"Master, you really have three good apprentices...."

With a murmur, the golden monkey also sighed....

His eldest disciple, the Queen of the Zerg, was someone he watched grow up. She was good in all aspects, and she had a vast army of Zerg under her command. In terms of the combat power of the army, it was not much different from the Demon Court.

As for the second disciple, although his talent is not good, he is better than his clever mind...

Now, after some experience in Hongchen, he has an indescribable charm, and even he cannot see through Bo Xun's thoughts.

As for the last little apprentice pose, it goes without saying.

Controlling the eyes of death, there is only one thread between life and death...

Its terrifying combat power is terrifying to even a sixth-level being like him.

To put it bluntly...Even if he plays all his cards, he may not be able to defeat Shiki.

From this you can imagine the horror.

However, this is exactly what the Golden Monkey wants to see.

A real force cannot be sustained by one strong person, but by two strong people.

But one generation after another...

As long as the younger generations live up to their predecessors...

I believe that it will be sooner or later for Demon Court to dominate the starry sky.

And now...

Let him take a good look at how this generation supports the entire Demon Court.

Thinking of this, the golden monkey also smiled and said:

"Laurel, for this period of time, we will not interfere."


Nodding slightly, Yue Gui also promised:

"Unless the Demon Court encounters a big crisis, I will never interfere in the affairs of the Demon Court"

"That's good...This will be a real test for Bo Xun and the others...." a chuckle...The Golden Monkey is looking forward to it...

At this moment, Bo Xun and Shi did not know that they had already been noticed by Golden Monkey and Yue Gui.

However, even if they knew, they probably wouldn't care.

After all, the entire heaven is the domain of Immortal Laurel.

As long as Yuegui thinks, she can know everything. so...In heaven, nothing can be hidden from Yue Gui's eyes.

And now...

"Step, step, step...

With footsteps one after another, Shiki was already leading Bo Xun towards a side hall of the Demon Palace.

The main hall is the palace where Yu Ziyu is.

Naturally, it is not easy for them, juniors, to set foot.

In this way, a small side hall in the Demon Palace is the place...

"In the second generation, all the ten great beasts have arrived, the three great geniuses and the four great princes are also on their way."

"There are also veteran figures such as Brother Pingtou who have also been notified....However, it’s not certain whether Brother Flathead will come or not...."

One after another, Shiki also said bluntly


After nodding, Bo Xun changed the topic and asked:

"Can you tell me about the current top ten mythical beasts, the three great geniuses, and the so-called princes?..."


In response, Shiki did not refuse.

Instead, he began to introduce them one by one.

It goes without saying that the ten sacred beasts were all personally selected by the previous generation.

Only Bai Hu did not train his descendants, so that Temporarily selected the second strongest man of their Tiger Clan, who is also the commander of the Dark Legion, the Dark Tiger.

However, this one is also the most powerful one among the top ten divine beasts of the second generation.

Just because, he Already a half-step giant, he is only one step away from the sixth level of transcendence.

Secondly, there is the eldest sister Jiuwei, the psychic white fox of the Qingqiu clan.

Bo Xun is no stranger to this one.

She has already followed Jiuwei. The eldest sister, who is always by the side of the eldest sister Kyuubi, once participated in the martial arts competition organized by the"Misty Mountain" and won the third place.

However, at that time, it was because of her mercy....

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that this psychic white fox has swallowed a strange grass from heaven and earth, and it contains extremely terrifying supernatural powers.’...

Until now, few people can see through the reality of the psychic white fox.

However, one thing is certain, that is, she is the most mysterious and unpredictable among the top ten mythical beasts of the second generation, and her strength is estimated to be no less than the Tiger of Darkness....

In addition to these two, there is another person who is worth mentioning.

That is the existence that inherited the name of the tenth divine beast, the Thunder Dragon, the son of the dragon, Chaofeng.

At the beginning, the guy who guarded the Kung Fu Pavilion in the Heavenly Secret Realm.

After joining the Demon Court, he has been working diligently and made great contributions to the Demon Court.

Therefore, after careful consideration for a long time, the Thunder Dragon chose him as his successor.

And this one is also a terrifying existence at the peak of the fifth level.

Not many people know exactly how strong it is. and besides them...The seven divine beasts are somewhat unfamiliar.

They are all from major clans, the most top-notch geniuses.

For example, the successor chosen by the Bull Demon is a green bull from the Bull clan who has attained enlightenment.

The golden ants chose the fighting god ants of the ant clan, who bear the name of 'Hercules Ant', as their successors.......

Listening quietly to Shi's introduction, Bo Xun also nodded slightly.

Fortunately, he knew seven or eight of the ten great beasts.

This is good news.

It’s just that the three great geniuses and the four great princes...

Amid some surprise, Bo Xun also asked about his doubts.

"The three geniuses should be familiar to you. They are the three geniuses headed by the Fingertip Arc Keyboard. In addition to the Fingertip Keyboard Keyboard, the other two are one is the God-Eating Rat, and the other is the Lord of Demons and Monsters, the Slippery Ghost..."

"And you, the four princes...It is an existence that has inherited the inheritance of several terrifying strong men in the Demon Court. One is the Dragon Master selected by the Ice Dragon. He is possessed by Harpos, the soul of the Flame Dragon. Although he is a human, he is also of the dragon clan....The second one is the Lord of Saturn who has inherited Qinggang's inheritance, the Earth Boy, and is also a genius who cultivates the Earth...."

One after another, Shi Shi also briefly introduced the current high-level officials of Demon Court.

Although these guys are still very immature, they are not weak when it comes to strength.

Individually, they are even stronger than the older generation.

And this is also the greatest confidence for Yu Ziyu to leave.

There is no successor like this... ps:------------Ask for customization——--------

A hundred years is a cycle, and it is also a generation where hundreds of flowers bloom in the Demon Court..._

Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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