Chapter 630 Stalemate

When Lin Xiao returned to the expeditionary base, the Fourth Division was entering this world.

Lin Xiao waited at the base for half a year, until the fifth division all entered the world and established a base, the legion commander came with the main force of the first division.

At this time, the Thirteenth Division had already come out, and established a huge camp that stretched for tens of kilometers near the portal. The gray arakkoa within a radius of more than 100 kilometers were all killed and looted.

When the legion commander arrives, it means that the 13th legion’s strategy of the Arakkoa world has begun in an all-round way.

After two consecutive days of closed-door meetings, the Second Division and the Fifth Division jointly marched south, preparing to attack the gray arakkoa kingdom in the south.

Lin Xiao’s Third Division and Fourth Division jointly marched northward, preparing to attack the Grey Arakkoa Kingdom in the north.

According to the evaluation data, any division has the strength to fight against any Arakkoa kingdom, but it is quite reluctant. If the command is unfavorable, there may be a risk of defeat. The two divisions together are the safest.

The entire Grey Raven world has only three Grey Arakkoa kingdoms and many large and small forces. The two Grey Arakkoa kingdoms will be defeated in a surprise attack. The only threats will be the last kingdom and the Grey Arakkoa Temple, and there will be four divisions. The united soldiers first wiped out one, and finally dealt with the Sethek Temple, the god of the gray arakkoa, and completely destroyed the world.

The third and fourth divisions are both hundreds of thousands. Lin Xiao discussed with Nolan, the commander of the fourth division, and decided to march on the left and the right more than ten kilometers apart. They usually do not interfere with each other. Support at any time when encountering an enemy.

The Arakkoa were unprepared for their invasion, even if there were warnings from the will of the world, where could they mobilize enough troops in a hurry.

The most important thing is the lordship system implemented by the Arakkoa. The big and small lords are relatively independent. The kings of the Arakkoa kingdom do not have enough power over the big and small lords, and they can’t align enough troops to fight against the strong.

In just one year, they broke through more than a dozen lords and lords one after another. All the captives were massacred. The bones were piled up wherever they went, resentment was soaring, and the bloody killing frightened the lords behind and forced them to unite.

This was done deliberately by them. After breaking a dozen or so lords, they knew more about the strength of the Grey Arakkoa. After discussing with Nolan the Feathered Serpent, Lin Xiao felt that the step-by-step strategy was too troublesome, so he decided to use it. In this way, the Arakkoa united and wiped out them in one fell swoop.

However, although their ideas are good, they have also considered unexpected situations, but they underestimated the degree of resistance of the world’s will.

After they broke more than a dozen lords and slaughtered them, the Sethek Temple located in the center of the world sent messengers and strong men to the three Great Grey Arakkoa kingdoms faster than they could imagine.

The North and South coalition forces were blocked before they attacked the capitals of the two Great Arakkoa kingdoms. The Arakkoa mobilized a much larger army than the coalition forces at a faster rate than they expected. The two sides combined more than three million troops. Confront them at a place called the Bone Plain.

The combined forces of the 3rd and 4th Divisions totaled approximately one million troops, less than 300,000 formal soldiers, while the power of the Ashman Kingdom mobilized more than 800,000 formal soldiers. Reserve assistance and logistics were added. It rises up to more than two and a half million giants, and the huge camp stretches for hundreds of miles.

The Arakkoa Kingdom has more troops, but the average strength of the soldiers is more than weaker, but it is stronger in the fourth-order high-end combat power. There are a total of seven fourth-order strongmen, while the coalition has only three fourth-order strongmen, respectively. They are Lin Xiao and two of the Fourth Division.

The fourth-level power is also their superiority. Whether it is Lin Xiao or Feathered Serpent Nolan, they can have one enemy and two, but they have seven fourth-level powerhouses.

After the initial consecutive battles, the two sides confronted each other unanimously.

The Arakkoa are continuing to mobilize troops from all parts of the kingdom to build defenses, and the coalition forces also report the situation here to the Legion, and the Legion will assess whether to seek help from His Majesty the Sea King.

The Arakkoa reacted in advance, they were unable to massacre the enemy’s vital force with a blitzkrieg, and the expedition fell into a deadlock, which was not good for them.

After all, the Arakkoa are fighting locally, with the help of the will of the world, and they are fighting across the world, and the logistics is troublesome. The more they are dragged behind, the more they suffer. If they are dragged to the back, they will all be mobilized, only relying on the thirteenth. The power of the Legion will undoubtedly be defeated.

Of course, neither he nor Nolan nor the officers under his command were nervous. The overall strength of the Arakkoa was there. As long as they waited for the support of the new legion, they would undoubtedly lose under the suppression of absolute strength.

But before that, I still have to go back.

Lin Xiao routinely patrols the camp every day, and then the camp slowly refines soul beads, using the good fortune cube to wipe out the remaining spiritual brand and will and then swallow them.

Or the essence of these flesh and blood can be purified again through the good fortune cube, and then swallowed to replenish itself.

