The Pegasus stepped into the air, and when its four hooves fell, the space seemed to be shattered, revealing patterns like the cracking of a mirror.

And even as he was speeding, an increasingly terrifying power arose.

What he's good at is speed.

And run faster and faster.

And when the speed reaches a certain level, it can convert the speed into attack power.

Yes...Meteor impact is its long-famous trick.

And now

"meteor impact..."

With a low cry, this powerful man from the Pegasus clan actually turned into a meteor, dragging out a flame thousands of meters long in the starry sky.

What's even more terrifying is...The storm seemed to flatten everything.

Along the way, wherever we passed, we left a path of heaven transformed by ripples.’

"Step, step, step...

It's like stepping on people's hearts, causing many strong men to slightly change their expressions.

"Is there such a powerful person in the Pegasus clan?"

"This is a surprise. I heard that he obtained an inheritance called 'Shunshen'... This is the key to his rise."

"Tsk tsk...It's really a great opportunity..."

Everyone said something to me, but all of them turned their attention to the strong men of the Pegasus clan who were heading towards the Heaven-reaching Sacred Tree.

However, at the next moment, everyone's eyes froze.

Just because, the strong man of the Pegasus clan, who was so fierce that he seemed to turn into a shooting star, was actually castrated.

Looking up, they suddenly discovered that at some point, a branch had touched the eyebrows of this Pegasus clan.


The vicissitudes of voice echoed in the starry sky.

It seemed like a warning, but also like a threat.

And for a moment,


There was a loud noise, and the powerful man from the Pegasus clan who was coming with a menacing force actually flew out at a faster speed.

What's even more frightening is that dripping blood is already spreading out in the starry sky.

And this strong man from the Pegasus clan has a deep hole between his eyebrows that cannot be seen to the bottom.

This, that is, this strong man of the Pegasus clan has stepped into the sixth level... and his physical body is extraordinary.

Otherwise, this blow alone would be enough to kill him.

"Gulu, Gulu...

"Oh my god, is this the master?"...

The Adam's apple was bulging, and the eyes of one strong man after another were dull.

Even if it is as powerful as a dream dragon, the pupils of the colorful divine phoenix shrink slightly.

"It's really scary."

With a sigh, everyone also realized that he was the 'real master'.

However, at this time, I don't know if it was an illusion, but Yu Ziyu had many eyes on him.

"Do you want me to take action?..."

There was a chuckle, but Yu Ziyu pretended not to see it.

He has always been the one behind the scenes...How could he rush to the front line so recklessly?

Although, with his current strength, he is not afraid of the Heaven-reaching Divine Tree.

But among the powerful players in the starry sky, some of them were extremely powerful with the help of imperial soldiers.

As for such beings, if they don't take action, Yu Ziyu will not take action even if he is beaten to death.

Never give others a chance to pick peaches...

As for whether this would be a bit embarrassing, Yu Ziyu didn't care?

Can face be used as food?

Although he has only been practicing for a hundred years, he has mastered the essence of"thick-skinned".

You must know that being thick-skinned is the long-lasting king of Xingkong.

I think back then, that saint of Buddhism in the prehistoric era was the famous man-made eternity....It is because of his thick skin that he has achieved the glory of spreading Buddhism to all worlds.

As for those strong men who regard face as everything, they either die on the way to losing their face, or they stumble on the way to get it back. so...

With a wave of his right hand, Yu Ziyu actually pulled out a magnificent throne.

Then, under the somewhat astonished but strange eyes of the strong men, he slowly sat down...

"Your Majesty the Demon Emperor, what are you doing?"

Amidst the suspicion, Old Man Tianji, who was not far away from Yu Ziyu, also said with some astonishment.

"that...Starry Sky Rules, isn’t the real strong one appearing last?"

"I'm afraid you won't have a chance to perform..."


The faint voice echoed in the starry sky, but it caused the expressions of one strong man after another to change.

When they looked at each other, they both noticed their own extremely weird expressions.

Now, in this era, is there such a person who is number one in the starry sky?

To put it nicely, let other people perform.

To put it bluntly, don’t you just want to watch the fire from the other side? and...‘What the hell is the real one?

Doesn't this mean that this strong man from the Tianma clan cannot even be called a strong man?

However, after looking at the powerful Tianma clan who had defeated them, they were shocked and the corners of their eyes twitched again and again....

At present, it seems that this shocking awakening cannot really be called a strong one here.......

And at this moment, laughter like a silver bell suddenly echoed in the starry sky.

Looking for fame, he turned out to be the strongest person in the Phoenix clan. Ni Chang covered her mouth and laughed.

"The Demon King crowns him, which is quite interesting."

Speaking of this, Ni Chang changed the subject and said with some curiosity:

"My Majesty the Demon King, aren't you afraid that the world will say that you are greedy for life and afraid of death, or that you are watching the fire from the other side?"

"What does the world have to say about the Dharma?..."

With a chuckle, it was Yu Ziyu who was sitting on the throne, her white clothes fluttering, and her cuffs were flowing automatically without wind.

"Boom, boom, boom...

Amidst the roars one after another, an extremely powerful aura was pressing towards the entire starry sky.


There was a loud noise, and all the powerful people saw two invisible barriers rising up from half of the starry sky.

And just as the two barriers collided, the two auras that suffocated even the sixth-level powerhouse continued to rise.

This is a confrontation of momentum.

And this momentum is naturally the collision of the momentum of the number one person under the starry sky and the sacred tree reaching the sky.

The qi and machine are intertwined, and the fighting spirit is fierce.

Obviously the two of them didn't fight, but everyone could feel the confrontation that was dozens of times more intense than anyone else's.

If an unprepared sixth-level powerhouse were to pass by, he would probably be torn to pieces by the aura on the spot.


"this monster..."

"As expected, the first person under the starry sky."

Exclaimed one after another, countless people looked at the white-clothed figure sitting high on the throne in shock.

This is the Demon Emperor....

Just by relying on momentum alone, he can collide with the dominator-level Tongtian Divine Tree.... ps:-----------Ask for customization---------

Crimson is considered half-time...Occasionally I listen to my dad and go outside to do something..._

Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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