Chapter 632

The specific recovery speed is related to the resources obtained. The more soul and flesh and blood essence, the stronger his recovery speed will be.

The real body is comparable to the body of the ancient god of Xiantian Titan with medium divine power, plus the one-time real body in the wizarding world, and the extremely powerful soul after swallowing countless souls. The three are unified. It is estimated that it will not be long before his strength will reach eight levels. , To become one of the top powerhouses in the world.

In the wizarding world, medium divine power, strong god-tier power, and super divine power belong to the eighth level, which is also the level with the largest span of strength.

When he reached that stage, even without the power bestowed by the ancestor of Vientiane, he could guarantee himself that his memory would still not be lost.

For Lin Xiao, this meant that he had a minimum guarantee when he ventured into the wizarding world this time. As long as the memory is still there, he will not despair even if the competition for the Vientiane Temple fails.

As long as the memory is still there, with the good fortune Rubik’s Cube in hand, he can always reach the top of the wizarding world step by step.

He can’t guarantee that he can become the ancestor of the great god-tier power, but as long as he becomes an eighth-level wizard and the suppression of him by the wizarding world is completely eliminated, he can use the good fortune cube to contact the few incarnations he has left outside. .

As long as the strength of one of the avatars is equivalent to strong god-tier power, the real body can communicate with the avatar through the good fortune cube, and then use the power of the super war fortress in the fifth theater to forcibly communicate Gaia’s will and force his The real body pulled back to the main world and got away.

Sober will….

Good fortune Rubik’s Cube communicates inside and outside the wizarding world…

The real body and incarnation comparable to the strong god-tier power…

A super war fortress opened with full force…

The identity of the son of Gaia…

In fact, in addition to the need for a sober will, the remaining four conditions only need to meet two of them to try to leave the wizarding world. The more conditions are met, the easier it is to succeed.

The reason why Jin Sisi’s father could not leave was because the conditions were not fully met.

It is certain that the will is sober. After all, I heard Jin Sisi said that her father was a ninth-level super divine power before entering the wizarding world. Soberness is absolutely guaranteed in the wizarding world.

But he couldn’t satisfy two of the remaining four conditions at the same time, so he was stuck here all the time.

However, Lin Xiao personally felt that the cheap father-in-law might not want to leave. He himself changed his position in the wizarding world. As the cheap old father-in-law, there was no reason to miss the two remaining conditions.

First of all, there is no reason for him to have no backs before entering the wizarding world. It may not be possible to communicate with the inside and outside of the wizarding world, but it is not impossible to prepare an avatar to hide.

In addition, with his status and status, it is absolutely no problem to ask a certain super war fortress to open once at a high price.

Then with the strength and identity of the old husband, a son of Gaia like Lin Xiao may not have, but he definitely has extremely high authority, which can replace the son of Gaia.

Putting all these together, Lin Xiao felt that Lao Zhangren was trapped in the wizarding world with a lot of doubts, and it was unreasonable.

But the fact is really stuck.

Then there are only two possibilities, one is that Lao Zhangren sees the hope of becoming an ancestor, and he is unwilling to leave.

The second possibility is that an accident happened that caused the remaining back hand to fail.

Both possibilities are very high, and he is not sure what is going on, so he can only find out if he finds a way to find the old man.

Then the Expeditionary Army and the Arakkoa entered a stalemate again. Their side was temporarily unable to attack, while the Arakkoa were busy rebuilding the camp and gathering the ruined troops, but the confrontation between the two reconnaissance forces never stopped.

Every few days, Arakkoa lords of different sizes join the enemy camp. The strength of the Arakkoa continues to grow, but their strength has not changed. The command from the commander of the army base of the rear expeditionary army is to let them Stand for three months, waiting for the main force of the legion to defeat the other road before supporting it.

Seeing that this continues, they will undoubtedly lose. Although he has the strength of Tier 5, he can also pick up all the fourth-level powers on the opposite side, but the opposite side is not a fool. With the lessons learned before, it is impossible to let him succeed in a surprise attack. He can’t help them in a short period of time when he concentrates on defense.

At that time, it would depend on the strength of the subordinates of both sides. Lin Xiao felt that he was not sure about this. It was a huge difference in numbers.

He is only a division and a half, and the opposite is the power of the country. The key storage of grain and grass is definitely not enough for him to persist for three months.

According to the level of the opposing commander, Lin Xiao felt that he would try to attack in less than three months.

Perseverance is difficult, and retreat is even more impossible.

Lin Xiao felt that he needed to find a way to break the game.

Now there is an idea, but he is hesitating.

During the period, he went to see Nolan. The feather snake man was in a better state than before, and he barely returned to the Tier 4 state, but it didn’t make much difference in the situation.

A week later, an army of more than 100,000 left the expeditionary camp.

After receiving the news, the Arakkoa commander was silent for a while, and ordered the entire army to attack the expeditionary camp.

Lin Xiao led the main force to appear in the big camp, and the two sides fought regardless of victory or defeat.

Three days later, another army of more than 100,000 left the expeditionary camp.

The Arakkoa commander once again ordered the entire army to attack the expeditionary army camp, and Lin Xiao once again led the main force to block the gray arakkoa attack.

