is a bit strange.

After all, Bai Hu has a unique bloodline and has already become a giant....Logically speaking, it should only be a matter of time before reaching the sixth level....


Amidst some doubts, Yu Ziyu heard Di Ji Ling'er explain:

"Master, this time I don’t blame the third child....Over the past hundred years, he has been diligent in cultivation. Although he is occasionally unsteady, most of the time, he is concentrating on retreating...."

"It's just that... he seems to have taken a different path and found a path that is unique to him... so that he has been unable to break through....According to him, when there is no breakthrough yet,..."...

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu was also startled.

"Is that so?..."

While muttering, Yu Ziyu was also a little curious.

Can this guy find another path and walk his own path?

This is not because Yu Ziyu underestimated Bai Hu.

It's Bai Hu, who doesn't have a restless temper....How could he waste time and effort on his own path?...

"Forget it, I don’t think about it anymore, I’ll go take a look when I get a chance..."

With a chuckle and a shake of the head, Yu Ziyu no longer thought about it... Seeing is believing.

He wanted to see how Bai Hu found another way...

And now...Not the time to bet on the white tiger...What is more important to Yu Ziyu is self-cultivation.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu's eyes also condensed.


The sudden roar shook the heaven and the earth.

Looking up, behind Yu Ziyu there was a huge clock that covered the sky and the sun....

The clock is illusory and bears the traces of time.

However, it was such a clock that attracted the attention of Jiuwei and Diji.

Just because, at this time, they actually noticed...The surrounding scene continued to blur, as if it were unreal.

Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that even the surrounding space is affected and begins to change continuously.

"Master, what is this?"

In astonishment, Jiuwei was also stunned.

The reason for this was just because she saw that a maple leaf under her feet was originally as red as blood....But it changes at a speed visible to the naked eye, until it turns into withered leaves and completely disappears between heaven and earth....

"time and space..."

With a murmur, Yu Ziyu also explained:

"I imprisoned this space, and then accelerated time.."

"Therefore, the flow of time in this space will be much faster than you realize..."

"And now, what you have to do is practice here... I want to see if your practice can get twice the result with half the effort when time is accelerating like this...."...

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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