At a glance, behind Yu Ziyu, I can actually find an illusory clock as vast as a planet.

And the space in which it is located is even more unpredictable and strange.

These are the 'Eye of Time' and the 'Eye of Space'.

The vision alone was extremely shocking.

However, if the Eyes of Time and the Eyes of Space do not merge for a day, it will be difficult for Yu Ziyu to truly shoulder the supreme law of time and space.’...

This is, indeed, a rather 'sad' thing.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Yu Ziyu's ears:

"Now that you've woken up, let's walk around. It's hard to achieve anything if you just stay in seclusion...."

Listening to the words of the Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings, Yu Ziyu was also thoughtful.


After sighing for a long time, Yu Ziyu also chose to leave the seclusion... or she still had to walk around. See...

Otherwise, if this continues, let alone a hundred years, even if he is given another thousand or even ten thousand years to retreat, it will be difficult for him to bear the"Supreme Law of Space and Time"’...

And this is what it should be.

If the supreme law is so easy to bear, it will not make countless geniuses bow to it. supreme, supreme...


Even for Tianjiao, it is something that is expected but unreachable...

Fortunately, Yu Ziyu has an evolutionary point and can selectively achieve enlightenment.

What's more important is that Yu Ziyu has countless opportunities, and it turns out that based on the laws of time and the laws of space, each of them has entered the door....

And this is the real horror...

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu was entrenched in the small world of fog, which was the body deep in the tree world. It was also slowly twisting and shrinking.

After just a short while, a slender figure appeared on the ground.

The moonlight turned into a white coat and fell.

As his eyes flashed, a pair of divine eyes also shone brightly.

And between his eyebrows, there was even a trace of blood.

This is the Eye of Heaven, which carries Yu Ziyu’s great power to reach the nine realms of heaven. And Yu Ziyu’s Divine Eye carries the two superior laws of time and space.


With one step forward, the space where Yu Ziyu was was turned upside down.

In just a moment, Yu Ziyu's figure left the tree world and came to the small world of flames....

And this is not speed.

It's just a use of space.

If you look at Yu Ziyu's right eye at this time, you will definitely be able to see that the diamond-shaped crystal in the deepest part of the eye is flickering slightly, with a flash of brilliance passing by....

【Eyes of the Sky - The eyes that control space flicker, and the space is turned upside down.

Special ability:

Escape - can make oneself escape into space, silently, like a fish entering the sea, or like an eagle spreading its wings and flying high into the sky....

Teleportation - in one thought, in an instant, the greater the consumption of spiritual power, the farther the teleportation distance.

The realm of space—infinitely extending one’s own space...What seems like a distance of ten meters is actually tens of millions of meters apart...

No distance - ignores distance, attacks can fall far away in an instant......】

Quietly staring at the attribute panel, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but marvel.

This is the Eye of the Sky, an extremely terrifying divine eye.

Its horror lies not in itself, but in Yu Ziyu's use.

If used properly, Yu Ziyu's methods will exceed everyone's imagination...

And if this is combined with the 'Eye of Time' to control time... tsk tsk, even Yu Ziyu can't imagine it....

However, one thing is for sure...If Yu Ziyu can perfectly use the Eye of Sky and the Eye of Time, there will be no one with the most bizarre methods under the starry sky than Yu Ziyu.

After all, time and space are both mysterious.

And it’s even more unpredictable.

Ordinary people can't notice it.

And a strong person, even if he notices it, can't resist it.

To use the words of others, 'When you meet a strong person who is good at space, you don't even know where the enemy is?’

‘When you meet a strong person who is good at time, you don’t even know when you will die?’

‘And meeting a strong person who is good at both...Well, just wait for death, Daluo is hard to save...

This is no lie.

This is because Yu Ziyu, who is gradually mastering time and space, deeply understands how terrifying these two laws are.

Just like now, Yu Ziyu's appearance has been completely frozen by focusing on the Eyes of Time. His immortal face and immortal youth...It's that simple for him.

And condensed the eyes of the sky...Not to mention other things, just ordinary formations, how difficult is it to trap Yu Ziyu?...

However, Yu Ziyu didn't care about this.

With the sacred sixteen wings of the imperial weapon, no one in the sky or on earth can stop him....

This additional ability of Eye of the Sky can only be said to be the icing on the cake for Yu Ziyu..

"Yes, it's better than nothing. Besides, the imperial weapon is just a weapon after all...."

Feeling comforted in her heart, Yu Ziyu also suppressed her thoughts and walked towards a deep valley not far away.

Over there...The fallen leaves of the fourth-level maple spirit turned into red butterflies all over the sky, fluttering in the wind.

Walking forward, the fallen leaves rustle...

One after another, fiery red spiritual energy vortexes rise from time to time.

The entire deep valley has a color unique to flames.

Maple Valley is also the retreat of Kyuubi.

But now, Yu Ziyu came uninvited...

"Ha ha..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also cupped his hands and said:

"I'm here, Yu Ziyu, please forgive me for coming here uninvited...."

The laughter was loud, the sound shook thousands of miles, startling countless fire butterflies, and even caused hundreds of birds to take flight.

However, just such a sound made the two figures in the deepest part of Maple Valley suddenly startled....

Yu Ziyu...What a long name.

For so long, all the creatures in the Nine Realms, as well as the Demon Court now, have forgotten this name.

Everyone in the world knows the 'Lord of the Demon Court', everyone knows the Sacred Tree, and everyone knows the 'Demon King'.

However, how many people know that the name Yu Ziyu is the name of the Demon Emperor?

However, even if everyone forgets, there are two people who will never forget


"Owner...You come out of seclusion..."

Two consecutive exclamations shocked the entire Maple Valley.

The moment the maple leaves rolled up all over the sky, two fiery red streams of light unexpectedly struck.

The first one is naturally the Lord of Maple Valley, Nine Tails.

The other one came to Jiuwei to discuss the changes in the Nine Realms....

And Yu Ziyu came here precisely because he knew that Jiuwei and Di Ji Ling'er were gathering.

"It's rare to wake up, come out and take a look..."

With a smile at the corner of his mouth, like a gentle and elegant young master, Yu Ziyu also looked at the two approaching figures with a smile.

Long time no see, I miss you very much. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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