Chapter 644: Attacking the Kingdom of God

As the core protection of the Kingdom of God, the will of the owner of the Kingdom of God is attached to it all the time. No one can quietly conceal the owner of the Kingdom of God from analyzing the rules here, and Lin Xiao can’t do it.

Around the spire and platform around the shrine, there are more than a dozen golden behemoth statues that are twenty to thirty meters high. The hideous faces and extremely swollen muscles exude a palpable savage atmosphere.

No need to guess, this must be one of the gods of the shrine.

Just as there are many strong god-tier guards around Linxiao Shrine, the gods like to capture some super powerful creatures to guard their own true bodies.

Around these golden behemoth statues, there are thousands of patrol orcs exuding a powerful aura on each level of the pyramid steps, at least ten fifth-level or more powerful orcs or beasts.

This giant pyramid has more than a dozen levels, each with thousands of powerful orcs, and the dozens of levels contain nearly 200,000 at least ten powerful orcs or beasts above the fifth-level.

These gods guards have the lowest strength of ten fifth-level and above, and many of them are ten eighth-level or even twentieth-level orcs who exude a strong aura.

You must know that the 20th level is a legendary powerhouse. At first glance, this god is afraid of no less than thousands of legendary orcs. The accumulation of thousands of years is really terrifying.

At this time, Dominic, the god of drow and plunder, said suddenly:

“With so many legendary sanctuary warriors, it’s no wonder that the barbaric god has not yet had the Ascension godhead after thousands of years. It turns out that the power of faith has been used here. It’s really ignorant!”

Lin Xiao did not speak, but Wei Hong, the god of wisdom and knowledge, said:

“Maybe it’s not ignorance, it’s just self-protection.”

When the other deity incarnations listened or shook their heads disapprovingly, or nodded in approval, Lin Xiao had no expression.

Except for a few special true gods, no true god is really stupid. The reason why the god of barbarism and power is not Ascension is just that he does not want to cause some deities to protect themselves, like the barbarism possessed by the god of barbarism and power. Which of the four clergy of power, power, conquest and plunder does not conflict with the clergy of other deities.

The low level is okay. Once the Ascension of the divine rank reaches medium divine power, and the mastery of the priesthood reaches a certain level, it will definitely conflict with other powerful true gods.

For example, the main orc god has the two priesthoods of barbarism and plunder. The original orc God of War has the two priesthoods of power and conquest. Not long ago, the orc main god defeated the orc God of War to seize the priesthood. The current orc main god has completely covered the priesthood. In addition to the god of barbarism and power, all priests are in complete conflict, how can he dare to have an Ascension deity level.

It is worth mentioning that the promotion of the orc main god to the main priesthood with strong god-tier power is the collection of all orc race priests instead of other priests.

But to say so, Lin Xiao does not agree with this method of self-preservation. After all, the world law is The Weak are Prey to the Strong. Passivity will eventually be eliminated in the end. Blindly evading will not solve the problem.

However, even so, Lin Xiao did not dare to underestimate Harken, the god of barbarism and power. After all, he was a weak god of level eight, and his strength was definitely not weak, otherwise he would wait for Harken’s incarnation to die. , The other avatar came to attack after being entangled, if Harken had all the avatars, he would definitely not only send out one avatar.

Sitting on the advantage of the home court, there are several avatars, even if the strong god-tier force only sends one or two avatars, it will not be able to break the kingdom of Haken.

At this time, the Kingdom of Harken is in the daytime, but there are still four extremely bright stars in the sky. These four stars correspond in turn to the four god-tier positions owned by Harken, the god of barbarism and power. Power, conquer, and plunder, and there are countless chaotic lights surrounding the constellation, presenting a chaotic atmosphere, which represents that Harken, the god of barbarism and power, belongs to the chaotic camp.

Following Lin Xiao’s thoughts, countless golden lines gathered from the air and formed a huge golden light door in front of him. A few seconds later, a space door leading to the dark kingdom of God was opened, and several statues came out of it and were shrouded in white light. Divine angel.

These divine angels are made by the petitioners of the crypt. He chooses the most devout crypt people who were fanatical believers in his lifetime and gave them divine power to transform into angels to fight for the kingdom of God. The many angels in the gods and gods are basically the believers. change.

At this time, the Undergrowth God has accumulated tens of millions of cryptic angels in the country. Anyway, he has been unable to be promoted to strong god-tier power in these years. A lot of supernatural power is turned into a waterfall of belief and an ocean of belief, and there is enough divine power to transform these. Angel.

Although most of them are not high in strength, only about level ten, there are many.

The Cryptman has no other advantage, just a large number.

The guards of the sanctuary like the angels in the barbarian god he is now in are only about 200,000. Although the strength is far stronger than that of the Cryptman Angels, the number is too small.

After Lin Xiao summoned the Own Cryptman Angel Legion, other gods also summoned Own Sanctuary Guards or God Guard Warriors respectively.

