March passed by very quickly.

And in these three months, Shi, Yu Ziyu, the third disciple, also completed another transformation in his life.

Now, looking at her, her whole body is like jade, glowing with a different kind of crystal.

Even the long black hair floating in the air had an indescribable luster.

And this is a manifestation of the extremely rich vitality that has not yet been fully digested.

And now, after spending three months, Shiki's body has more than doubled.

Not only that, she also developed a small magical power given by Yu Ziyu - an indestructible body.

Although, it's just an introduction.

But it's also a good start.

The weakness of human beings lies in their innate physical weakness.

But now with the gifts from thousands of creatures in the small world of vitality, as well as the small magical powers given by Yu Ziyu, Shi's physique should be no less than that of ordinary races.

If she could completely digest the power of vitality, and then develop the indestructible body of a small magical power, and reach the point of returning to nature, then Shi's physique would be comparable to that of a race dominated by physical strength such as the Titans.

And this is the terrifying background of Demon Court.

It can, to a certain extent, make up for the inherent shortcomings of the Demon Court's genius.

The genius of the Demon Court is not looking at the Demon Court, but the starry sky and all the races in the starry sky.

Therefore, in all aspects, you cannot lose.

Even if it is really incomparable, it must be surpassed in other aspects.

But now, the style means that there is more than enough attack, but not enough defense.

Therefore, when it comes to creation and supernatural powers, Yu Ziyu tends to bestow some creations and supernatural powers that strengthen the body.


There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and he looked at the majestic figure not far away, as if he was integrated with the world, and a trace of obsession flashed deep in his eyes.

This is her master.

The strongest one under the stars.

Moreover, not only is his strength terrifying, but close contact can reveal his unknown and delicate side.

It's no wonder that the eldest sister Kyuubi and the fourth brother Dicrocodile all showed admiration when they mentioned their master.

The master should be the person they admire the most.

He smiled in his heart and stood up slowly.

Just because, at this time, it was time for them to leave

"Master, where should we go next?"

"Go to the small world of fire."

As soon as he raised his steps, time and space were reversed. In the blink of an eye, Yu Ziyu had arrived at the deepest part of the small world of flames.

This was a fiery red world, and even the earth was red.

Maybe it was because there was no water, there was not too much water here. More soil. More rocks.

And now, the place where Yu Ziyu and Shi are located is the Divine Weapon Valley where the iron-eating beast Laojiu refines weapons.

In this valley, there is a sixth-level top-grade spiritual weapon - the smelting furnace..

As for why Yu Ziyu brought his style here... Of course it's because...

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and Yu Ziyu's eyes were already looking at the iron-eating beast Lao Jiu not far away.

But what was worrying was that the person walking towards him turned out to be There was not just one iron-eating beast Lao Jiu.

There were four of them. He was as red as fire, and his whole body was blazing with flames. He was as yellow as earth, and his granite-like skin made him look as hard as iron.


And this is the birth talent of the iron-eating beast Lao Jiu - the three-body body, which can differentiate into three clones with different elemental attributes.

They live and die together with him. An immortal is like a great supernatural power transforming the three pure beings in one breath.

It's just a pity that the three clones of the iron-eating beast Lao Jiu cannot practice independently....

And this is also the most terrifying part of Yu Ziyu's cultivation of the great magical power of turning three pure beings into one qi.

Not only can they practice independently, but they can also strengthen each other.

They are obviously three bodies, but they are like one body.

In a true sense, one breath transforms the three pure things


In unison, the four iron-eating beasts Lao Jiu all said hello with a simple smile.


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"Prepare for a while, and then refine this girl"

"Well done, master."

Hehehe smiled, and the iron-eating beast Lao Jiu's gaze also had an indescribable weirdness.


Subconsciously he took half a step back, feeling a little uneasy.

For some reason, she felt an instinctive urge to run away at this moment.


In the midst of timid words, Shi retreated to Yu Ziyu's side and grabbed Yu Ziyu's sleeve with a small hand.

"It's fine."

Raising her hand and gently rubbing Shi Shi's hair, Yu Ziyu also said in a very gentle voice:

"Later, you go to the smelting furnace and sit down...."

Saying that, Yu Ziyu also ignored Shi's pretty face that suddenly changed slightly, and explained:

"Recently, Lao Jiu and I created a good way to refine the body, which is to refine the practitioner as a weapon....However, this method is only suitable for those who have cultivated minor magical powers and have an indestructible body...."

"And now, you have the indestructible body of Vajra, which is just suitable for you...."

As the explanations came one after another, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth curled up slightly, with an indescribable amusement.

However, at this time, he didn't say a word.

That is, if he really puts Shi into the smelting furnace, then he will wholeheartedly protect Shi.

Then, he added all the celestial grass spiritual fruits to moisturize his body....

Therefore, this method sounds cruel, but in fact, it is an extremely luxurious method of refining weapons.

Not an ordinary person can be treated like this.

That's the style...

As Yu Ziyu’s third disciple, only then can he be treated like this...

It would be difficult for another person to have such an honor, no matter how powerful he is....


There was a moment of silence, and Shi also looked not far away. He was already in the sky, and his whole body was covered with a furnace of burning flames.

The terrible heat seemed to distort the air.

The four ninth brothers sit in the east, west, north and south respectively.

One Ninth Brother breathes out blazing fire, and one Ninth Brother breathes out violent winds.......

Fanning the flames made the fire even stronger, and even broke some shackles, making the air full of illusions....

And at this moment,

"Go ahead."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu threw his entire body into the smelting furnace....

And this can be regarded as Yu Ziyu's last gift to Shi.

As for whether she will succeed or not in the future, it depends on her luck.

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