Chapter 628: Grey Rook Man World

Most humans in this world use enhanced wizards to strengthen themselves by obtaining the bloodlines of powerful creatures. Strictly speaking, enhanced wizards are also a kind of bloodline wizards. The main reason is that most humans do not have natural bloodlines and can only obtain bloodlines through Houtian methods. Incorporate into yourself.

There is a huge fortress on the resident island of the 13th Army. There is a trans-world portal inside. It is said that this portal was built by the first emperor and the most powerful emperor of the sea king empire in ancient times. It can cost a lot of money Communicating with other worlds in the context of the resources, thus establishing a two-world channel.

There are a total of 21 such portals, of which 18 Sea Kings each hold one, and the remaining three are in the hands of Sea King. The 13th Army garrison is only one of them.

After Lin Xiao took over the third division, he observed this portal from a close range.

This thing is a special witch formation. The method of constructing the portal itself is not a big secret. He is qualified to learn it with his status and authority. It is just that the many conditions required for the construction of the portal cannot be met by the sea king.

Let alone the precious materials needed, even if the precious empire colonizes the foreign world for so long, there will be no shortage of storage, basically there are.

The most critical factor is actually strength. The empire currently does not have a super power like the first generation of Sea King, and does not have enough strength to penetrate the two-world channel out of thin air. The first teleport activation of the portal needs to open up the space with a certain Otherworld out of thin air. Passage, this requirement is no longer needed afterwards, this requires super strength, at least a seventh-level wizard.

Since the first generation of sea queens, there has been no new seventh-level strong, and all the previous sea queens have been sixth-level strong.

Of course, if the seventh-order sea emperor was born, he was not necessarily willing to do so. Now the space gate controlled by the empire is enough to use, there is no need to get another one.

After all, if the appearance of each portal is not made by the sea king, it means the birth of a new super sea king, which will cause internal disputes in the empire.

Although he became the deputy commander of the 13th Army and took over the 3rd Division, Lin Xiao still had nothing to do at this time. At this time, he has no tasks. He rests most of the day, or inspects the troops, and occasionally communicates with colleagues and subordinates. Feelings, the days go by like this.

Most of the legions are sea races, and there are not many humans. In this world, the main sea races, humans are one of the big races.

Before Lin Xiao came, the human with the highest rank in the 13th Army was a deputy battalion commander, a third-level enhanced wizard. His strength was not strong, and his status was definitely not much higher.

So when Lin Xiao arrived, the human officers in the legion immediately united under him and obeyed his dispatch.

Well, in fact, most of the members of the Third Division are humans.

After almost a year of boring days, one day it was suddenly discovered that the reconnaissance troops sent to the foreign world in the fortress had begun to increase. At the same time, he received a herald from the legion commander to convene a meeting of the masters, and Lin Xiao knew that there was something to do.

Meeting as he expected, the Legion has been making breakthrough progress in exploring one of the several discovered exotic worlds. Now the main purpose of convening several high-level meetings of the Legion is the final assessment. If the assessment is passed, it will be reported to the Sea Emperor. Then began to prepare for the strategy of this exotic world.

After their assessment, reporting to Poseidon is basically a cutscene. Even the eighteenth sea kings who listened and did not listen to the proclaimed vassals in the foreign world have to report to Poseidon. This is just a formality.

In the meeting room, the secretary of the corps chief sent a document to the deputy corps commanders or division commanders who were present. The above was detailed reconnaissance data of the world that was about to be attacked.

The extremely tall legion commander holds the main position, with a touch of oppression and breath exactly the same as that of the sea king. His origin is also a powerful dragon whale clan, the same clan as the sea king, and his strength is Tier 5, which is the same rank as most sea kings. .

There are four deputy commanders and two division commanders who are not deputy commanders. There are a total of six high-level officers. Except for Lin Xiao, who is a human race, and the fifth division commander is a feathered snake clan, the rest are all seas. Family.

This feather snake is not the kind of feather snake that ordinary people imagine, but a kind of snake with two pairs of wings, the back of the head is like a cobra, and the head is like a human but still has many characteristics of a snake.

Feathered Snakes generally follow the bloodline route, and their bloodline upper limit is quite high. Their races are still amphibious, land and air, and their overall strength ranks upstream among the races of the empire, which is slightly better than human beings.

Although they belong to different races, it has been tens of thousands of years since Emperor Sea King established the Sea King Empire to unify the entire world. The races have long been fused, and there are still intermarriages between different races, so they will not be hostile to each other because of their differences.

Except for certain naturally hostile races.

Saying hello to the people at the same table, Lin Xiao picked up the thick file and checked it.

The assessment this time is a world code-named Grey Crow. According to the data, the Empire discovered this world more than a hundred years ago, and then successively sent reconnaissance teams to explore that world, and successively sent tens of thousands of spies to explore. For hundreds of years, it is only now that I have thoroughly explored the world and presented all the information.

Then, in accordance with the rules of the empire for tens of thousands of years, a final assessment of the world was made, and a decision was made whether to start a war of conquest or to seal it up.

If you evaluate that the world is too powerful, or the resources are poor, or the resources are not attractive enough for them, etc., the information will be sealed and the world will be abandoned.

