Chapter 634

PS: The two thousand monthly ticket is almost too close, brothers cast some more.

It’s a pity that Lin Xiao’s soul origin is a true god comparable to the seventh-order, and there is a soul that merges with the crystal wall origin core. When he becomes a fourth-level dawn wizard and condenses the true spirit in the wizarding world, let go of the restrictions, he can already be limited. Borrowing the power of his true body, this fatal blow to other fifth-level experts did not hurt him at all.

Withdrawing his gaze from the son of Sethek, Lin Xiao raised his head and looked up at the sky. At a level that ordinary people could not see, the will of Sethekk, the god of the crow, who represented the original will of this world, was roaring angrily, and the continuous world power was absorbed by him.

When Setek mobilized the world origin to directly attack his soul, it also represented that Lin Xiao’s will was in contact with the world origin will.

Generally, even the sixth-level souls and true spirits cannot resist the original will of a world. Faced with such an attack, if there is no time to escape, the soul will be directly defeated and even the soul will be annihilated under the impact of the original will of the vast world.

But no one thought that Lin Xiao’s soul would withstand the impact from the will of the world’s origin. This meant more than just resisting.

We must know that the most critical step of the crow god Sethek’s replacement of the world’s original will of the gray crow world was to bear the impact of the original world’s original will with his own soul and will, and then in turn replace the original world’s will.

If one’s own soul and will cannot withstand the impact of the world’s original will, there is only a dead end.

Now Lin Xiao is holding on to the impact of the world’s original will, which means that he can replace the god of the crow as the new original will of this world.

If he wants.

Of course Lin Xiao would not want to. How could he give up his body to be in harmony with the world if he is still alive? Moreover, even if he had to make this decision, he would have to change to a promising world, and he would not choose the Grey Arakkoa. world.

However, although he will not choose to replace the God of the Raven as the new will of the world, he has other options, such as…

Devour the world’s source power!

This transparent beam of light is the attack of the world origin on him, and it is also the channel for him to devour the power of the world origin. Except for the son of Sethek, even the fourth-level arakkoa can not see it, a continuous flow of the world origin. With this transparent beam of light injected into his body.

The power of the world origin is more rare than the power of the soul. The most important thing is that the gray arakkoa world from which these world origin powers are part of the wizarding world. When he swallows the world origin power, he is also deepening himself. The mark of the wizarding world.

The result is that the various suppressions of the wizarding world on him are rapidly weakening, and the power of the real body is constantly releasing and recovering, and the power is getting stronger and stronger.

Lin Xiao previously estimated that if he could swallow a large number of powerful arakkoa and souls, he might be able to successfully condense his true body in this world.

Now that he has been devouring the power of the Grey Crow world for less than ten seconds, he feels that the conditions for his own real body are about to be met.

It was just that as he swallowed quickly, the surrounding arakkoa powerhouses felt intensely uneasy, as if something terrible was about to happen, and at the same time their blood began to boil, and an irresistible force pushed them to shoot again.


The chains broke, and eight fourth-level arakkoa were blown away by the breaking force.

The son of Sethek’s huge wings flew to an altitude of thousands of meters, and a transparent beam of light fell into him from the sky. The giant bird’s pupils were chaotic and quickly recovered. An aura different from the previous one gushed out, and he stretched out his hand and grabbed it. All arakkoa felt an indescribable force that caused their blood to start to boil.


Arakkoa exploded into pieces of bones out of thin air, and the flesh and blood were bound by an invisible force and turned into blood lines that rose to the sky. From a distance, countless blood lines rose and merged into the son of Sethek.

In just a few seconds, millions of arakkoa exploded and died not far away, and the infinite flesh and blood flowed into the blood cells formed by the son of Sethek.

“Do not!”

The many fourth-level arakkoa powerhouses who were struggling to support could no longer suppress the boiling blood in the body, bursting into the sky, and thick pillars of blood rose into the sky and merged into the huge blood cells.

“Quickly retreat!”

Nolan quickly ordered the troops to retreat, and the situation in front of him was out of control. Whether Lin Xiao or the son of Sethek, who was occupied by the god of the crow, displayed power that had exceeded Tier 5 and entered a state comparable to the Sea Emperor, this was them. A force that is completely irresistible.

It’s just that it’s too late to withdraw the troops. Neither Lin Xiao nor the descending Crow God can give them time to withdraw.

In less than ten seconds, the blood cell with a diameter of hundreds of meters, which had swallowed the infinite flesh and blood, shrank inward rapidly, shrinking rapidly, getting smaller and smaller, and soon became only ten meters in diameter, five meters in diameter, and two meters in diameter. It quickly contracted inward, condensing into an arakkoa like blood crystals, and its wings spread out and flashed in front of the golden titan like lightning.


A ring of light exploded from the impact, and the gold-cast Titan’s body collapsed inward upon the impact of the arakkoa made of blood crystals. The tiny golden red lightning between the blood crystals and the golden flesh exploded, annihilating each other and colliding with each other. A hole about one meter in diameter came out through the back.

A flash circled around and hit another part of the huge golden Titan’s body again. With countless small golden blood-red lightnings flying, the huge body was once again blown into a hollow hole with a diameter of one meter.

The blood crystal arakkoa was as fast as lightning. In an instant, it knocked the body of the gold titan out of eleven holes, like a honeycomb, and the gold titan did not respond as if it did not respond.

