"My subordinate Avril meets the fallen lord..."

Amidst the very ethereal and unearthly voice, an angel with three pairs of black wings knelt on one knee in front of Yu Ziyu.

However, if you look closely, you can see that her entire body is suspended in the air.

There was even a circle of purple ripples at the knee buckle.

And this is also one of the innate abilities of the upper-ranking angels of the angel family. They are unstained by dust and hang high in the nine heavens.

Even if the wings are not waving, they can still walk on the ground in the sky.

To them, even stepping on the ground seems like an insult.

"Avril Lavigne..."

With a murmur, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth also raised slightly.

It is really a good experience to have such a servant with unlimited potential out of thin air.

Not to mention anything else, in terms of current combat power alone, this fallen angel should be ranked in the top five under Yu Ziyu.

After all, the peak of the fifth level is only one step away from the extraordinary sixth level.

Moreover, it is a combination of the angel clan and the void clan....

Just thinking about it makes my head tingle.

With his eyes focused, Yu Ziyu also directly observed this person's attribute panel.

【Race: Fallen Angel.

Level: Extraordinary fifth level.

Born Talent: Wings of the Void - From holiness to the void, due to the reversal of its nature, a pair of wings of the void are extended, possessing incredible power.

Special ability:

Razor Wings: Wing-shaped beams of destructive energy emerge from the six wings, enough to tear apart any defense.

Moving objects with thoughts - Use your right hand to emit dark purple energy waves and move objects with your own thoughts.

Teleportation - quickly move during enemy attacks...

The power of depravity - it can make people confused, confused, and unstable in will, and may even lead to depravity.

Void Spear - The left hand transforms into a void spear, piercing all enemies.

Magical Power:

Light of the Void: Corresponding to the purple light of the angel clan's magical power, it converts the opponent's power into void energy and destroys the enemy from within. ]

Staring quietly, Yu Ziyu was also surprised.

As expected, the superior race++ angel clan has fallen into existence.

The property panel alone is not an ordinary luxury.

However, the details have yet to be tested.

Especially the combat power aspect...

If it is as he imagined, this guy might become a trump card in the future.

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu also called to the dark corner not far away:

"king insect..."

"The subordinates are here."

In the faint response, a strange, beast-like monster has emerged from the depths of darkness.

King Insect (Alien), Zerg General!

A very terrifying life form, and now it also exists in the late fifth level.

And now...

With his eyes focused, Yu Ziyu also ordered:

"Take Avril to the Battle Arena and have a lot of fun"

"Yes, master."

In response, King Chong also took a deep look at Avril.

The Battlefield is one of the top-secret locations of the Demon Court.

Only the ten sacred beasts and many cores know about it.

And its name, as the name suggests, is the place for duels..However

, it was a duel place specially built for the fifth-level true gods, and its defense far exceeded the imagination of the world.

Even Emperor Crocodile said clearly: 'It is enough to withstand the battle of the sixth-level strong men without collapsing.'

In this way, it can also Imagine how terrifying this fighting arena is.

And now...Yu Ziyu ordered King Chong to take the fallen angel Avril to the Dou Shen Arena. The meaning is naturally self-evident.......

Watching Wang Chong and Avril leave, there was a hint of anticipation deep in Yu Ziyu's eyes.

I really look forward to waiting for Avril Lavigne’s combat power summary.

As for this summary of combat power, it is a method of analyzing combat power developed by Tianzhe, the chief scientist of Demon Court, in the Battle Arena.

It can clearly show the combat strength of a strong person from all aspects.

If the fallen angel Avril is top-notch in all aspects, then she will undoubtedly be the next Nine-Tails and a terrifying existence like Purple Scythe.

What is worth mentioning here is that even if it is as strong as Emperor Crocodile, it is not the best in all aspects.

For example, Emperor Crocodile's speed and long-range attack methods are relatively weak, and it only reaches the passing line for the same level.

In today's Demon Court, there are only three people who are truly top-notch in all aspects and almost invulnerable....Kyuubi...The thunder dragon Lao Shi, and the purple sickle hidden in the depths of the void...

And the three of them are vaguely known as the three generals of Demon Court within the Demon Court...’

Symbolizing the highest combat power of Demon Court!!

Of course, the current three generals of Demon Court cannot be seen openly.

After all, Zi Lian’s void identity cannot be exposed casually....

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu didn't care.

Now, more importantly, it's time to check out another ability - Heart of the Titan.

However, after observing for a while, Yu Ziyu also understood.

This ability is just a source of power gathered by the Titans after they have reached the fifth level. It can greatly increase their size, while also greatly enhancing their own strength and defense.

Of course, on the other hand, it will weaken your own speed.

It is a life-saving ability.

And this ability...Narrowing her eyes slightly, Yu Ziyu felt that Zilong was more suitable.

After all, purple dragons are huge creatures.

With this ability, he can be regarded as having a good trump card.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also put his sword with both fingers and pointed it between the eyebrows of his void elf body.


Along with a loud noise, a ray of starlight returned to the depths of his soul again.

Then, this starlight followed his soul and rushed towards the purple dragon's body.


Suddenly there was an earth-shattering dragon roar, and deep in the Nine Realms, a ten thousand-foot-long purple dragon suddenly roared.

At the same time, there was starlight condensing between his eyebrows.

And that is the unique ability of the Titan family - the Heart of the Titan.

After practicing the great supernatural power to transform the three pure states with one breath, Yu Ziyu's four bodies are more closely connected.

To a certain extent, they can already transfer abilities to each other.

As a result, Yu Ziyu's options are much wider.

The power of the void has fallen and is suitable for the body of the void elf, so he is given the body of the void elf.

If the heart of the Titan suits the Purple Dragon, give it to the Purple Dragon.

As for Yu Ziyu’s true body, it is to harvest evolutionary points...

It’s not bad to make the best use of everything. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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