"Heaven's Gate, open it to me..."

A roar shook the starry sky.

Visible to the naked eye, endless spiritual powers are converging in the sky above the canopy of the sacred tree.

Faintly, it turned into a huge illusory portal that seemed to support the starry sky.

That is the Gate of Heaven and the Road to Heaven.

One step, one calamity, ten deaths and no life.

For thousands of years, there have been very few geniuses who can break through the Heavenly Gate.

And there are only a handful of people who can step through the gate of heaven and even attack eternity.

And this is the realm of ascending to heaven above the Lord and under eternity.

It is for the ninth level.

The Ninefold Lord is also the legendary half-step of eternity...

For eternity, I will call you Lord and honor you....

Every Half-Step Eternal is the founder of an orthodox tradition, or the Optimus Prime of an ancient force.

Even the river of destiny will imprint their power...

They are the most dazzling existences of the era.

Like a star, you cannot look directly at it.

It’s even more indescribable...

As for true eternity, that is another level of existence.

That kind of existence...Pointing to the sky, nothing.

Even Yu Ziyu didn’t dare to think about it...

And now, in this extraordinary era, the first heavenly gate appears


A sudden roar made the stars tremble

"Swish, swish, swish...

One after another, one ray of light, one star after another, shot out a ray of light, supporting the portal that supported the starry sky.

However, I don’t know if Tongtian Shenmu is already on the verge of death.

This heavenly gate is actually unstable.

In the midst of crumbling, the light is dim

"This is Tianmen!!!"

With a loud laugh, the Tongtian Shenmu also felt the vast portal hanging high in the sky above him.

This portal is so ancient and extraordinary.

It seems to be intertwined with all kinds of laws.

But, at this moment, like After noticing something, Tongtian Shenmu's eyes also condensed slightly.

Looking for his gaze...Deep in that portal, there was a bright light shining through it.


With a roar, this bright light actually cut through time and even space, falling on the sacred tree that reaches the sky.


All kinds of branches scattered in the starry sky, and the whole body flew out upside down.

Even the breath is completely sluggish...

"The calamity of Tianmen..."

There was a sudden condensation, and Yu Ziyu's eyes became indescribably solemn.

The calamity of Tianmen is also the calamity of ascending to heaven.

Every time a portal is raised, disaster will fall.

And this disaster is all kinds of strange and different.

But it is until he overcomes his own calamity.

Like now, the light that hit the sky-reaching sacred tree turned out to be an ax blade...

However, feeling the aura of contempt for all living beings and contempt for the mortal world, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but spit out two words.


Yes, the gods.

This bright light actually has the aura of the gods......

"The ax of nature, this is the ax of nature, the innate imperial weapon that disappeared in the long river of time. It is the ax of nature of our god race...."

There was a cry of surprise, but when he saw the God-King who was always unfazed by honor and disgrace, he actually looked up to the sky and shouted.

The Ax of Nature was the most famous imperial weapon of the Protoss.

It is much more terrifying than the current Imperial Soldier's Spear of Destiny.

This is simply because this imperial weapon is the companion imperial weapon of the ancestor of the God Clan, and was conceived in chaos. And the ancestor of the God Clan used this imperial weapon to cut off the 'Tiantian Sacred Tree' of that era, causing its spiritual energy to drain away. , completely dissipated between heaven and earth.

However, such a terrifying imperial weapon was shattered in a shocking battle, and has since disappeared from the heritage of the Gods....

And how terrifying is this imperial weapon?

If it were there, the Gods might not meet their end.

It is also impossible for the God-killing clan to rise.

Just because this imperial weapon is too overbearing, so overbearing that even heaven and earth will not tolerate it...

If the God-killing clan dares to act arrogantly in front of him, I am afraid that even the racial talents will be cut off....

But now, seeing the light of this axe, even if he has a mind like a god king, his eyes can't help but flash with a sparkle.

"Our clan’s natural ax has indeed disappeared...."

With a cry of sadness, everyone in the God Clan couldn't help but feel sad.

Only true disappearance and shattering will emerge from the Tianmen.

The so-called Tianmen is a collection of those ancient existences that have passed away, and even the imprints of the imperial soldiers.

The so-called Tianmen Tribulation is a test that their imprint imposes on their descendants again and again.

Only by fighting off the ancient existences that have passed away in all the ages can we set foot on eternity.

Now, a beam of light from the Emperor's Nature Ax erupts from the Tianmen. It is natural to think that this Emperor's Nature Ax will never return....

"Ha ha..."

With a sad laugh, the God King couldn't help but feel sad.

Unexpectedly, the crusade against the Tongtian Sacred Tree would lead to such news. really...In that Tianyi battle, the ancestor of the God Clan and the accompanying imperial weapon, the Ax of Nature, were defeated. The God Clan was completely annihilated....

Compared with the gods...More powerful men from all races looked at the sacred tree that reaches the sky.


There was a roar, and the silver ax light fell, splitting the heaven-reaching sacred tree into two.

Not even a chance to react.

There wasn't even time to struggle.

All that is left is the light of the ax disappearing at the end of the starry sky...

However, at this time, if you pay attention to the Divine Tree, you will find that his vitality has been cut off, and his breath has disappeared.

The Ax of Nature, as the legendary companion imperial weapon...Especially domineering.

His tyranny is so arrogant that even heaven and earth cannot tolerate him.

In this case, if he takes his axe, even if it is just a brand, there is no way that the Heaven-reaching Sacred Tree can survive the axe. so...


With a sigh and a deep look, Yu Ziyu narrowed his eyes slightly at the Tianmen where the stars slowly disappeared.

"This is the calamity of Tianmen..."

With a murmur, Yu Ziyu's eyes also showed a hint of thinking.

As a sacred tree, the first calamity encountered by the Tongtian Divine Tree was the light of the legendary ax of nature.

If he reaches the end, will he be greeted directly by someone holding the ax of nature, the brand of the ancestor of the Gods?

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu's face became more and more complicated.

I'm afraid the catastrophe he will endure in the future will be stronger than this one....

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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