Sitting high on the throne, he looks down on all living beings like a god.

Yu Ziyu's eyes had a rare touch of warmth.

And all this is because everyone present is his confidant general


With a call, Yu Ziyu's eyes were also drawn to a figure not far away that seemed to charm all living beings.

Her charming eyes and affection made people hold their breath.

And that enchanting figure is even more captivating.

This is the human form that Nine Tails has transformed into.

It is truly overwhelming.

Ordinary people really can't resist it.

But now, under Yu Ziyu's call, this figure has stood up, stepped forward, and said:

"Subordinates are here"


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also asked directly:

"Let’s briefly talk about the situation of Demon Court in recent years."

"Yes, master."

In response, Kyuubi also said truthfully:

"Now we, the Demon Court, are marching north to conquer the elemental clan and conquer the world's number one clan in the west. Then Orochi leads an army to seize the heart of the shadow clan, the core force of the world's number one clan....As for Tian, ​​there has been no news so far."

In a simple statement, Jiuwei has already explained the general situation.

As always, just five years is not enough to complete a campaign.

The vast starry sky is no better than one country and one place.

Sometimes, just crossing the starry sky takes three to five years. Years.

What's more, such an ultra-long-distance battle across star fields.

It's just...

At this moment, as if thinking of something, Kyuubi added:

"However, the Dragon Summoning game was very successful....The first Shenlong user - Shiki is now at the peak of the fifth level...Even if you look at Demon Court, it is second to none."

Speaking of this, Jiuwei also rarely sighed:

"With this kind of fighting power, there are few enemies at the same level. Even if I am at the peak of the fifth level, I am afraid it will be difficult to match him...."

"This is a terrifying weapon that exists for attack."

It seemed like he was commenting, but also like he was praising, Kyuubi's voice was filled with an indescribable solemnity.

"You actually have such a high opinion of this little girl?..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu was also curious.

Kyuubi rarely praises others.

And now, his evaluation of a little girl is actually so high

"Tsk tsk..."

After smacking her mouth, Yu Ziyu put aside the matter of meeting this girl.

Compared to Shi, Yu Ziyu is even more looking forward to changes in many of his confidants.

Time flies, even though it is five years.

But these five years are comparable to Yu Ziyu's eighty years in seclusion.

Just because, in the past five years, Demon Court has been conquering north and south and has collected a large amount of resources.

And these resources are also of great help to Jiuwei and others.

Not mentioning Kyuubi, he was already at the sixth level of Extraordinary.

And the Thunder Dragon Xiao Shi...It is also level six now.

Slowly raising his eyes, he looked not far away. There was a man with dark lightning flashing deep in his eyes. Yu Ziyu also narrowed his eyes slightly.

【Race: Purgatory Thunder Dragon (Higher Dragon Clan)

Level: Extraordinary Sixth Level (Eternal Giant)

Native Talent: Purgatory Thunder - Thunder that is a hundred times more domineering than ordinary thunder. If it touches the enemy, not only the body, but even the soul will be destroyed. Thunder drowned...This is a terrible thunder born for destruction.... special power:...

After briefly taking a look at Xiao Shi's attributes, Yu Ziyu also secretly praised it.

As expected, the legendary high-ranking dragon.

This Purgatory Thunder was more domineering than he imagined.

Even now, when Yu Ziyu looked at it, he felt that there were countless thunderbolts as black as ink, as if they were about to split the sky and the earth, and even his soul was trembling slightly....

With such a natural talent, one can only imagine Xiao Shi’s current combat prowess.

At this moment, he seemed to notice Yu Ziyu’s appraising eyes.


Amid the sudden dragon roar, Xiao Shi chose to resume his original form.


With a roar, a pair of dragon wings that were far beyond ordinary dragons unfolded.

And this dragon wing is covered with black lightning, which flickers on and off, seeming to burn everyone.

The dragon head is black.

One after another, black lightning intertwined in the depths of Xiao Shilong's eyes.

However, the most terrifying thing was that the moment Xiao Shi's true form emerged, the air around him seemed to condense.

In the blink of an eye, black lightning as thick as a bucket was ushered in one after another.

These black lightnings, like giant pythons, spread in all directions.

If Xiao Shi hadn't suppressed him, these black lightnings would have swallowed up everything around him in an instant.

"It seems like Purgatory Thunder is hard for you to control?"

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly

‘really. Nodding

, Xiao Shi also took the initiative to explain:

"This purgatory thunder is extremely domineering, and has extremely terrifying destructive power. It can even annihilate the power of the void...."

"Even the power of the void is annihilated...."

A rare surprise, Yu Ziyu secretly marveled.

The power of the void can be regarded as the most advanced and terrifying power.

And this, Purgatory Thunder actually...

However, after thinking about it, Yu Ziyu understood.

The power of the void is also divided into levels.

The power of the void of an ordinary void emperor is naturally unable to withstand the thunder of purgatory.

But the power of the void possessed by Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body is the purest and most terrifying power of the void.

This kind of void power will not flinch even if it faces the thunder of purgatory....

At that time, it was more about competing for strength.

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu nodded with satisfaction.

He was still satisfied with Xiao Shi's growth.

In the past five years, not only has it broken through to the sixth extraordinary level, but it has also become stable.

And except for him and Kyuubi...There is another person who has also broken through to the sixth extraordinary level, and that person is the Golden Monkey....

Known as the 'Demon Master' of the Demon Court, he is the most unfathomable.

And this is unfathomable, not in terms of strength, but in other aspects.

He, like a wise man, guides Yaoting in the most correct direction step by step.

As for this one, Yu Ziyu is not surprised that he has reached the sixth level of extraordinary...

Five years ago, when he was half a giant, Yu Ziyu had already noticed signs of a breakthrough.

Now, breakthroughs are normal.

However, Yu Ziyu was also a little curious about what other tricks the Golden Monkey would have.

After all, this one...Tracing its origins, it can be traced back to the most ancient era - the Prehistoric Era.

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