Chapter 661 Fusion Angel Birth Pool

First, let the real body take out the Eternal Cloud Palace through the good fortune cube, and transform it into a card. Through the good fortune cube, across the unknown space and transmit it to the avatar. Ten eighth-tier Thor lords still remain.

Then photograph the ancient tree of creation, which will interrupt the output of the steel golem and Vajra stone golem models, but this is not a big problem, anyway, there are so many celestial wizards in the gods, and the gods have accumulated hundreds of thousands of them. The steel golem can be built slowly by hand.

Moreover, this thing is only integrated into the abyss blood pool, and it is not completely gone. Maybe it is integrated and still retains this ability.

I haven’t used the good fortune Rubik’s Cube to synthesize cards for a long time. Lin Xiao is not unfamiliar. He is very proficient in decomposing many cards, and the essence is separated one by one.

The most important of these are naturally the key factors decomposed in the abyssal blood pool.

They are the water of the Styx and the pool of blood.

Leaving aside the water of Styx for the time being, this thing is very poisonous to the true god. In fact, if there is no good fortune Rubik’s cube, he can’t decompose this thing at all. As a true god, he dare not directly hold the blood pool in his hands and study it.

The blood pool is the key to the birth of Devil on this Seven-Star Card. The internal structure of this thing is actually not too complicated. After all, whether it is an ancient tree or an eternal cloud palace, it is actually based on this principle to give birth to a Titan or Golem model. The emphasis is different from the shape, and the internal essence is similar.

Well, the most important thing is that the templates of the creations recorded internally are different.

The template of the Eternal Cloud Palace is the two golem structures of Titan and the Thor Lord. In addition to the many biological gene templates originally stored in the ancient tree, the steel golem and the Vajra stone golem are now mainly used, and the abyss The blood pool is naturally the template for Devil.

It is worth mentioning that the Devil born through the abyss blood pool has an upper limit, and the types are limited, only a limited number of abyss Devils can be derived, and they cannot evolve an infinite number like the Devil in the true bottomless abyss.

After all, it really can be like that. This is not as simple as a Seven-Star God Card, it is directly a Tier Nine God Card.

If it was really like that, Lin Xiao couldn’t bear to just break it down, and he would definitely study the secrets in it. You must know that Devil in the Bottomless Abyss is a creation system that the great god-tier is greedy for.

What Lin Xiao has to do is very simple. Separate the blood pool, the Eternal Cloud Palace, and the ancient tree of creation, and then use good fortune energy to form a huge swirling furnace in the Rubik’s Cube space, which will decompose the three systems and other decompositions. Many card decomposition systems are all integrated into it, removing overlaps or superfluous ones, and taking the essence, through his understanding of the law of creation, using good fortune energy to harmoniously blend into one.

At this time, Lin Xiao still had more than 5,000 good fortune energy points. The constant good fortune energy merged into the whirlpool, and his will sank into it, constantly comprehending the many information and details produced by this act of creation.

These are all manifestations of the law of creation, and creation does not only refer to the creation of life.

It is a pity that at this time his own level of comprehension of the law of creation is already very high, this time the synthesis is not too great for him.

After a few minutes, the vortex of good fortune energy that has been integrated into nearly one hundred units no longer accepts the injection of good fortune energy, but at this time the good fortune energy contained in the vortex is far more than one hundred units.

You must know that it took him a lot of good fortune energy to refine the ancient tree of creation at the beginning. At this time, the recasting is naturally included.

As the vortex shrinks rapidly, a group of transparent and irregular spheres like water slowly appear.

Lin Xiao meditated a little, did not let this group of essence take shape, but a thought made the group of constantly distorted and deformed transparent essence unfolded into a water mirror, and then stretched out a finger on it, a trace of invisible Mental Energy burned on it. , Moving quickly with his fingers, soon a tall humanoid creature about four meters tall, with wings on his back, a shield in one hand, and a sword in one hand, with two bundles of javelins on his back and left and right shoulders appeared on it.

When the image of the Mental Energy brand took shape, Lin Xiao immediately sensed what unknown changes had taken place in this group of essence.

He knew what he knew, and then he used the humanoid creature just now as a template, and again used Mental Energy to depict a taller and almost identical humanoid creature.

It’s almost because the second humanoid is about ten meters tall. It also wears a delicate armor, but has two pairs of wings behind it.

But when the second humanoid was halfway through, the transparent essence suddenly trembled slightly, and the transformed light mirror seemed to be unstable and collapsed. Lin Xiaoxin, like a mirror, knew what was going on, and quickly injected good fortune energy to stabilize it again. .

After he finished depicting the second humanoid creature, he unknowingly consumed more than 300 units of good fortune energy.

