Chapter 650 The Fall of the God of Magic

Standing high in the center of the Pantheon, the four powerful god-tier powers stand like sculptures without a trace of movement, but at a level that ordinary true gods cannot detect, powerful spiritual thoughts are intertwined back and forth.

Among them, the two most fiercely contested were the two human gods and the orc main god who were at war before.

However, this fierce competition is just a fierce competition, not the kind of competition imagined, but the division of interests.

Yes, they have begun to share the benefits left behind after the defeat of the Dark Gods. At the same time, the sun and the gods of justice promised to recognize the status of the orc master gods in exchange for the orc masters to remain neutral and not interfere in the battle between the magic gods and the dark gods.

Convince the orc Lord God, the Lord of the Sun and the God of Justice to look at the most powerful Lord of Chaos in the Pantheon. They were silent for a while, and the God of Justice said:

“Take the oath of Styx, and give all the scattered dark priesthood to your Majesty the Lord of Chaos within a hundred years!”

The Lord of Chaos did not speak, and after a while the Lord of the Sun said again:

“Take Styx as an oath, and allow His Majesty Pastor to preach among humans, and will never block it secretly!”

At this time, the Lord of Chaos slowly raised his head, and only after a long while uttered a word:



As the God of Justice promised to pave the way for the God of Magic, the many true gods belonging to the Dark Gods in the Pantheon in the third and second steps suddenly shook violently, and then began to shake, and soon the light dim.

Of course the gods knew what this meant, and they were extremely surprised that the two gods clashed out quickly, and many regretted how they didn’t move faster.

Weiss, the Adventist of the Zerg Race, was also stunned for a long time when he saw this, and he was a little surprised and said:

“There’s no reason, the Dark God Element is so powerful, how could it be about to collapse so soon?”

“Does the god of magic have any trump cards in his hand?”

Someone said:

“I heard that the relationship between the God of Magic and the God of Justice is unusual. Has the God of Justice acted?”


Weisi shook his head and said:

“Even if the God of Justice personally takes action, it is impossible to defeat the Dark God Element so quickly, there must be another reason.”

Just as everyone was speculating, the second tier representing the god of magic in the Pantheon’s second tier representing medium power suddenly shook and began to shake, and the four strong god-tier powers turned their heads subconsciously. I saw the figure of the god of magic on the throne showing a trace of fear and inconceivability, and then the power of the figure representing the god of magic quickly weakened, and then the throne of the god of magic rose, and the countless true gods in the pantheon were surprised. Move it from the back until it reaches the last place, and then…


Obviously, the strength of the god of magic is rapidly declining, and it is no longer enough to rank in the original position in the evaluation of the Pantheon.

The gods are puzzled. The Pantheon can only reflect the general situation, and cannot observe the true state of the true god through this. Naturally, I don’t know how miserable the state of the magic god at this time…

After entering the kingdom of the magic god, the incarnations of the dark gods quickly summoned the kingdom of the gods to withstand the attack of the kingdom of magic and the petitioners, and then all the incarnations of the true gods exploded and rushed to the center of the kingdom of magic. .

This point cannot be resisted solely by the rules of the Kingdom of God. Normally, such a burst of divine power and subsequent lack of divine power will undoubtedly die, but at least at this time more than forty true god incarnations rushed to the center of the magic kingdom in one breath, and then one by one dark gods. The avatar of Destroyed the avatars of the gods that were still guarded by the Magic God System by exploding and hurting both sides.

Although the number of true gods in the magical gods is far more than that of the dark gods, there are about sixty to seventy, but most of them are weak divine powers and only have one incarnation.

Many avatars followed the main god to attack the dark gods. At this time, the true god avatars still staying in the gods were only in their early twenties, and their average strength was lower than that of the dark gods. Erupt, it is easy to lose both sides.

So in less than 30 seconds, less than 30 true god incarnations left behind by the magic god system, only two were left, and there were 18 true god incarnations in the magic god system, including the four medium-sized incarnations of gods. .

Without a second stop, the true god incarnation hit the central shrine of the god of magic with all its strength, and three medium-sized god incarnations exploded in succession, exploding the core divine defense of the shrine, and found the true body of the god of magic hiding in it.

Then, another three waves of self-destruction will be wounded by the true body of the magical god who exploded.

The three incarnations of Lin Xiao personally exhausted all the divine power of the three powerful incarnations and used the great prophecy of material at the cost of collapse. The three overlapped life and life imprisoned the true body of the god of magic, just like the previous deprivation of the god of barbarism and power, Harken. Forcibly stripped the godhead of the god of magic, took away the magic net, and then gave up everything and ran away.

The god of magic did not die, but was deprived of the godhead and fell directly into a demigod, basically abolished.

As for the true bodies of other true gods of the Magic God System, most of them have not yet reacted at this time, and have not yet woken up.

As we all know, the true body of the true god generally sleeps in the core shrine of the kingdom of God. In addition to absorbing the power of faith and transforming it into divine power, it is to comprehend the corresponding rules of the priesthood.

