However, without Qinglong, there will obviously be some problems with the transformation of the Nine Realms.

The former Qinglong was the Heavenly Way of the Nine Realms, controlling the movement of the Nine Realms.

Its existence is equivalent to the core of the Nine Realms.

And green...Although there are endless auras gushing out, these auras are scattered in their own places....It is neither structured nor regular.

To a certain extent, a lot was wasted...

Therefore, at this time, the importance of the origin spirit is reflected

"I am the spirit of ice, I return today...World, listen to my call..."

With a scream, Ji Bing's small world shook violently.

Immediately afterwards, a ray of ice-blue light shot from the end of the small world.

Like wings transformed from frost and snow, they spread across the sky.

A storm of ice and snow swirled beneath him.

And she, Bingxue...The life nurtured in this small world of extreme ice will eventually return

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Accompanied by a terrifying roar, she was like an aurora, pulling across the sky of the tiny ice world.An endless white wave.

And at the same time, the endless aura gushing out from the small world of Jibing seemed to be pulled by something, and actually turned into a torrent, following the figure of ice and snow, and went away.

And this is the power of the Ice Elf.

As the world's darling, she is able to channel endless auras.

Then, purposefully strengthen the entire world.

But at this time, he was not the only one

"I am the spirit of fire, I return today...World, listen to my call..."

"I am the spirit of the void, returning to my position today...World, listen to my call.."...

One after another, the nine realms shook together.

But it is the nine origin spirits, each leading the boundless aura, strengthening the nine realms.

This is a new round of transformation in the Nine Realms.

It also means that the nine small worlds are one step closer to the big world.

Visible to the naked eye, in the small world of extreme ice, a spiral ice peak rises from the ground and reaches the sky.

It can be seen again that the small world of flames, a huge volcano beyond imagination, suddenly appears in the center of the world...

Each small world is nourished by the aura, giving birth to the center of the world.’——A place where gods and demons cannot enter.

And this is not only a Jedi, but also a strange place.

It is of great benefit to practice.

What's more, some small worlds have also given birth to 'wonders'.

Like the deepest part of the small void world, the endless auras of mixed emptiness were intertwined and turned into a palm-sized lotus.

The purple lotus in the void is a flower that has never appeared in the stars.

However, just by looking at the breath, you can tell that this is a treasure.

Just because, when the purple lotus is in full bloom, it seems that the power of the void has turned into substance, spreading endlessly.

And as the petals trembled, the ripples continued to spread.

"Seventh level void treasure..."

With an exclamation, a creature living in the small world of void looked at the purple lotus flower conceived in the deepest part of the small world of void in disbelief.

Seventh level, still void attribute...

This is not a great temptation for void creatures.

If this Void Purple Lotus matures, it may be enough to help an extraordinary sixth-level void creature reach the seventh level.

And this is the terrifying thing about this purple lotus in the void.

However, feeling the breath...For this Void Purple Lotus to mature, it will not be as simple as overnight.

Even if you say less, it will take thousands of years.

And for thousands of years, a master of the void was created...Is it a loss?

That's definitely not a loss.

It can even be said that he made a lot of money....

The premise is that this Void Purple Lotus can be successfully conceived, and then there will be a Void Emperor who can perfectly refine this Void Purple Lotus.

Both are indispensable...

"Gulu, Gulu...

Swallowing saliva, taking root in the small world of the void, some of the void generals who once followed the Tongtian Purple Dragon looked like wings and one-eyed eyes, looking into the void. This slowly blooming purple lotus was also unstoppable.. only...

Looking up and looking at the slender figure hidden in the depths of the void not far away from the purple lotus in the void, they couldn't help but remain silent one after another.

The void origin elves are the most terrifying among the nine origin elves.

The skin was crystal clear, but glowing with purple light.

The deep eyes were as bright as purple stones, and the long purple hair that poured down like a waterfall was even more dazzling.

However...Just such a girl has stopped countless void creatures.

That kind of aura, which is far superior to the void creatures, makes people feel heartfelt.

"This is the gift I prepared to give to the master..."

A chuckle seemed to be in response, but the Void Elf chose to sit cross-legged and quietly guard the purple lotus in the void.

If the master cannot come out of seclusion for a day, she will wait for him for a day...

The master has been in seclusion for a hundred years, and she will wait for a hundred years....

Now, the Void Elf only hopes that when the master opens his eyes, he can see this gift that she has carefully prepared.

For this reason, she does not hesitate to spend some of her essence to make the Void Purple Lotus grow better......

At this time, not only the void elves, but also the other eight elves made similar choices.

In other words, they are the darlings of the world.

Then the master is more important to them than their parents.

Just because the nine worlds are all nurtured by the master.

In this way, it is conceivable that they are loyal to their master.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that if something happens to Yu Ziyu, their nine origin elves will probably not fare well.

Just because, the Nine Realms of Heaven and Yu Ziyu live and die together.

If something happens to Yu Ziyu, the Nine Realms of Heaven will be damaged.

And if the Nine Realms of Heaven are damaged, then their nine origin elves will not have an easy time.

Even a small number of people will have their luck greatly damaged and their realm will stop....

And this is the price they pay for their talent and reaching the sixth level in just a hundred years... the more they gain, the more they will lose.

For example, the Dragon Clan and the Phoenix Clan reach the fourth level of Extraordinary Level when they reach adulthood.

But this also means that it is much more difficult for their family to break through to the seventh level of Transcendence than other races.

And all this is just because their talents and powerful race will make their cultivation much easier.

While it is easy to practice, their understanding of practice is also lacking... and this is the so-called 'balance'’...

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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