Chapter 648 Killing the God of Barbarism and Power

The exclusive Transcendent power of the ancient material priesthood-the physical immunity of the gods!

This is Lin Xiao’s confidence in facing this terrifying god evil.

This thing has extremely terrifying physical attacks. Even the gods of war and victory with medium divine power have been maimed by a single blow. It absolutely possesses fighting power comparable to strong god-tier power. It is a pity that this is a pure physical attack, which happened to be restrained by him.

Although the god of magic came out with a terrifying god-tier power comparable to a strong god-tier power, it was unexpected, but the overall situation was not outside the scope of his response. Lin Xiao also gave up his plan to summon the avatars of the gods to return. Continue the previous plan.

And this plan is naturally to deal with the god of magic.

The god of magic dared to use the power of the gods to attack the dark gods while he was attacking the barbaric god Harken. Of course, he had thought of taking this opportunity to deal with the gods of magic.

Although his god system only has more than a dozen true gods, the lowest is the weak god power. The number of incarnations of gods possessed by the weak god power is related to the priesthood, ranging from two to three or four. There are a total of four medium divine powers, each with five incarnations of gods, but at this time there are only a dozen incarnations of gods in the gods, even if you add up all the incarnations that attacked the barbaric god Harken. Only half of all true god incarnations in the entire god system, and half of the incarnations are not in God’s country.

Four of the five incarnations of the gods of magic came, leaving only one to guard the real body of the kingdom of God. This must have come out of the nest. Lin Xiao had already communicated with the incarnation of the gods who had gone out when they found out that they had entered the kingdom of God. The avatar can start planning.

In the vast void beyond the main material plane, more than 30 streams of light gathered and flew away. The leader was the three incarnations of Lin Xiao, the god of drow and plunder, the god of war and victory, wisdom and knowledge The three incarnations of the gods are all present, and this time he is also going all out.

The kingdom of the god of magic is transformed from a semi-plane, so it has been attached to the edge of the crystal wall of the main material plane, which looks like a small bubble attached to the surface of a huge sphere.

In fact, most of the true gods’ kingdoms are transformed with demiplanes, which can save a lot of divine power.

Just when they went to the kingdom of the god of magic, in the country of the savage god on the other side, the incarnation of Lin Xiao also received hands-on prompts from the real body.

“There is not enough time!”

He looked at Harken, the god of savage and power, with star-like deep gaze, took a deep breath in Harken’s anxiety, pointed slowly, and said in a deep voice:

“I said, the essence of the world is order, and chaos is bound to end!”

One of the trump cards that Lin Xiao had hidden for so long revealed the great prophecy of the law of origin at this moment.

Great prophecy, a transcendent godhead ability that any ancient god must have. Lin Xiao has the ability of true knowledge, manipulation of substances, and physical immunity of the gods. It is more powerful than the big prophecy mastered by the gods.

Lin Xiao had never used this ability before, because the opponents he had encountered before were not qualified for him to use this big move.

In addition, this ability was temporarily unavailable, and he dared not let the three strong god-tier forces discover that he could use this trick, so it was useless.

But now it is the god of magic who has come out to attack his own kingdom, and he has also started his plan to seize the magical priesthood, so he doesn’t need to hide it anymore. After all, he may have no chance to use it after hiding.

“I say,….”

When these two words were spoken, Lin Xiao’s incarnation’s divine power instantly consumed one-third, the infinite divine power urged the great prophecy of animal nature, and he said word by word:

“The chaos must stop!”

As soon as the voice fell, a terrifying law force that frightened Harken spread out around Lin Xiao, and wherever the power reached, the rules of the kingdom of God were forcibly imprisoned.

Amidst Harken’s horror and disbelief, the power fluctuations quickly spread to the center of the kingdom of God, and slowly passed by in the fierce conflict with the shrine, everything was frozen.

Believe it or not, under this record, which consumed four-fifths of Lin Xiao’s entire incarnation of the divine power, which can be called earth-shattering prophecy, forcibly solidified the entire kingdom of God, including the main force of the kingdom of God, into the space and couldn’t move.

Lin Xiao stepped forward without hesitation, and stretched out his hand to forcibly pull out the divine power core of the power incarnation of the barbaric god, and the power incarnation instantly collapsed into countless divine light balls scattered in the air.

Although the divine power of the incarnation was exhausted, it was easy to deal with a true God who was imprisoned.

At the same time, his avatar came to the barbarian god Zhenzhen, located in the central shrine of the kingdom of God. The true orc god still kept the color of horror on his face at this time. Lin Xiao raised his hands and pulled out a silver thread towards him. The former barbarian god body pressed down, and the silver thread disappeared at an angle. After a while, the barbarian god body began to tremble violently and resist, and the surrounding space seemed unstable.

