
A sudden roar bloomed at the end of the starry sky.

Looking up, he saw a figure carrying sixteen pairs of golden holy wings.

However, this figure was shrouded in holy light, and its face was a little blurry.

Moreover, I don't know if it was an illusion, but even his breath was unstable.

However, even so, countless strong men immediately recognized the identity of this strong man.

‘The angel clan, the fifth Seraphim King - Wing'.

A terrifying existence that single-handedly suppressed the Void Emperor and resisted millions of Void invasions.

And now, there is just such a figure, standing quietly at the end of the starry sky, slowly speaking:

"not long ago...There are several powerful men in heaven who have found my whereabouts and are surrounding and killing me...."


Saying this, this figure slowly raised his eyes and looked at the Seraphim, who was standing quietly in the starry sky not far away - the talkative person of the angel clan on the surface.


There was a moment of silence, and the Seraphim's face also changed.Change again and again.

Heavenly Court is actually the most powerful person in the angel clan that besieged and killed them?

Although this wing has a mysterious origin and even took away the imperial soldiers that should have belonged to him, he is a real member of the angel clan and the Optimus Prime of their angel clan.

Without him, the whole angel would be in danger.

And now

"Click, click..."

The fists were clenched again and again, as if he had made some determination, and the Seraph's face was as cold as frost.

Immediately, he took a step forward and said in a low voice:

"The members of the Heavenly Court should not exist in this world..."

The voice, so cold and emotionless, echoed in the starry sky as if the words were spoken as easily as possible.

This is Seraphim, the 'King' of the angel family.

His words represent the angel clan and the top force - the Angel Star Territory.

Just saying this, the entire starry sky fell into deathly silence.

No one spoke up, and no one dared to speak out.

What does it mean when a top force joins?

No words needed.

And now...Countless powerful men in the starry sky have already smelled the coming storm. wind and rain...Soon, the entire starry sky will no longer be as peaceful as before.


With a sigh, the Eternal Titan standing side by side with the Seraphim also stepped out.

Now he seems to have no choice.

In the entire Western Star Territory, there are five top forces on the surface.

Now, the Angel Clan and the Demon Court are united.

As for the No. 1 House under Heaven and the Elemental Clan, depending on the situation, there is no way out.

Even if they don't join forces, they will be forced to join forces. so...As the last force that has not yet chosen a camp, he, and the Titan clan behind him, must make a choice.

And, it has to be the right choice.

It goes without saying that this is the right choice.

Nowadays, the Demon Court is powerful and dominates the starry sky. He, the Eternal Titan, is not a fool.


Suddenly laughing, the Eternal Titan also said loudly:

"Heaven, I have long disliked it...There are also the elemental clan and the group of grandsons on the first floor of the world, who are doing things behind their backs all day long...."

"This time, even if Shenmu Mian is not organized, I am ready to invite you to join with the seraphs."

Reciting one after another, the Eternal Titan also turned his eyes and said to the dumbfounded heroes:

"There is no law in heaven, and hundreds of tribes attack it together..."

"What are you still hesitating about?"

The words were like thunder, suddenly exploding in everyone's hearts.

In an instant...Countless strong men's expressions changed slightly.

And now...There is no need to hesitate or dare to hesitate.

The three top forces have united, and a venerable leader who is comparable to the master has taken the lead. The general situation has been established, and there is no room for doubts by these small forces.

"I...Representing the Fenghua Star Territory and the Heavenly Snake clan, join the Fighting Sky Alliance"

"I...Baiyong Star Territory, the Giant Whale Clan, joins the Fighting Alliance..."...

One after another, countless strong men spoke out one after another.

This time, it is no longer as simple as one star field, but several star fields.

But it is a terrifying alliance that is enough to radiate most of the Western Star Territory.

Led by the three top forces of Demon Court, Angel Star Territory, and Titan God Clan, they jointly defeated the Heavenly Court Clan and their minions.

"Ha ha..."

Yu Ziyu was also satisfied with the rare laugh.

It's not a waste of his hidden trump card of 'Fifth Seraph Wings'.

Now, it's really good to use it.

At least, overtly and covertly, the angel clan is controlled.

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also exchanged a few polite words with many forces.

Then, the conversation changed and Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"This time I have successfully overcome the tribulation, thanks to all of you who came from afar..."

"After half a year...I am hosting a banquet in the Demon Court, and I hope you all will give me some advice...."

Saying this, Yu Ziyu no longer hesitated. As his spiritual power surged, his figure continued to shrink....Until it takes root again in the depths of heaven...

Having just completed a breakthrough is not conducive to high-intensity fighting.

Otherwise, with his temper, he would not give up the pursuit.

Of course, this does not mean that Yu Ziyu will end like this


"The subordinates are here."

With a response, Nine-Tails, who had already returned to heaven, rushed over.

"Order to go down and uproot the Nether Clan, the Elemental Clan, and the forces on the top floor of the world in the Galaxy Star Region...."

"Also, dispatch the army, and after I stabilize my realm, I will start preparing to conquer the major forces headed by Heavenly Court."...

Listening quietly, Jiuwei also had a serious look on his face.

"Yes, master."

In response, Kyuubi's face became even colder.

This time, the major forces almost forced the master into a desperate situation....They are not just a small revenge.

If we don’t kill their clan and cut off their inheritance,...It’s really hard to let go of the hatred in my heart.

However, at this moment, as if he thought of something, Yu Ziyu also spoke again:

"By the way, call the golden ants too..."

"Also, compile a copy of what happened in Demon Court in the past few decades and let me review it."...

Decades of seclusion have gradually made Yu Ziyu disconnected from the stars, and she does not understand many things.

To put it simply, it is derailed from the starry sky.

Not to mention anything else, Yu Ziyu could not have imagined that so many powerful people would come to him to overcome the tribulation this time.

The span between the star fields is huge, and even a sixth-level powerhouse would need a long time to cross the star fields.

And now, just half a day?

There are such strong people gathered together, what kind of joke are you kidding?

If he had known that so many strong men would arrive so quickly... Yu Ziyu's preparations would probably have gone beyond that.

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