Chapter 642 Suddenly, the rise of the orc main god

The god system at this time was Lin Xiao’s words, no matter whether the native gods or the descending giants of the battle group, no one can resist his authority, he was talking about the gods.

The waterfall of belief is a forbidden place in the gods, and it is also the place where the gods of the gods most want to go, but usually no one dares to go without his permission.

The so-called waterfall of faith is a huge tower of hundreds of stories across the kingdom of God. The power of faith that was originally invisible, tasteless and colorless is condensed into milky white water droplets here, and countless water droplets gather to form a vast waterfall from here. The one-hundred-story tower poured down, forming a spectacular waterfall of faith.

The waterfall runs through the kingdom of God and converges into the sea of ​​faith under the kingdom of God. The shrine is suspended above the sea of ​​faith.

This thing is one of the forbidden places in the dark god’s country, and it is also the most precious treasure of the gods, condensed by the power of faith of all the followers of the gods.

In this waterfall, every drop of faith is enough for the native true gods to fight for a long time on the main material plane to obtain, but here it is condensed into a waterfall and an ocean.

After the gods in the gods step into the scope of the waterfall of faith, they stand, sit cross-legged, or lie under the waterfall, and the water of the waterfall, which is condensed by countless powers of faith, rushes into their gods’ bodies and is inside. The godhead is absorbed and transformed into divine power.

For any deity, this place is simply heaven, a paradise for gods, especially for many native true gods. The power of faith that was put in this drop of faith hundreds of years ago would require them to spend a very long time to obtain, even Compete with other true gods.

And now they don’t have to do anything, they can enjoy this vast power of faith, and they can even take a bath in it.

If this extravagant behavior is spoken out, most of the true gods in the Pantheon will turn their eyes red with envy.

Less than ten minutes after entering the waterfall of faith, there are no less than five true gods who have directly ascending first-level, and then there will be deity levels promoted. As time goes by, even the two middle-level divine powers in the god system are successively ascending. Ascension has a first-level deity level.

When they left the waterfall of faith reluctantly, all the gods had an average Ascension level of two to third-level, and the lowest one of all gods had also been promoted to weak divine power, with an average level of fifth-level or higher.

Among them, the greatest gain is the God of Wisdom and Knowledge. He, who had reached the ninth-level of God’s personality, used this time the Lord God to let go of the restrictions and break through and promote to medium divine power in one fell swoop.

At the moment of their promotion, the seats representing the gods in the Pantheon changed gradually. Among them, the god seat of the god of wisdom and knowledge changed the most, directly jumping from the weak level of the third level to the second level of medium power. The level has attracted the eyes of many gods who are still staying in the Pantheon, making them speculate one after another.

In a short period of time, it is undoubtedly a feat that the average deity level of a dozen true gods in the entire deity system is ascension to two to third-level.

You must know that even if you obtain a god-tier with strong god-tier power, you can’t achieve a god-tier level of Ascension in a short time. It is not very fast to absorb the god-tier promotion, and if it is not corresponding to the god-tier, the speed will be slower.

With the power of belief of more than 13 billion cavemen of the five generations, Lin Xiao did this feat.

Undoubtedly, his move caused the morale of the gods of the gods to skyrocket and their loyalty increased.

Anyone who sees his methods and the vast amount of faith power accumulated in the gods will feel that his god system has a future and will naturally follow it faithfully.

Even if the god war falls into a disadvantage, even if the strong god-tier force interferes, as long as the massive power of faith is still there, they will have enough confidence to persist until the end.

Just as Lin Xiao was making the final preparations for the full-scale battle of Gods, he secretly sent an avatar to contact the God of Vengeance. His face suddenly changed that day, and his will appeared in the Pantheon.

Among the shocked eyes of the gods in the Pantheon, the two gods ranked third and fourth in the second stage of the Pantheon suddenly lit up with bloody light, and then the fourth-ranked gods burned and disappeared in the bloody light. , And the burning blood of the third-ranked god-tier skyrocketed, bringing the god-tier up to the sky, crossing the second tier representing medium power, and jumping to the first tier representing strong god-tier power in the shocked eyes of the gods, directly The god seat beyond the Lord of the Sun squeezed into the middle position with the god of justice.

There was silence in the Pantheon, and Lin Xiao was also surprised, and quickly understood what had happened.

Obviously, a big change has taken place among the orc races located in the bitter cold place in the northernmost part of the main continent.

Among the orc races occupying the northernmost part of the continent, Barnaro, the two most powerful orc master gods of medium power, suddenly defeated the orcs without the other true gods in the Pantheon. Captured the orcs, war, barbarism, courage and other priesthoods of God of War, and successfully promoted to strong god-tier power.

