Chapter 625

A figure appeared silently in Lin Xiao’s hiding place and glanced around. This black robe-clad wizard used witchcraft in a sentence, his pupils burst into clear light, and the whole world seemed to have been refreshed, with countless details. The place was prominent in front of him, and the difference in Lin Xiao’s hiding place was quickly discovered.

“Promoted to third-level….”

The black robe was pulled down, revealing a big guy with a bald face full of fleshy flesh. He looked carefully in doubt, and took out a mirror exactly like Julien to check it out, and said to himself:

“Is that the alien descendant that Julien offered a reward?”

“Well, the reward is still there, then pick it up.”

He manipulated the mirror a few times until the mirror lit up, he closed the mirror and smiled slightly:

“Although I don’t know why Julien spends two Contribution Points, it doesn’t matter, I just make some contribution by the way.”

He took out a piece of black gauze and threw it up. The gauze quickly became transparent and covered him. The whole person quickly disappeared, only vaguely seeing a trace of disharmony with the surrounding space, and quickly approached Lin Xiao’s Closed Door Training.

“Well, the task was taken?”

Julien quickly received the prompt and took out the mirror to check it. It showed that the reward task he posted had been taken away. The recipient of the task was unknown, but he knew who it was and could not help but sneered:

“Just let the excellency try your true strength. If I can save my effort, I will have a handful of information even if I fail.”

Thinking of this, he directly sent a message to a certain name, and after waiting ten seconds to get a response, he raised the mirror and looked at it with a suffocating expression on his face:

“The target you passed has died!”

? ? ?

Julien thought he had sent the wrong person at first, so he checked carefully and tried to send it again. After ten seconds, the response again was exactly the same as before.

“This is….”

His expression was extremely solemn and his eyes were uncertain.

He wasn’t sure if this lord was killed by the human descendant. After all, he died just after receiving the reward. This death was a bit quick, and it was abnormally fast. It is common sense to guess that the probability is an accidental death after receiving the reward.

This is the only possibility and the only possibility he accepts.

He couldn’t believe that this lord was killed in just a few seconds.

In the wasteland hundreds of kilometers away from him, Lin Xiao held a head in his hand and looked at his horrified face, and threw it aside disgustedly, picking up a mirror from the broken corpses on the floor and looking at it.

Someone wanted to sneak attack on himself as soon as he was promoted. Of course, he would not be polite.

It’s a pity to use too much force, the magic weapon on this man’s body was crushed by him in one blow, and only this mirror was still okay, he was quite curious.

On the surface it looks like an ordinary glass mirror, but it is definitely a top magic weapon that can withstand his current power without breaking.

But no matter how he tried, whether it was injecting Mental Energy or Magic power, the mirror remained motionless and did not respond, just like an ordinary mirror.

Lin Xiao never knows what he can’t figure out. Even if he can’t study it out, he simply throws into the good fortune Rubik’s Cube. As soon as the Rubik’s Cube is turned, the sturdy mirror shatters to powder. A hint of aura that he would not be able to detect if he were outside appeared. Rotating back and forth in the Rubik’s Cube space, it seems like you want to escape.

“What is this?”

With a thought in his mind, the space of the Rubik’s Cube solidified, but the aura was still creeping at a very slight speed.

Lin Xiao’s expression suddenly became serious.

For the first time, he saw something that could move after the space of the good fortune Rubik’s cube was solidified. Although the speed was faster than that of a snail, it was indeed moving, which was quite incredible.

He tried to bring his own consciousness into contact with this spiritual light, and for a moment he seemed to see the infinite divine light rising in the vast void, and an incredibly large existence was standing in the infinite divine light.

As if sensing his gaze, the incredibly large existence turned his gaze.


Lin Xiao felt a billion-dollar thunder hitting him. This consciousness collapsed on the spot. The unspeakable power blasted into the good fortune cube along the mysterious gaze contact. The cube turned rapidly, and the huge accumulated good fortune energy quickly evaporated. It consumes hundreds of units of good fortune energy consumption for every revolution, and it’s like more than ten centuries in just ten seconds.

I don’t know how long it took, Lin Xiao felt his consciousness slowly reunited, and slowly regained consciousness dimly.

“The ancestor of the true underworld!”

Lin Xiao said the name word by word, shocked in his heart beyond words.

When accepting the shock of that horror, he would also receive the meaning of the existence of that gaze at the same time, and naturally knew who the indescribable horror was.

That was the ancestor accomplished by a son of God’s Domain from the spiritual realm. It is still in the wizarding world, opening a channel with his own authority in the wizarding world, and attracting the son of God’s realm from the spiritual realm to descend into this world while preserving his memory.

