"I understand, Master..."

Suddenly a voice sounded in the hall.

Looking for reputation, Bo Xun looked firm.

"What do you understand?"

"I should go to the world, only the world can polish my way..."

With a smile on her lips, Yu Ziyu also added quietly:

"Remember to seal the cultivation base"

"Seal cultivation?"

Shocked slightly, Bo Xun also froze on the spot.

After going to the mortal world to experience, do you still need to seal your cultivation?

"Not only the cultivation level is sealed, but also some memories need to be sealed."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu's eyes were drawn to Jiuwei who he had already summoned.

"Kyuubi, put two seals on Hashun...Then throw him to Blue Star..."

"Yes, master."

With a playful smile, Jiuwei looked at Bo Xun with a strange look.

This is a bit interesting.

To seal the cultivation level, you also need to seal some memories.

Then throw it into the world and polish it....

I believe that even a strong person would be reluctant.

But this was not something Bo Xun could decide. Now the master opened his mouth.

Even if Bo Xun doesn't want to, he has no choice but to go. so...With a bitter look on his face, Bo Xun also raised his eyes and looked at the peerless enchantress walking towards him in a panic....

"eldest sister...Can you not seal it too thoroughly?...If I encounter any danger, I can break free of the seal and protect myself...."

"Blue Star, there will be no fourth-level strong men....So your powerful physical body is more than capable of protecting itself."

Hehehe smiled, but Jiuwei was not polite.

As the spiritual power surged, one after another silver-white chains poured out from the void, and then wrapped Bo Xun's whole body.

"Blah blah blah, blah blah..."

Chains move in the void...Along with this, Bo Xun's eyes gradually became filled with an indescribable confusion.

Who is he?

Where is he?

Why is he here?

After asking three questions from his soul, Bo Xun felt his body flying up uncontrollably....

"Good journey."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu waved his right hand


Just hearing a loud noise, Bo Xun's entire figure turned into a stream of light and flew towards the blue star.

"Master, would this be too cruel to your junior brother?"

A sudden voice echoed in the hall.

Looking up, it was Yu Ziyu's eldest disciple Zerg Queen Sarah who asked nervously.

"Instead of worrying about your second junior brother, it's better to worry about yourself."

The corner of her mouth curled up slightly, and Yu Ziyu also said bluntly.

"Worried about yourself?"

With a confused look on her face, Zerg Queen Sarah also blinked cutely.

"Ha ha..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also selectively ignored the innocent look on Sarah's face.

Then, he turned his eyes and looked at the Elf Queen who was waiting not far away, and said:

"Are you ready for the elemental trial I asked you to prepare for Sarah?"

"Report back to the master, it has been prepared."

In response, there was a look of gloating in the depths of the Elf Queen's eyes.

The Elemental Trial, also known as the 'Twelve Elemental Trials', is the most terrifying and desperate trial for the elemental clan.

This trial Refining is very dangerous.

Moreover, it consumes a lot of resources and financial resources.

However, if you can pass it, there are endless benefits.

And this can be regarded as the unique test for the elemental clan to create a 'genius'.

So......After plundering the elemental clan's heritage, Demon Court also accepted this trial.

After deliberation for a long time, Yu Ziyu also ordered the Elf Queen and others to prepare the highest-standard elemental trial.

The resources consumed alone are enough to create ten fifth-level powerhouses.

These trials are a gift from Yu Ziyu to his eldest disciple Sarah.

Sarah is good at mental strength.

And this is no different from the elemental family....

Thinking about it this way, it is possible to pass 'this trial'...


Listening quietly, Sarah also had a strange expression on her face.

This is the real purpose of Master calling them back.

It's fake to want to visit them, it's more about 'testing them'.

And her junior brother's experience in the world of mortals and her elemental trial are the biggest tests they are about to face....

However, at this moment, as if she thought of something, Sarah also turned her head and looked at Shiki not far away:

"Master, what test have you prepared for your little junior sister?"


With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"She is right next to me..."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu also took a deep look at Shi Shi and said with profound meaning:

"How much you can learn from following me for ten years depends on your destiny."

"Yes, Master."

In response, Shiya nodded seriously....

However, what Shi didn't notice at this moment was the envious eyes one after another around him.

Stay with the master for ten years...This is real preaching.

In other words, Shiki may become the master's true direct disciple.

And this is something neither the eldest disciple Sara nor the second disciple Bo Xun has been able to do..

However, there is no way around it.

The eldest disciple Sarah and the second disciple Bo Xun each have their own paths.

It is not suitable to follow the path of Yu Ziyu.

Moreover, Yu Ziyu's path is a hundred times more difficult than others, and it is the true path of pursuing the path.’...

Most people really don’t dare to leave.

Nowadays, the entire Demon Court is only suitable for those who are extremely pure and have amazing talents.

The simplest way to put it is that after Yu Ziyu, Shi will be the Optimus Prime of the next generation of Demon Court.

As for, can Shiki grow up?

No one knows, not even Yu Ziyu is sure.

All he can do is teach him well during these ten years....

The rest depends on the fate of the style.

If it succeeds, even if Yu Ziyu goes into seclusion in the future, with the protection of Shi, Demon Court will have no worries.

If not...If Yu Ziyu goes into seclusion in the future, it will be difficult for her to find peace....


With a sigh, Yu Ziyu looked at Shi Shi with a hint of expectation.

"Grow up well...The future of Demon Court may depend on you."

Sighing secretly in his heart, Yu Ziyu also took one step and walked out of the Demon Palace.

Now, he wants to go around the Demon Palace to see how prosperous the heaven is.

Look at Blue Star, how developed it is?

Then look at Canglan. , how now?

One step, a mountain and a sea. In the blink of an eye, Yu Ziyu has arrived at the end of the heaven. At this time, if you pay attention to Yu Ziyu, you will definitely be able to see a girl with long hair reaching her waist and wearing a black coat, following closely Around Yu Ziyu.

And this is the posture that Yu Ziyu took with him when he left.

Having said that he would keep the posture with him for ten years, Yu Ziyu would naturally not break his promise.

No matter where he goes, Yu Ziyu will take the posture with him.

Even if he goes The starry sky is the most feared 'depth of the void', and Yu Ziyu will also take it with him.

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