The orc main god itself is the middle power peak of the tenth-level god level, and the orc God of War ranks third and fourth in the Pantheon, which happens to be between the magic god and Lin Xiao. Now the orc God of War is dead. , The orc main god was promoted, and the medium power vacated two positions. Lin Xiao’s ranking was ascending as the middle power and ranked third.

But this is not the point. Few gods will pay attention to this now. What everyone pays attention to is the new ascending throne of the Pantheon.

At this moment, the world gave birth to the fourth strong god-tier power, but the Lord of the Sun, who was promoted hundreds of years ago, was ranked behind the god of justice as soon as he was promoted.

It is certain that this is just the beginning. When the orc master god digests the priesthood of the orc God of War and unifies the orc race, its strength will definitely usher in rapid growth, and it is estimated that it will not take long to surpass the god of justice to rank second.

What is more predictable is that it will not be long before the orc race will leave the bitter north of the cold north under the impetus of the orc master god, and attack the human race to seize the territory.

This is a huge threat to the human gods, and it may directly affect the next war between the Dark God System and the Magic God System.

Lin Xiao analyzed the situation in his mind and found that it was not a good thing for him.

Because of the four great god-tier forces in the Pantheon today, only the god of justice and the god of the sun are humans. The body of the god of chaos is not human, and the specific origin is unknown. After all, the god of chaos is the oldest true god in this world. No one knows what his true body is.

The rise of orcs poses the greatest threat to mankind. It will inevitably involve most of the energy of mankind’s strongest true god, the god of justice, and the sun god cannot avoid it. After all, as a true god of human origin, he must safeguard the overall interests of mankind. They must stand up.

In this way, for the overall benefit of mankind, the god of justice and the lord of the sun will probably order a full-scale war between the two god-tier systems at this time, or even order them to participate in the war in person.

Although many of the Dark Gods are true alien gods, his main god is human.

Fortunately, it is a human being. If he comes from a foreign race, he probably won’t have a chance to compete with the god of magic.

As he expected, within a month, Lin Xiao received an order from the god of justice to stop the battle between the two god-tier systems and ordered him to participate in the war against the orc gods.

Lin Xiao responded and gave the godly metaphors to the church of the gods. It didn’t take long for the Cryptman legion that was stationed in a passage near the surface to open. After communicating with the surface kingdom, he obtained permission and crossed the passage and entered the surface.

In the war with the orcs, you just need to send an army to you. Sending a large army is not only too expensive, but also easy to expose your strength that you have prepared for a long time.

But the most important thing is that the surface kingdoms will not allow millions or even tens of millions of underground armies to enter the surface. As the saying goes, it’s easy to ask God to send it away. What an exaggerated number of millions or even tens of millions of armies, even a few The strong god-tier force can’t be tuned out for a while, how can it be possible to let them enter the surface, and once he has other thoughts, it is easy to occupy an area on the surface.

Instead of all kinds of wrangling, it’s better to be casual, and at the same time you can hide behind the scenes, and then maybe you can fish in troubled waters.

As the gods of justice and the lord of the sun gave orders, the human gods mobilized to form a huge coalition to build a line of defense with the orcs and cold plains, and fought against the orcs from the northern cold plains to the south.

The war quickly entered a state of anxiety. The orcs who had lived in the bitter cold place for a long time were very powerful, and they were extremely eager for the fertile land of the south, which gave them a strong will to fight.

In addition, the promotion of the orc main god to a strong god-tier power gave them confidence, which led to the early stage of the war and forced the coalition forces to advance for hundreds of kilometers, and once invaded several kingdoms within the border.

Through the virtual map of the magic net planet, Lin Xiao clearly observed the many battlefields in the northern part of the mainland that stretched from east to west for tens of thousands of kilometers. His understanding of the entire battle situation was better than that of the many human gods who had incarnate on the battlefield.

The individual combat power is dominated by the orcs, especially the strong orc races such as tauren, bear, tiger, etc., perform very well on the battlefield. The human army is not an opponent at all in a small-scale encounter, but only on a large-scale frontal battlefield. In order to fight against the orc army with the support of various war machines and the wizards and priests.

Orcs have always had the advantage in small-scale battlefields, but they ended in defeat in several important battles.

And this kind of large-scale war is based on a frontal battle to determine the victory or defeat, and no matter how large a small-scale battlefield advantage is, it will not affect the overall situation.

Two years later, Lin Xiao once again sent a corps to join the battlefield, and at the same time sent an avatar to the front line.

In just two years, the seemingly imposing orcs were blocked from the hinterland of mankind. They were defeated in several conference battles, and a large number of orcs’ main forces were eliminated, the orcs’ offensive was blocked, and the humans entered a counter-offensive state.

At this time, the gods of justice and the gods of the sun began to summon the gods of mankind. Not surprisingly, they were ready to directly attack the gods of the orcs.

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