After the second week, another 100,000 troops left the expeditionary camp.

The Arakkoa commander continued to lead the main offensive, and the two sides fought regardless of victory or defeat.

At this time, there were more than 300,000 fewer people in the expeditionary camp, but the main force was still there.

Not only the Grey Arakkoa couldn’t figure out what he was doing, even Nolan didn’t know what he wanted to do, so he came to ask specifically, and Lin Xiao’s answer was confidential.

In the next three days, about 100,000 troops will leave the camp from the rear.

Every time like this, the Grey Arakkoa commander would send troops to test the reality, and every time Lin Xiao personally appeared to guard the camp.

It was not until a month and a half later that the auxiliary and logistic troops in the huge expeditionary camp were almost completely withdrawn. Marshal Grey Arakkoa looked at the sand table in deep contemplation, and a senior officer asked:

“Your Excellency, did the enemy want to escape by doing this?”

Marshal Grey Arakkoa shook his head:

“I have thought about it, but as long as his main force has not escaped, it is not considered an escape. We have been keeping a close eye on their main force.”

He was pondering, with some doubts in his eyes, he had never seen this kind of tactics.

Normally wanting to retreat is to use the auxiliary logistics soldiers as the main cannon fodder cover. There is no reason to use the main force to cover the cannon fodder. This is completely unreasonable. The entire history of arakkoa civilization has never appeared.

There may have been cases where the main force was mixed with cannon fodder and retreated, but every time he sent troops to attack and test, it was impossible for the enemy’s main force to withdraw.

Not only is he confused, everyone is confused.

Inside the camp, Nolan found Lin Xiao and asked:

“The auxiliary soldiers and logistics are almost withdrawn. Now we and less than 300,000 auxiliary soldiers are left in the camp. How do we leave?”

Lin Xiao wondered:

“Why should we withdraw?”

Nolan was questioned by him, stunned for a moment, showing a daze on his face, and pointed his finger up:


He understood that Lin Xiao had no plans to retreat from the main force. From the beginning to the end, he had only one goal: to withdraw all the more than 1 million logistics units in the camp that consumed the most food but had little combat effectiveness. The rest were the main combat troops and Auxiliary soldiers with certain combat effectiveness.

The biggest problem for them now is that they don’t have enough food. Now there are about 1.5 million less people who eat free food. The food saved allows them to persist for more than half a year without a problem.

There is no worries about defending, and persisting for three months is not a big problem.

Therefore, both Nolan and the arakkoa, the commander-in-chief who is known as the god of war, think too much. He doesn’t have any complicated ideas at all, but they think too complicated and fall into a misunderstanding of thinking.

It is estimated that I have reacted to it now, or that I have had this kind of suspicion a few times ago, but I just don’t want to admit that I didn’t see it.

And even if you know it, there is no way, only cannon fodder is withdrawn, and interception is useless.

Evacuate the burden, reduce the burden, and go to battle lightly. On the contrary, the arakkoa commander will not be able to fight for a while, and there will be no fighting for half a month.

Three months passed and two months passed. According to the command of the legionary commander, it only lasted for another month.

But Lin Xiao didn’t want to squat at the big camp every day, and went out every day to provoke the opposite side in front of the gray arakkoa’s camp.

It is a pity that his previous record of easily beheading two fourth-level powerhouses was too amazing, even if the arakkoa camp has gathered as many as eight fourth-level powerhouses now, no one dares to fight.

This is exactly what he wants, anyway, he can delay the attack, as soon as the time is up to the legion commander’s support, he can counterattack.

However, many times the development of things does not change like personal thoughts. Just before the end of the three-month period, Lin Xiao, who was chatting with Nolan in the camp, suddenly changed his face and stood up abruptly to look at the crow. People’s Daying direction.

In his induction, a very powerful aura appeared in the arakkoa camp.

“Fifth-level legion-level powerhouse!”

Nolan also sensed this blatant breath, and the reaction was bigger than Lin Xiao, and he jumped up and said loudly:

“The enemy has a fifth-level strong appearance, we must retreat immediately.”

Lin Xiao shook his head and said:

“It’s too late, don’t you know the enemy commander’s ability? Now let us know, it means that he is ready, as long as we dare to withdraw from the center of his arms, we will definitely be defeated.”

Nolan said eagerly:

“But if we don’t withdraw, we will die! Neither you nor I can stop a fifth-level powerhouse.”

“That’s not necessarily!”


Nolan didn’t react for a while, and asked subconsciously.

Lin Xiao didn’t answer, he walked out of the camp with his hands on his back, his breath quickly ascending, and quickly surpassed the fourth-level limit and entered the same level as the aura in the distance.

Nolan, the feather snake man from behind, opened his mouth slightly in surprise and said:

“You, promotion… No, you were originally the fifth-level legionary?”

Lin Xiao looked up at the dim sky and said to himself:

“If you kill a fifth-level gray arakkoa and swallow it, my true body can go even further.”

Before swallowing two fourth-level arakkoa, he discovered that these powerful arakkoa possess an extremely powerful bloodline power, which is very important for his real body growth.

He always wanted to devour a few more, but unfortunately the arakkoa didn’t give him a chance.

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