The descendant he killed just now was a son of the Spirit Race God’s Domain, and so was Julien. The mirror in his hand was a top-level magic weapon forged by the ancestor of the true underworld. Its main function was to build a huge network with the authority of the ancestor of the true underworld. Connect the descendant sons of the spirit realm.

He just smashed this top-level magic weapon, but fortunately, he used his consciousness to touch the power from the ancestor of the true ancestor, and face the ancestor of the true ancestor.

Well, to be precise, it’s just a power that the ancestor of the true ancestor has pre-predetermined, and it is not looking at the true body of the ancestor of the true ancestor.

But even so, this look cost him more than four thousand units of good fortune energy, just one look, it’s not the real person…..

Lin Xiao, the great loser, was heartbroken, but he was even more worried that his behavior just now would attract the attention of the ancestor of the true underworld. This is terrible.

Lin Xiao felt that this position might not be safe anymore, or that the world is not safe anymore.

“You have to run away!”

He made the decision almost instantly and left this world.

It happens that this ancient battlefield has many space cracks, and many cracks lead to other worlds. I don’t know which is safe and which is unsafe, but no matter how dangerous it is, it will not be more dangerous than being noticed by an ancestor.

Lin Xiao immediately left the place and flew towards the center of the ancient battlefield. He had no choice. He directly found the nearest spatial crack, and happened to see a strange fish with six feet and ten meters long emerged from the crack. Second words Did not say rushed up.

The strange fish saw him open his mouth and screamed strangely, opened his mouth and sprayed with a blue breath, and the ground was quickly coated with frost.

Lin Xiao hit his head without even spreading his deification, and the ice layer quickly shattered into the sky, and a huge fist smashed the strange fish out more than ten meters away.

“Fengling Moon Shadow!”

Blessing himself with a layer of talented witchcraft, Lin Xiao plunged into the crack of this space and disappeared.

The strange fish got up and shook his head, but couldn’t find the target. He croaked a few times and re-drilled into the crack and disappeared.

At this time, Julien was taking out the hot mirror with his mouth wide open. The unopened mirror turned on automatically, and the upper line appeared in his eyes as if written in blood:

“Wanted, human descendants, upload any clues to reward ten points of contribution, and capture the target to reward one hundred points of contribution and a little favor!”

There was a tall human man below, and Julien recognized that it was the human descendant.

“What’s going on? What happened?”

Julien is just as stunned as everyone in this world. At this moment, all the descendants of the spirit race in this world have received this reward, which is unprecedentedly rich. In this reward, countless information is being exchanged wildly. .

Looking at the countless speculations and imaginations above, Julien’s eyes were getting brighter and brighter. He couldn’t help but urged again, and he was also looking forward to the benefits he would get if he could kill the human descendant when he got the Holy Vial of Life.

A hundred points of contribution and a little blessing from the ancestors are more valuable than the soul apostle.

“Perhaps, I can upload some clues first!”

Thinking of this, he quickly started operating on the mirror.

Deep, dark, endless water.

Lin Xiao entered into a state of deification, and after entering another world with his powerful flesh torn through the cracks in the space, he saw endless sea water.

The exit of this spatial crack is in an ocean. Judging from the water pressure from the sea, it should be quite deep under the sea. There are no fish nearby, but occasionally some huge monsters in the sea can be seen swimming. They looked ferocious and cruel, but they evaded after feeling the powerful aura exuded by Lin Xiao.

At this moment, after Lin Xiao entered the deified state, he properly entered the fourth-order level, which is certainly still small at the level of the entire wizarding world, but in some worlds that are not as powerful, he is definitely a top powerhouse.

For example, in this ocean world, the surrounding energy concentration is much lower than that of the previous world, and the level of strength is definitely not as high as that of the previous world.

Floating for about three kilometers, Lin Xiao broke through the sea water and appeared on the surface of the sea. The ubiquitous water energy particles around rapidly decreased, and other energy particles increased.

Flying in the air hundreds of meters above the ground and looking around, you can see the endless sea without even seeing the islands.

After thinking about it, he casually found a direction and flew forward. Below was an endless sea, and occasionally I could see some sea fish or unknown sea monsters.

These sea monsters are not small in size, but most of their strengths are only between first-level and second-level. For the time being, we haven’t seen third-level sea monsters.

After flying along a straight line for thousands of kilometers, Lin Xiao finally saw a huge black shadow in the distance. After flying for a while, he could already see various seabirds and fishing boats of various sizes scattered on the sea. His powerful eyesight can see the human figure on the fishing boat.

This is a huge island with many buildings and many boats moored in the huge port, most of which are fishing boats.

The main race on this island is humans, but there are also many other alien races, among which the most numerous are the half-human races that evolved from various aquatic races.

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