Waking up from a deep sleep is not like waking up with open eyes like ordinary people. It takes a certain amount of time. The greater the threat, the faster you wake up, but it is impossible to wake up in tens of seconds no matter how fast.

So when Lin Xiao entered the kingdom of God and suddenly violent, he took away his godhead as the chief god of the gods in a blitzkrieg way that the natives had never seen before. The gods of the gods had not yet reacted, only watching the enemy abandon all his subordinates and flee. The kingdom of God, waiting for the gods to wake up one after another, the huge kingdom of God has begun to collapse because of the loss of the maintenance of the owner of the kingdom of God.

In the mortal world, many priests of the gods of magic suddenly discovered that they had lost the ability to perform divine arts, and many high-level church officials directly sensed that they had lost contact with the Lord of the faith, and terrible conjectures came to their minds.

Needless to say, they all know that all these signs point to the fact that the true god they believe in may have fallen.

The high-level churches are mostly powerful mages, and it’s not a big deal to be unable to perform divine magic, but for many low-level priests, it seems like the sky is falling, and the entire magical god parish is in chaos.

But what is more chaotic is within the Divine Kingdom of Darkness.

Leading many incarnations of the gods to enter the kingdom of the dark gods, the god of magic was full of vigor, and the unexpected weakness of the enemy made him see the hope of breaking through the kingdom of dark gods in one fell swoop.

In fact, the Dark Gods had always maintained a defensive position at the beginning, they had always maintained an offensive, and even once attacked the center of the enemy’s kingdom of God, seemingly victory is in sight.

However, after they fought with the enemy, they forced the Divine Reality of the Dark Gods to do their own hands, attacking and wounding many Divine Reals of the Dark Gods with their huge divine incarnation, and when they felt that victory was in sight, Suddenly, the energetic magic god suddenly stopped, and then several incarnations suddenly collapsed under the shocked eyes of the magic gods.

“Lord God… fell?”

All magical gods belong to the gods cannot believe it, but they have to believe that the incarnation suddenly collapses, which can only be done by the fall of the true body.

Only then did they know where the disappeared part of the incarnations of the Dark Gods had gone. They thought they were attacking other orc kingdoms, but now it seems that the target is not the orcs, but the own master god.

Then morale collapsed. Without the gods of magic, it would be impossible to conquer the dark kingdom of the gods with their strength. If they waited for their avatars to come back, these avatars could not run away.

In fact, this is not what they are afraid of, what they are afraid of is what will happen to their own real body.

Even the main god fell, just as dangerous as the true body in the magic kingdom.

Even if he knew that there were only the injured Dark God Realm in the kingdom of God, he could win victory as long as he persisted for a while, but none of the Magic God Realm stayed, and they fled and tried various methods to rush back to the Magic God Realm.

After all, even if the kingdom of God can be taken now, there will be nothing left when the real body is dead.

As for the god evil like a giant with a hundred arms, it lost control when the incarnation of the god of magic collapsed, and could not wait to escape from the kingdom of God.

Although it is a godless evil, it is not completely witty. Lin Xiao’s ancient priesthood of material is immune to physical damage. No matter how he attacked before, he couldn’t hurt a single hair of Lin Xiao. Even if it was a god evil, he was depressed. Don’t want to stay here and escape.

When Lin Xiao’s incarnation of the godhead of the god of magic returned to the own kingdom of God, the real body located in the gods sensed the arrival of the incarnation, and the law of the incarnation’s mutual attraction with his magical priesthood fluctuated, and he couldn’t help walking out of the palace, slowly Slowly stretched out his hand.

A shooting star flew into his hand from the avatar, and Lin Xiao’s godhead held the god of magic with a satisfied smile on his face.

The surrounding gods also smiled and successfully brought back the godhead of the god of magic, indicating that their previous losses were not in vain. If their master gods are promoted to a strong god-tier power, their status in the pantheon will also rise, and they will surely gain more in the future. Many benefits, and for a few medium divine powers, it means that he may also have the opportunity to go further in the future.

Lin Xiao ordered the gods to protect the kingdom of God, the real body returned to the shrine, the gate closed suddenly, and the central shrine fell into silence.

Soon after, the gods scattered throughout the kingdom of God felt extremely dangerous from the direction of the central shrine, and even the guards on patrol subconsciously avoided that area. The extremely dangerous premonition made them feel uncomfortable. Dare to take one step beyond the thunder pond.

But in the outside world, it was even more turbulent at this time, and the sudden fall of the god of magic stunned the entire Pantheon.

Although Lin Xiao did not kill the god of magic, the god of magic who had lost his godhead was unable to deal with the obsessions and distracting thoughts generated by countless believers. He insisted on being dragged into the star realm forcibly within a few days, and even the god of justice could not save it. .

At the same time, with the loss of the main god, disputes within the magic god system began, fighting for the belief gap left by the main god’s fall, and the huge magic god system began to fall apart.

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