Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu was also curious.

It seems that this little guy is really good.

Not only that, Kyuubi, even Immortal Laurel spoke highly of her.

"As long as it is a living thing, even gods, I will kill you...."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also had something to worry about.

If this is the case, this girl can be sent to deal with the gods.

After all, the most troublesome thing about the Protoss is that they are 'indelible'.

So far, only the 'God-killing Clan' poses a strong threat to the God Clan.

As for the others, to be honest, except for the strong ones who are good at sealing, others will really have a headache when facing the gods....

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also had the intention to truly cultivate Shi and another member of Demon Court who had awakened the God-killing Bloodline God-Eating Rat.

Now, the gods are about to rise.

And Yu Zi intends to declare war with the gods...

If these two little guys are trained properly, they may become a big killer that shakes the foundation of the Protoss in the future.

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu slowly raised his eyes.

Just because, at this time, he had already felt that a strange but extremely powerful energy was emerging in the distance.

"Subordinate style, pay homage to the sacred tree..."

Before anyone arrived, a voice came from afar.

Looking for the reputation, what caught Yu Ziyu's eyes was a woman wearing a black coat, with long hair reaching her waist, and black eyes. She looked extremely heroic.

This woman has a very soft face and a graceful beauty.

However, her black eyes are so sharp and suffocating...

Just looking at it makes me breathless.

And this is Shiki, who is now known as the 'Fifth Level First Person', and is also the first generation Shenlong user.

The so-called Dragon Messenger is the 'wisher in the game of Summoning the Dragon'.

Shiki is the first generation of wish-makers, so he is called the 'first generation dragon messenger'.

The subsequent second and third generations of wish-makers are called 'second and third generation dragon envoys'.

As of now, it seems that the Dragon Envoys are likely to become the most unique lineage in the Demon Court.

However, this will take time to prove.

And now...

Looking at the girl in front of him, Yu Ziyu's eyes narrowed slightly.

【Race: Human race.

Level: Extraordinary fifth level.

Innate ability - Eyes of Death: Eyes of Death that go straight to the source and can see the boundaries between life and death in all things...Slashing along the boundary between life and death can cause indefensible and incurable damage to everything.

Life weapon: Blood Blade - a special weapon made of phoenix blood purple iron, one of the nine sacred irons. It has indelible properties. Wherever it passes, a phoenix shadow rises and the wind roars in the sky.

Special ability: One slash of life and death - life and death are just one slash. With one slash, everything will be split into two...

Cutting through the air: Able to cut through space, and then move across space like teleportation...

Cutting off illusions: Everything can be cut off, even illusory things can be cut off. Common thoughts can be cut off, and the only thing that can keep the mind still is stillness.

Cut 'Injury': Can cut off one's own injuries and negative effects.

Cutting off 'fatigue': Can cut off one's own fatigue, no longer needing to rest.

Ghost and God Skills: Her ghost-like skills make her killing picturesque....

Watching quietly, Yu Ziyu also rarely twitched the corners of his eyes.

I have to say, this guy Shiki is really outrageous.

He was able to develop his talents to such a level.

Killing the enemy is not enough?

It was actually able to cut away one's own injuries, fatigue, and even some of one's own thoughts.

This kind of development is really scary.

No wonder, when Yu Ziyu saw Shi Shi, she felt so pure and clean...

"you...very nice."

In the faint voice, Yu Ziyu did not hide his appreciation.


There was silence for a while, and then Shi slowly raised her head and looked at the Shenmu-sama she had been waiting for so long.


In the sudden shock, her eyes turned into colorful spirals uncontrollably.

Along with it, countless crack-like dark lines poured into her eyes.

Too much, too much, too much, she couldn't bear it at the first time


Amid a slight groan, two lines of blood and tears overflowed from the corners of Shi's eyes.

"I have reached the seventh reincarnation of my body, and I am comparable to a complete world. Even your eyes of death can hardly peek into me."

"So, my eyes of death are not omnipotent...."

When he responded, Shi was also a little stunned.

"In this world, everything is possible. Your eyes of death depend on your cognitive ability....Unless, one day you can understand everything...Otherwise, you will always have something that cannot be cut off..."


Nodding, Shiki also admitted.

Now, after having set foot in the starry sky for several years, she has realized how terrifying the starry sky is.

Although her eyes of death are indeed terrifying.

But in the starry sky of Nuoda, there are many beings who can rival her..

However, these existences are all hidden and rarely appear in the world.

Like the Seven Thorns of Shadow in the deepest part of Demon Court....All are level five...No matter who attacks her, she may not be able to withstand them.

What's scary about her is that she can't kill anything.

However, many times, she has the opportunity to cut it out.

Therefore, saying that she is the first person in the fifth level is just a deliberate promotion by some people.

The corner of his mouth curled up, Shiki didn't care much about these false names.

Compared with those, she cares more about...

"Lord Shenmu, can you tell me, what is the meaning of my survival?"

"What is the meaning of survival?"

Smiling, Yu Ziyu also pointed out, right up to Shi's eyebrows.


In an instant, my mind was shocked.

Immediately afterwards, countless information rushed into her mind.

The grass is growing, warblers are flying, and geese are flocking.

There are even packs of wolves running in the grassland...

Then, spring passed and autumn came, and everything changed...

Everything is like reincarnation, flowing through the years.

And this is the world...

Yes, world.

As soon as Shenmu pointed out, she seemed to be transformed into the whole world, feeling the changes in everything.

"so called survival...But it's just reincarnation"

"And you can't change anything. All you can do is...Live well..."

"Constantly chasing, chasing strength, chasing eternity...Until one day I can escape from the shackles of reincarnation...."

Yu Ziyu was also filled with emotion as he recounted one after another.

Now, he has the tenth realm and has many enlightenments.

And if these insights are placed in the starry sky, how can they not be applicable?

If the tenth realm is a cage that imprisons thousands of lives, then this vast starry sky is not an even bigger cage.

As for, living...

Yu Ziyu didn't know about the others.

But for himself, he kept getting stronger until one day he broke free from the shackles of the prison.

That is true detachment.

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