At the edge of the misty mountains, everything is dead and the silence is suffocating.

Just because at this moment, from a distance, there is an aura that seems to come from ancient times, rushing towards my face.

Feeling this aura, not to mention ordinary mutant beasts, even the few mutant beasts deep in the Beiyu Canyon that could be called 'monsters' by humans shrank their pupils.


Standing on the top of the mountain, a big white tiger roared suddenly, and then, as if it sensed something familiar, it made an excited tiger pounce and ran towards the edge of Beiyu Canyon.


The golden monkey who just felt this breath scratched his head and ears, but for a moment, as if he had reacted, his eyes lit up.

"Fourth brother."

With a cry of surprise, the golden monkey jumped onto the armored wild boar.

"Go quickly, go quickly."

Slapping the armored wild boar, the golden monkey was very excited.

At this time, the armored wild boar also started running wildly after a brief daze. There was a mess along the way, but surprisingly, his speed was no less than big white tiger

【Wild Charge - The more you run wildly, the faster you go. Until a certain moment, you can no longer hold back your speed, and the force of the collision will reach its peak. 】

This is the special ability of the armored boar.

Used well, it can be said to be a killer weapon on the battlefield.

Not good to use...That's a death-defying style of play...

However, what is surprising is that the thing that is faster than the white tiger and the armored wild boar is actually a bolt of lightning

"Jab pull."

The silver-white electric light drew a line on the ground.‘Z’The trajectory of the glyphs was as fast as a stream of light, disappearing into the depths of the thick fog in the blink of an eye.

And if you look closely, you will see that it is a flat-headed brother with silver hair and a white cloak.

As a guy who fought against the Emperor Crocodile, he was very familiar with the Emperor Crocodile's aura.

However, this time, he actually noticed that the aura of Emperor Crocodile was becoming more and more terrifying, and at the same time, he actually had a hint of weakness, as if he was injured.


With an anxious growl, its silver-white hair actually gushed out with even denser silver-white electric light.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a ball of light intertwined with silver and white lightning......

"Won't you go?"

Looking at the black old cow still lying under the body, Yu Ziyu also said calmly:

"It would be nice to have them there."

As he said that, Niu Mo also took a deep look at the direction in which Emperor Crocodile was coming, and chose to close his eyes again.

However, not long after, Niu Mo's voice sounded in Yu Ziyu's heart again:

"Lord Divine Tree, the fourth child is injured.


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also sighed.

"This guy attracted the attention of humans when he broke through and was sniped on a large scale. Although Peregrine Falcon and the others provided timely support, they still suffered a lot of injuries."

The words fell,

""Moo" let out a long roar, and the thick fog retreated. The Bull Demon slowly propped up his body, and a pair of bright eyes flashed with a rare coldness.


The cold voice echoed in the air, making the entire Beiyu Canyon feel cold.

However, at this moment,

"Step, step, step..."

From the depths of the thick fog, a palm-high figure walked out.

It is an upright walking creature with scythe-like arms.

The whole body is covered with gold, like wearing golden armor, very domineering.

Looking carefully, it turned out to be an ant.

But compared to ants, it is undoubtedly much more handsome, especially its extremely cold face. Even Yu Ziyu had to praise it,"It's really not an ordinary good-looking person."’

"Master, is that fourth brother?"

Turn around and glanced at the sky, the ant spoke human words.


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also smiled and said:

"The fourth child is Emperor Crocodile, a prehistoric giant beast from ancient times."

"I see."

An inexplicable luster flashed in the depths of his eyes, and Golden Ant also changed his words and asked:

"Fourth brother, was he sniped by a human?"


In response, Yu Ziyu also looked helpless:

"In the future, it is best for your breakthroughs to be carried out in a secret cellar, where the spirit stone isolates the atmosphere and will not be captured by human spiritual power monitoring."

Having said this, Yu Ziyu raised his eyes again and took a deep look at the deep night sky.

Faintly, he felt that in the night sky, there was a 'pair of eyes' staring at them all the time.......

However, at this moment, as if he noticed something, Yu Ziyu's pupils suddenly shrank.

"He is really evil-minded."

With a cold snort, Yu Ziyu also looked at the edge of the misty mountain.

Then he slowly lifted the branch.

Then, he squeezed it hard like a human hand.

At the same time, countless mist suddenly rolled in at the edge of the misty mountain. He moved, and in a moment he pulled out a beast transformed into mist.

Then, the mist beast bit the air fiercely.


Accompanied by a very crisp sound, some sparking parts were scattered on the ground.


And it's not an ordinary drone.

It's as small as a bee, and it's even more silent. No wonder Emperor Crocodile and Peregrine Falcon were not discovered.

However, thankfully, since Yu Ziyu upgraded the 'Control of Mist' to Lv3, his mastery of the mist has reached an incredible level.

Others are fine, but there is nothing like this The man and machine will be discovered by him as soon as they pour into the thick fog. As for whether the drone will be discovered by humans if he directly damages the drone in this way, Yu Ziyu will not care too much.

He originally intended to be exposed. Now I can take this opportunity to show them the existence of the 'Mist Beast'. Anyway

, I have done everything I need to do.

For the rest of the time, Yu Ziyu doesn't mind playing with humans.

And, the most important thing is , Yu Ziyu felt the opportunity for a breakthrough again.

If nothing else happens, another of his abilities can be promoted again.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but smile. ps:-----------Request full order------------

The seventh update I promised to a book friend today, but Crimson went to the hospital. I'm very sorry, but the plan can't keep up with the change.

﹏...Crimson works hard, if it doesn't work, I'll make it up tomorrow. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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