Lin Xiao snorted coldly, grabbed the silver thread and pulled it lightly. After a violent shock of divine power, a prismatic crystal-like object that shone with all the brilliant colors in the world was slowly dragged out by countless silver threads.

This prismatic crystal is naturally the godhead of the god of barbarism and power.

As if knowing the fate of own, this godhead was still beating desperately under the heavy entanglement of the silver thread, but this unconscious resistance had no effect.

This silver thread is a method of law and power research developed by Lin Xiao from the material priesthood. It represents the use of the law of material origin. For ordinary true gods, it is completely ruled and crushed. It is barbaric and powerful under the entanglement of the material thread. The god Harken couldn’t do it even if he wanted to explode his godhead.

Lin Xiao’s incarnation shook his right hand, and the godhead, who was unwilling to break away from the barbaric god’s real body, shook violently, and was forcibly separated from Harken’s real body. He reached out and grabbed the godhead in his hand with a smile on his face.

At the moment he held this prismatic godhead tightly in his hand, a wave of extremely powerful divine power spread across the entire plane of the kingdom of God in an instant, and all the rules of the kingdom of God woven by the barbaric gods collapsed at this moment. , The connection between the entire kingdom of God and the true body of the barbaric god Harken was cut off, and the foundation of the kingdom of God began to shake.

All the forests withered quickly, all the rivers withered quickly, the towering mountains collapsed, and even the central shrine that condensed the power of the rule of the kingdom of God began to collapse.

At the same time, all the imprisoned petitioners of the kingdom of God disappeared at this moment, and they all screamed in horror. At this moment, the great god-tier closely connected in the depths of their consciousness has disappeared, and they can no longer feel a trace. In response, this feeling caused them to immediately lose all their strength, and the orc petitioners who were originally suspended in the air fell to the ground like it was raining.

The Cryptman Angel Legion quickly reaped their lives. As the owner of the Kingdom of God died, the petitioner Death could not be reborn. After being killed, they all burned into crystals of essence, and it rained down.

The fate of the sixteen giant beasts was the same. With the death of the master of the kingdom of God, their strength without the support of the rules of the kingdom of God was greatly weakened, and the incarnations of the gods swarmed up and quickly killed them, leaving sixteen huge essences. Crystals emerged from the burning ashes.

Killing all the rebels, the incarnations of the dark gods, such as the gods of wisdom and knowledge, flew to the shrine that was collapsing. A deity who had been entrusted for thousands of years would have some family background. This is the time to search.

Although it is impossible to be swallowed, it will definitely be re-divided by the gods, but this is all in vain.

As for the true body of the barbaric god Harken, it must be killed, cut grass and rooted.

Although doing so will make certain true gods vigilant and hostile towards him, you can’t leave this enemy behind.

Anyway, he is an outsider and a conqueror. In the future, to conquer this world, most of the true gods will be eliminated. This world does not need so many true gods. Think about a world that cannot even be born with great god-tier power. Really, this is too much.

According to Lin Xiao’s vision, if he could conquer this world in the future, he would only need to leave a few hundred true gods.

So many native true gods have all been harvested, and there is no big problem in cultivating a batch of true god-level official battle group members.

There are only one thousand standard members of a battle group. Generally, it is almost the same if you train more than five hundred. The soldiers are not expensive.

In this battle, Harken, the god of barbarism and power, has completely fallen, and because of the full-scale battle between humans and orcs, his mortal beliefs are estimated to be destroyed in this chaotic situation, and it is basically impossible to rely on believers to return from the stars. Jie wakes up and returns, it’s a complete fall.

The angel legion turned the entire kingdom of God upside down, and after scouring all kinds of resources, Lin Xiao waved his hand to open a portal, and many avatars of the gods stepped into it. They have more important things now.

As for this impending collapse of the kingdom of God, we can only give up.

In peacetime, he would spend a lot of effort and divine power to drag the kingdom of God to the gloomy area to integrate with the kingdom of the gods, but at this time he needs to attack the kingdom of the god of magic. Perish.

The gods teleported through the portal several times, and soon came to an empty void, where they merged with the thirty-some avatars of the true gods who came here early.

A total of forty-three true god avatars of the gods gathered together, and all of them looked at Lin Xiao’s avatar with a serious face. He stretched out his right hand, his palm was the magic net planet, and he pointed his finger. A virtual map unfolded and displayed on it. It is a huge floating city suspended in the air, with tall towers in the center, dazzling magical light shining.

This is the core belief area of ​​the god of magic. The city of Brewer, known as the city of magic, is named after the god of magic, the god-tier hall of the god-tier, in this giant floating city. above.

There are three key factors in killing the god of magic in one fell swoop.

One of them has been completed, and that is to bring out most of the incarnations of true gods in the magic god system.

The second step is now, destroying the god-tier temple of the god of magic, destroying the statue in the god-tier temple, causing confusion in his beliefs and isolating his support from the mortal world.

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