If you assess that this world is not strong enough, you will launch a war of conquest.

In addition, depending on the specific situation of the world, the investment of troops will be determined, whether to seek assistance from the empire for a joint attack by several legions, etc., all of which need to be evaluated.

The total area of ​​this world called Gray Shadow is between the large world and the super large world. It is called a large plane in the terms of the main world, but there is no plane in the wizarding world.

According to the information, the sky of the Grey Crow World is covered by a thick layer of gray fog all the year round, and the whole world is in darkness all the year round, just like the night of the fifteenth century.

The main body of that world is a humanoid race called the Arakkoa. There are pictures of the Arakkoa on the data. They look like a human and are covered with thick feathers. The head like a crow is covered with a feather crest and both arms are open. There is also a pair of slightly degraded wings.

Ordinary Arakkoa cannot fly and can only glide for short distances, but if they are awakened, they will have the power to fly.

The mainstream power system in this world is the bloodline wizard, and the gray arakkoa have the opportunity to awaken the blood of the ancestor, the crow god, and gradually evolve in the direction of the crow god.

According to the data, the overall strength of the Arakkoa is far inferior to that of the Sea King Empire. According to the information currently available, the strongest of the several Arakkoa kingdoms and the Sacred Land Sethek Temple of the Arakkoa is only the fourth-level. For the time being, no fifth-level strong has been found. The reconnaissance team has made an evaluation after multiple reconnaissance. There may be hidden fifth-level strong in the Arakkoa world.

But there are certainly not many, at most one or two, this is within the range that Aquaman World can deal with. In fact, even the 13th Army dared to attack the Arakkoa world, but it was very reluctant.

After all, the captain of the 13th Army is a fifth-level strong, and there are eight fourth-level strong in the legion.

Originally there were only six, now there are two new ones, including Lin Xiao.

This strength may not be enough to attack the Arakkoa world, but they can shake people. As the Sea King’s direct line, it is not a problem to support a group of strong from other legions and even the royal family. If the war is unfavorable, you can directly invite other legions to cooperate. Row.

After checking the gray arakkoa’s comprehensive strength evaluation, Lin Xiao turned the information to the back, which listed a large number of various valuable resources in the gray arakkoa world that he had detected.

The main purpose of the world of Raiders is to plunder resources. If the resources are insufficient, even if it can be easily conquered, there will be no interest. No one is willing to spend a lot of effort and loss to conquer a world of little value.

Of course, under normal circumstances, a world that can send a large number of reconnaissance teams cannot be without resources. Many worlds that the Legion is investigating are only initially determined to have conquerable value before continuing deeper reconnaissance. If there is no value, they will be withdrawn and sealed early.

The so-called resource is a very general term.

All kinds of minerals, creatures with powerful bloodlines, and even arable land, etc. are all considered resources.

Even if there is nothing, as long as there are enough intelligent creatures, it is considered a resource.

After all, for the powerful existence above the fourth-level, the soul, flesh and blood, and even emotions of fear and anger of intelligent creatures are considered resources. For their first-level existence, these things can already be used to ascension strength.

Just like Lin Xiao, he can collect a large number of alien souls and refine them into pure soul power to swallow Ascension strength.

The pure spirit power of the previous 200,000 souls made him directly promoted to Tier 4. What if he could harvest 1 million souls? How about millions or even tens of millions of souls?

According to the data, the land in the Arakkoa world cannot cultivate common crops without sunlight, but it is suitable for cultivating various mushrooms that the Arakkoa likes most. The reconnaissance team has transported a batch of fungi, and the taste is not bad, but this is not enough. With the value of Ascension in this world.

Fortunately, the Arakkoa world is mountainous and rich in various minerals.

In addition, the Arakkoa world has a huge number of Arakkoa, and the three Arakkoa kingdoms add up to tens of millions of Arakkoa, as well as many creatures scattered in the world.

In particular, the gray arakkoa are a civilized and intelligent race, their soul quality is quite good, and they can harvest a wave of soul and flesh and blood.

At least in Lin Xiao’s eyes, this world has the value of conquering, but he doesn’t know what other powerful people think.

Seeing him put down the information in his hand, the legion commander Leo’s loud voice sounded:

“Deputy Commander Lin Xiao, do you think this world is worth conquering?”

The heads of several divisions raised their heads and looked at him. He smiled and said:

“There must be the value of conquest. Regardless of the resources in the world, the souls and flesh and blood of the tens of millions of gray arakkoa have enough value, especially the legend of the gray arakkoa has the blood of the god of the crow, such a huge gray The arakkoa is enough to extract a large amount of blood essence, which is enough to create dozens of top wizards and there is extra.”

In the world of Aquaman, the top wizard refers to the fourth-level dawn wizard.

Dawn Wizard is the name of the orthodox wizard, and the fourth-level name is different from other power systems in the world.

Chapter six hundred and twenty eight

The Sea Snake Man Yalin, who was sitting across from him, also nodded and said:

“The environment of this world is not suitable for our survival. Even the most adaptable human races don’t adapt very much. We don’t need mineral deposits very much now, so the best way to use it is to bloody slaughter and squeeze plunder before abandoning this world.”

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