After thinking for a long time, Yu Ziyu did not come to a clear conclusion.

But vaguely, the look he looked at Qingfan had an indescribable complexity.

At this time, Qing'er on the side seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly waved his hand, summoning a peregrine falcon.


There was a scream, and as the boss among the peregrine falcons, Ah Da landed on the back of Qing'er's hand.

Looking at this big-fisted but very cute peregrine falcon, Qing'er couldn't help but chuckle and said:

"Master, you have raised all these ferocious birds and turned them into a bad person."

"Changed taste, how is that possible?"

As he said that, Yu Ziyu glanced at the peregrine falcon and pretended to be vicious:

"Ah Da, show Qing'er the fierceness."

As if he understood what Yu Ziyu meant, Ada nodded fiercely.

Then, he turned his eyes and pulled Qing'er、


Along with the scream, Ah Da's wings opened, and the black and white feathers on his body stood up.

However, that fist-sized body does not look ferocious no matter how you look at it.

Instead, he curled up like a young hedgehog.

Covering her mouth, Qing'er couldn't help but laugh like a silver bell.


Dumbfounded and speechless, Yu Ziyu felt her face darken at this moment.

It’s so embarrassing.

Why is this guy so unsatisfied?

As the overlord of the air,

Not knowing what to say, Yu Ziyu could only look away and look away.

At this moment, Qing'er looked at Yu Ziyu and pursed her lips. Then she leaned over and put her head next to Peregrine Falcon's ear, as if she was saying something.

When Yu Ziyu pulled his gaze away, he saw A Da. He suddenly spread his wings and turned into a black stream of light, pulling towards the sky.

"Qing'er. What are you?..."

Before Yu Ziyu could say anything, Qing'er suddenly raised her hand to her mouth and made a silent gesture.

"Master, don’t ask, I want to give you a surprise"


After being stunned for a moment, Yu Ziyu was also a little curious. surprise?

What surprise?

Is there anything else that could surprise him now?

Full of doubts, Yu Ziyu also chose to wait quietly......

And at this moment, on the outskirts of the city not far from the misty mountains, 'Ling'er', who had been taking a nap for a while, slowly opened his eyes.

""Boom" is still the same as before, with a flash of fire in the eyes, and a head of very gorgeous red hair with strands of red crystals flowing through it.

"The owner will definitely like this gift."

As he spoke, the corners of Ling'er's mouth curved in a very nice arc.

Immediately, Ling'er grabbed a black cylinder like a bamboo tube lying on the table with one hand, and turned his whole body towards the one behind the house. Ling'er rushed towards the woods.

Ling'er was very fast, just like a dragonfly touching water. One step was a few meters away. In a few dazed efforts, Ling'er had already flown a hundred meters away.

For a ninth-level powerhouse like her, For a human being, this is a very normal speed. She is only one step away from being extraordinary. If she didn’t have such speed, how could she dodge the bullets?

Moreover, her body is also a top-level fire attribute elemental sky, which is nine levels higher than ordinary ones. I don't know how much stronger it was.

But at this moment, as if she thought of something, Ling'er suddenly opened her mental power. After repeatedly confirming that there was no one nearby, her whole body suddenly stopped.

Immediately, she took a deep breath.


As she exhaled, her gorgeous red hair slowly started to fly.

At the same time, countless red lights slowly gathered on the soles of her feet

"Red Flame Step."

With a murmur, the red light condensed at Ling'er's feet suddenly shrank, and then, with a loud bang, it exploded, bringing out gorgeous flames like fireworks.

And with this explosion, Ling'er's whole body They were all shot out like arrows leaving the string, several times faster than before.

Looking from a distance, you could see a beautiful figure like stepping on fireworks, but it disappeared in the woods in the blink of an eye, only not The dark footprints in the distance seemed to be telling something silently.

Red Flame Step - a combat skill that exists in theory.

Mutated beasts have various talents and special abilities, but as primates, even humans Awakenings only have talents, but there are very few weird abilities like that.

In this way, some experts have put forward the idea of ​​'combat skills' - using very subtle skills, supplemented by spiritual power to explode far beyond A means to multiply one's own combat power.

However, an idea is still an idea after all. It is reported that until now, most of the federation has not refined several combat techniques that can be used in actual combat.

One is that human beings have evolved relatively late, and many people have We haven't come into contact with combat skills yet, and those experts can only talk about it on paper. The second reason is that combat skills are very complicated and require high precision control of spiritual power. Fortunately

, 'Ling'er' The spiritual talent has also awakened, and her powerful spiritual power allows her to control spiritual power far beyond what ordinary people can understand.

It is precisely for this reason that Ling'er can quickly learn some combat skills that only exist in theory..

Just like Chi Yanbu, it is a prototype of a combat technique proposed by a human expert based on the principles of 'explosion' and 'recoil'.

Ling'er quickly mastered the prototype of a combat technique by this human expert. He has developed a unique combat skill of his own - the Red Flame Step.

However, due to some reasons, Ling'er does not want to show too much limelight in front of humans, so even if he wants to use it, he has to practice it in a place where no one is around..

But today, while leaving the laboratory, Ling'er can happily use combat skills.

The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and a rare look of pride appeared on Ling'er's face.

If she hadn't been a ghost, she might have been able to truly He can be called the 'Prodigy of Humanity'.

After running around like this for a long time, Ling'er came to an inaccessible jungle and raised his eyes to look at the sky.


Muttered in his heart, Ling'er also estimated the time.

And in just a moment,

""Yang" suddenly heard a high-pitched scream that penetrated the gold and cracked stone.


Smiling, Ling'er also raised his gaze to the sky.

For a moment,


There was a wisp of sound breaking through the air, and a black stream of light shot from the sky.

"Got it."

As he spoke, Ling'er's right hand suddenly wrapped around a ray of red light. Then, with a backhand throw, the cylinder wrapped in black cloth in his hand flew towards the sky._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - Collection ,

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