Dominic, the god of drow and plunder, summoned elite drow assassin masters. These elite assassin masters at the lowest and legendary level possess powerful assassination skills. They are armed with two highly poisoned scimitars. It quickly fades and disappears, completely undetectable by the naked eye.

The God of War and Victory Russia summoned a well-known golden armor warrior. As the God of War, its followers come from different races in the dark region. The only criteria for being selected as a god guard are superb fighting skills and firm belief in victory. , So every one is an elite fighter with a very strong frontal combat effectiveness.

As for the God of Wisdom and Knowledge, it is not the sanctuary guards or deity guards that the God of Wisdom summons. Most of his followers are cultural scholars. Sometimes there are some mages, and there are no strong believers, so he directly uses the real name summoning technique.

This kind of summoning magic can summon some ancient, unknown and powerful creatures. The prerequisite is that the real name of the creature must be known. The biggest advantage of being a god of wisdom and knowledge is knowledge. Basically, he knows the real names of most creatures, including Some famous names such as Lord Devil, Lord Devil, Ancient Evil, Ancient Abomination, Hundred-armed Giant, God Sin, and so on are terrifying existences.

Of course, he does not dare to summon such famous and terrifying creatures as the Hundred-armed Giant. This ancient chaotic creature has been killed even with strong god-tier power, and it is extremely difficult to control. Summoning one head is not only the savage god to die, but they also run. No more.

The God of Wisdom and Knowledge summoned a hundred thunderstorm worms this time. This is a powerful creature that does not exist on the main material plane. Usually it can only be found on the plane of chaos and the elemental plane of wind, or some wind-rich worms. They can be seen in special planes.

A thunderstorm worm is an incorporeal creature with a cloud-like body that ignores physical attacks. It looks like a cloud in the shape of a long breadworm. The black body is covered with white stripes and has many gray shadows.

Most of Life’s thunderstorm worms on the Elemental Plane of Wind are about ten meters in size, while Life’s thunderstorm worms on the Plane of Chaos can grow up to 20 to 30 meters in length. When they fly, infinite lightning sparks continue to bloom from their bodies. The sound of the roar spread far and wide.

This powerful ancient creature has a certain amount of wisdom, can’t speak, but understands the three languages ​​of Common Language, Wind Clan Language and Dragon Language. They can easily pass through anything. Thousands of thunderstorm attacks, only force field can stop the advance of these terrorist creatures.

Their attacks ignore any physical defenses, and only spells and energy attacks can damage it. If it is not destroyed in an instant, it will be able to recover any injuries within ten seconds, even if the body is half destroyed.

This kind of extremely troublesome and terrifying creatures has the advantage that they can absolutely obey the order of the summoner. Unlike many ancient creatures who like to disobey the order and even backlash the summoner, they are the most favorite creatures to be summoned by many summoners, but most mages. No one knows that the real name of the Thunderstorm Worm cannot be summoned.

More than a hundred thunderstorm worms dispersed under the order of the god of wisdom and knowledge. Lin Xiao was about to perform a magical technique. Suddenly he felt that the rules of the entire kingdom of God had changed, and the summoned light gate suddenly seemed to collapse. , He quickly reached out and held the light door to stabilize it.

At the same time, the huge pyramid-top giant beast palace in the distance burst out with dazzling golden light, and a dazzling golden light soared into the sky, turning into a figure shrouded in infinite divine power, and the power incarnation of Harken appeared.

Having done this, Harken could go to death if he hadn’t noticed it yet.

A group of god incarnations of the true gods of mankind sneaked to the kingdom of own god without saying hello, and at the time of a full-scale battle between humans and orcs. The purpose is self-evident, without any nonsense, the power incarnation of Harken closed his eyes, and a vast expanse The incomparable divine power fluctuation spread throughout the divine kingdom in an instant.

Suddenly the whole kingdom of God was boiling, and countless Life petitioners in the kingdom of God rushed towards them from all directions, running on the ground, or flying.

In the Kingdom of God, as long as the Lord of the Kingdom of God allows, even an ordinary person will have the ability to fly like a bird, the super recovery ability that can quickly be broken and reborn, and the magic power of physical strength will recover almost instantly, even if the Kingdom of God is strong enough or God The Lord of the Kingdom is willing to pay more divine power, and can also enable the allowr to obtain the ability to teleport and regenerate.

This is the role played by the home court advantage of the Kingdom of God, and it only needs to consume divine power to do all of this.

The first batch of petitioners who rushed forward were the most common petitioners. The barbaric god Harken did not expect to eliminate the invaders by this, but it could consume a little bit of the invader’s strength.

It is important to know that petitioners in the gods can be resurrected if they die, but petitioners of the dark gods cannot be resurrected if they leave the kingdom of the dark gods and die outside.

The main force of the Kingdom of Harken is the powerful petitioners, as well as the powerful sanctuary guards and deities guarding at each level of the pyramid. This is his hole card.

PS: Recommend the new book of good friend Yun Dongliu (if it is risky), the portal is below.

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