But Lin Xiao didn’t feel any heartache. Instead, he showed a hint of joy to look at this group of essence that has changed greatly compared to before. As the master of good fortune’s cube, he of course can sense this kind of change in the dark.

What he branded on it with Mental Energy just now is a battle angel model created by many angels in the celestial world in Toril’s multi-universe.

Regardless of the abyss blood pool, the eternal cloud palace, or the ancient tree of creation, and many of the core functions of the integrated cards, many of the core functions are to invest resources to create various combat creatures.

This group of essence integrates all its functions into one. Naturally, blue is better than blue, and it also has its functions.

The most important thing is that the essence that has just been merged is in a blank state. At this time, he can choose to load the original card’s original combat creature template, or he can reset a new combat creature template by himself. Lin Xiao chose to set The new battle creature template, the goal is quite clear-battle angel!

The name of the battle angel is famous in the crystal wall of the Primordial Chaos Void Sea, with high appearance and strong combat effectiveness, and there are many in number. It is the most coveted family or soldier of the gods.

But most of the true gods of the main world cannot obtain angels.

To be precise, most of the main world, or the true gods in foreign lands, have angels in their kingdoms, and even Lin Xiao, the incarnation god, has cryptic angels, but this angel is not the same as the angel he has created now.

Cryptman angels only change the petitioner’s form slightly, and the essence is the Cryptman and petitioner.

What is a petitioner?

It was the soul of the dead believer who had been transformed by the kingdom of God, and it had huge limitations.

And the angel he is about to create is a truly upright battle angel, that is, a race, and a battle weapon similar to a golem puppet. It also contains the attributes of the petitioner. The last point is the most critical, because pray And those who can provide the power of faith for the gods of faith.

Although it can only provide one percent of the power of faith for normal believers, it is also the power of faith and can provide a source of divine power for the gods.

The most important thing is that there is no petitioner’s restriction on the battle angels, that is, they can stay in the kingdom of God for a long time, or stay in the material plane for a long time, stay in the kingdom of God when needed, and may leave the kingdom of God to attack the Lord at any time. The enemy of the material plane.

Like the Cryptman Angel Legion in Lin Xiao God’s country, Lin Xiao led them on the expedition to consume a lot of divine power to ensure their existence in the material world.

It is not very expensive to go out for a short period of time, but if the battle lasts too long, the consumption of divine power to maintain its existence will be very exaggerated.

The battle angels don’t have this trouble. They don’t even need to eat. They only need energy in the world they are in. They can maintain their existence by ingesting the energy in the surrounding void. Even if they are injured, they can slowly recover, but the speed is very fast slow.

If there is no energy around, they will slowly become weak, which is inevitable.

The first angel is Tier 6 according to the set strength, and it needs a certain amount of flesh and blood and ten units of divine power to be derived. Lin Xiao named it the battle angel.

The second angel is ten meters high, and its strength has reached the level of the eighth legend. Such a large body requires the corresponding flesh and blood and a hundred units of divine power to be derived. Lin Xiao named it the angel of war.

But other than that, Lin Xiao once again put in more than 3,600 units of good fortune energy to stabilize the essence, and painted the third angel template he named the giant angel on it.

This new template is about 30 meters high, has the strength of Tier 10, has three pairs of wings on its back, and is enveloped by powerful power. It even has a pair of small wings made of energy behind its head. It looks very Sacred and majestic.

Sacred angels need extremely powerful biological flesh and blood to derive, such as the flesh and blood of legendary creatures such as dragons and giants, in addition to up to a thousand points of divine power, and a little bit of divinity.

Divine power is easy to say, and the flesh and blood of legendary creatures are easy to handle. There are so many legendary big naga in his God’s domain. Almost every day, they naturally die of old age, and there is no problem with the contribution of corpses.

Just that little divinity is a bit troublesome, and it can be predicted that there will not be too many such top angels.

The three models have been branded, although theoretically they can continue to brand more powerful models, but his remaining good fortune energy is not enough to stabilize the essence.

The increase in energy consumed by the good fortune of this thing is not a linear increase, but a geometric multiple.

It only takes more than 300 units of good fortune energy to stabilize the second angel of war, and more than 3,600 units to stabilize the third giant angel model. If you brand the fourth one, he estimates that at least more than 100,000 good fortune energy To be stable may not be enough.

He now only has more than 1,400 units of good fortune energy left, not even a finger.

Lin Xiao satisfactorily solidified this mass of essence into a huge…pool.

He doesn’t engage in any non-mainstream, and he doesn’t even condense the cards. He directly creates an angel birth pool and transfers it back to his true body through the good fortune Rubik’s Cube, and then throws it into the God’s realm…..Heaven God’s realm.

In the future, as long as you put your flesh and blood and divine power into it, you will be born with a steady stream of energy to fight for yourself.

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