If ordinary people saw this scene, they might think that the golden giant had no resistance to this lightning-fast blood crystal arakkoa.

But Nolan, who has been paying attention, has keenly discovered that as time goes by, the speed of this blood crystal arakkoa penetrating the real body of Titan is getting slower and slower. Before, it was really fast as lightning. But after many times The penetration speed is getting slower and slower, getting slower and slower, leaving a large amount of blood fog to be absorbed by the Titan’s body every time it passes through.

The hole that was penetrated at the beginning cannot even be healed. The blood-red lightning left by the blood crystal arakkoa will prevent the Titan from healing, but as Lin Xiao’s source of energy becomes more and more, the suppression of the wizarding world is getting less and less. , He has begun to be able to communicate with the suppressed true spirits and gradually gain the power of the true body. The condensed Titan true body not only begins to take shape, but is also stronger than before.

We must know that the original body of the Titan that was condensed at the beginning came from a bloodline of the real body, and now he directly inherits the real body, it is the ancient god of the Xiantian Titan, the same personality as the creation Titan of the Azeroth Crystal Wall Universe, perhaps The power is not too strong now, but the personality is very, very high.

It is certainly impossible to fully restore the body of the ancient Titan with the power of the origin of a world, but it is absolutely no problem to just condense the real body once.

As his power became stronger and stronger, the penetration speed of the blood crystal arakkoa became slower and slower. Finally, as the blood crystal arakkoa had to pass through his body to prepare to come out, a piece of gold was covered with mysterious rune. The big hand fiercely patted the blood crystal arakkoa into his body.

At this time, the golden giant, who was more than 100 meters tall, stood in the air, surrounded by a halo composed of countless fine runes, and the rules wherever he reached were forcibly rewritten.

The blood crystal arakkoa was forcibly pushed back into the body, and the flesh and blood of the body that passed through it had healed, and it was trapped in the body for life, small golden lightning flew out and bombarded the blood crystal arakkoa continuously, and the big golden hand he was holding kept shaking. The body roars constantly.

“Just let your pure flesh and blood essence, to make up for the last missing part of this first real body!”

The dazzling power of the Golden Titan suddenly recovered, and a powerful attraction bloomed with him as the center. In an instant, the sand and rocks were scattered, and the debris of nearly ten kilometers in radius was all attracted by the powerful attraction, and settled on the edge of the Realm of the Golden Titan. , Forming a huge cocoon formed by rubble slowly turning.

“I may have witnessed history!”

Nolan looked at the sphere that was nearly one kilometer in diameter slowly rotating like a planet, and his eyes were full of envy and awe.

“I am the titan who devours!”

With the announcement that spread throughout the Arakkoa world, all the strong fourth-level and above in the coalition forces in the Arakkoa world, whether the Arakkoa world or the Aquaman world, all felt their heads and looked in a certain direction.

A month later, the third and third division forces broke through the capital of the northern arakkoa kingdom, and the blood sacrifice refined the millions of arakkoa gathered in the entire capital.

Three months later, the long-awaited coalition and all the nobles of the northern arakkoa kingdom fought a decisive battle against the redstone terrace, annihilating all the remnants of the northern arakkoa kingdom in one fell swoop, and the northern arakkoa kingdom officially perished.

At this time, the Southern Alliance Army was still at a stalemate with the Southern Arakkoa Kingdom.

Five months later, when he was about to send his troops to the west to attack the last arakkoa kingdom, suddenly an imperial messenger arrived, bringing his Majesty the Sea King’s order to cease the war.

The Temple of the Arakkoa was willing to surrender the clan and merge the entire world into the Sea King Empire. His Majesty the Sea King agreed with the letter of surrender from the Arakkoa and ordered the thirteenth legionnaires to return to the court.

Lin Xiao hadn’t said anything about this order, but Nolan the Feathered Serpent was unhappy.

Under his leadership, he almost swept the whole world all the way, victory was at his fingertips, and the benefits of war were simply in vain. He was lying all the way and sharing part of the benefits, but suddenly ceased the war. How could he be reconciled.

He found Lin Xiao and said:

“Your Excellency Lin Xiao, I think the order of His Majesty Sea Emperor may be false.”

Lin Xiao squinted his eyes slightly, Nolan’s heart trembled, even if he had seen it many times, but his strength was too strong, he couldn’t completely control the power of convergence after he gathered his body once, even if a trace of strength leaked occasionally. He can bear it.

“Why is it fake?”

Nolan respectfully said:

“According to the rules of the empire, foreign envoys go to the world of Neptune to meet with your Majesty. During the process, it will take at least one month or more. If it is an orthogonal battle, this process will take longer. We have only entered this world for about half a year. They resisted very strongly before. It’s not like it will surrender. No matter what, it is impossible for your Majesty to make the decision to withdraw troops so quickly, so I think it is false.”

Nolan looked affirmative, Lin Xiao glanced at him and his heart beat again, a little uneasy.

This was purely for a reason, and both he and Nolan knew the real reason.

When he condensed his real body for the first time, with the strength comparable to His Majesty Sea Emperor, it was inevitable to be restricted and suppressed.

Then a powerful race that was slaughtered by tens of millions of people and possessed blood and blood feuds would definitely be used by the Sea King to contain him.

At the same time, this is also a test for him, to test whether he is obedient.

This is a stern plot on the bright side, anyone can see it, and of course Lin Xiao can see it.

And his choice is…

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