Seven or eight hundred thousand Grey Arakkoa’s flesh and blood essences are refined into themselves, which contains a large amount of one-level second-level Grey Arakkoa’s flesh and blood. The power contained in the Grey Arakkoa is far stronger than ordinary Grey Arakkoa, and Lin Xiao can clearly feel the power of his own body. , The real body gradually completes.

Although he was still a fourth-level wizard, Lin Xiao knew that his current combat power was estimated to be comparable to fifth-level.

Others are inaccurate, but the physical fitness of the fifth energy level displayed in black on the white background on the attribute panel clearly tells him that his current physical fitness has entered that level, and he will continue to return to that level with his true body. When he continues to grow, when his true body is completely completed, is when he enters the sixth-level.

It’s just that the strength he shows to the outside world is still fourth-level, and it is better to keep a low profile before the strength is not strong enough.

In this stage of confrontation, the Arakkoa had always maintained a conservative defensive position at the beginning, but with the continuous support from the rear and the continuous defense of the coalition forces, their courage gradually increased. After half a year, they began to try small-scale provocations. , Increase the patrol range.

The patrol deliberately approached the coalition camp to provoke, and the huge camp moved forward and approached, and even called the battle at the late stage.

But it’s useless. Both he and Nolan are experienced veterans. This provocation they won’t even have the slightest psychological disturbance, and continue to wait for the old god.

However, they have been defensively ignoring them, and the Arakkoa have become more daring. Looking at them later, they have not attacked. After the commander of the Arakkoa feels that his own strength has enough advantages, he began to dispatch troops and prepare to attack.

Lin Xiao was resting in the big camp that day. He suddenly heard the shouts of killing outside the big camp. He quickly flew out of the camp and saw the flames burst into the sky in the direction of the fourth division camp, more than ten kilometers away from his division camp. Shocking shouts of killing came from there, and at the same time, some subordinates quickly came to report that the enemy was attacking the fourth division camp.

Several battle camp commanders all looked at him and waited for his orders.

But he did not immediately order support. Instead, he turned to look at the gray arowana camp on the other side, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said in a deep voice:

“Let the soldiers prepare to attack the enemy camp.”

It can be guessed without reconnaissance that the Arakkoa attack was planned for a long time. If he does not support it, they will eat the Fourth Division. If they support it, the Arakkoa will have troops to block it halfway. They will still eat the Fourth Division, or end their camp.

At this time, the strength of the Grey Ark Man had surpassed the coalition forces. This was Chi Guoguo’s plan. No matter what decision Lin Xiao made, it would be useless.

But they probably wouldn’t have thought that he didn’t make any of the decisions they envisioned, and instead directly attacked the gray arakkoa camp.

In other words, the Arakkoa had taken this into consideration, but he didn’t believe that he would be so unwise. The Arakkoa camp was very defensive, and normal and experienced commanders would not attack the camp directly.

But Lin Xiao did just that. Naturally, he was not stupid, but had plenty of confidence.

On the plain 17 kilometers away from the coalition camp, hundreds of thousands of gray arakkoa soldiers are attacking the fourth division camp. Surrounded by many strong gray arakkoa, there are several tall gray crows with bright feathers standing in the center. The strong man, after receiving a report from his subordinates, another enemy unit is pulling out of camp and attacking his own base. The gray arakkoa marshal, who is known as the god of war among the gray arakkoa, froze for a moment, and thinks a little about uploading the commander to the other side. Order:

“Send an order and order Duke Hall to defend on the spot.”

The messenger left quickly, and he immediately ordered the other messenger:

“Send an order to let the Prince Azeri, who is about to intercept, immediately support the camp, and be sure to persist until the main force defeats the enemy here.”

Next, he issued several orders one after another. After the commander left one by one, he shouted to the powerful men of the legion on the side:

“Everyone, the arakkoa god is watching us, killing all the invaders in the name of Sethek! I order, a full-scale attack!”


A huge fireball was thrown into the air for hundreds of meters and fell straight into the camp of the arakkoa, exploded on a transparent light curtain, and the hot flame ring spread and covered a large area of ​​void.

Duke Hall, who is in the camp, is a fourth-level arakkoa. He stayed at the camp with another fourth-level strongman from the royal family. He was not shocked when he saw the neatly organized enemy outside the camp. Hi, laugh out loud:

“I think it’s hard for me to contribute to this battle. I didn’t expect the enemy commander to be so stupid that he would take the initiative to attack the camp. I really wanted to die!”

The other royal consecration did not speak, but the expression of approval showed that his mind was the same.

At this time, a golden light of the enemy rose into the sky, especially conspicuous in the dim world. Duke Hall was quite surprised when he saw this. He smiled and said to the royal family:

“It seems that the enemy commander wants to fight.”

“Although the strength is strong, the brain is not good.”

Although they are reluctant to admit it, they fought many times in the previous year, and the three commanders were able to compete against the seven fourth-level gray arakkoa strongmen. They have to admit that the gray arakkoa are indeed weaker than them in terms of individual strength. Duke Hall, who is in charge, is unwilling and dare not stand alone with him, and said to the royal family:

“A guest from afar, in order to convince him of his defeat, just as he wished!”

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