Chapter 620 Double-Headed Scorpion Giant

The horse whip slapped the horse, the horse’s hoof stepped on the gravel path and made a’tick, tick’ sound, and Lin Xiao sat in the carriage with his eyes closed.

“Master, there is a small town ahead, do you want to take a break?”

Hearing the voice of the coachman, Lin Xiao slowly opened his eyes and pulled the curtain to look in front of him. It was a very ordinary town in Bianmao.

He nodded and said:

“You can leave when you get to town.”

Passing through the town is the territory of alien races. The coachman is just an ordinary person with a little force, and it was easy to die in the past.

The coachman responded and drove the carriage into the town.

“Tong Ji: Leng Lan, the defected apprentice wizard!”

Jinghong glanced over the reward canvas posted on the wall of the town entrance, and Lin Xiao gave a cold snort, without saying a word.

After half a day, a black-robed man left the town and disappeared into the wilderness.

The sky was dim as always, and the thick clouds were very low. The border between the northern wizarding empire and the alien race was a huge wasteland.

According to the information that Lin Xiao saw in the Morning Star Tower, it was part of the empire a long time ago, and it was a very rich place. Later, humans and foreign races competed for this area, and there was a war in the late stage Battle of Azshara. The emperor personally conquered and fought with the four great alien leaders here.

The terrible witchcraft that destroys the heavens and the earth destroys this land, directly changing the rules of this land, making this land gradually become barren, from the fertile granary of the empire to the present uninhabited desert, even if foreigners are unwilling to be in the desert. Stay in this place.

It is said that if you cross this land, you can still see the ancient abandoned towns and cultivated fields, as well as the energy and influence of the ancient devastating and terrible witchcraft.

There were even wizards in the middle of the battlefield who discovered distorted spaces and space cracks leading to other worlds. From time to time, they would see another world creatures coming through the space cracks, including some terrifying creatures.

Fortunately, those terrifying big guys usually stay in the middle of the battlefield and rarely come outside. As long as he doesn’t break in randomly, he generally won’t encounter any danger with his current strength.

Half a month later, Lin Xiao entered the extreme depths of the wasteland and had already crossed the battlefield area inside the wasteland. The influence of chaotic witchcraft had gradually diminished. Here, some alien races who went out to practice in the wasteland could be seen occasionally.

There are many kinds of aliens in this world, and most of them can be found in other worlds.

Such as orcs, harpy, half orcs, alien orcs and so on.

In fact, orcs are a huge category, and any race that is somewhat similar to non-humans and beasts can be included in it. Therefore, the race called orcs in the wizarding world may have nothing to do with orcs in other worlds.

Similar to humans, the wizard Transcendent system is also a rare high-end system, and they can also give birth to wizards or similar Transcendent systems to wizards.

However, Life rarely sees powerful alien wizards among alien races on the edge of the wilderness. Lin Xiao does not enter the alien hinterland. In this area, he is almost invincible. He hunts alien orcs in the wasteland, collects souls, and collects points by the way. Interest.

The alien that destroyed the family at the time was a small ethnic group called half scorpion people, but an alien with extremely powerful individual strength. They looked like Emperor Devil Scorpion with a human upper body and a scorpion on the lower body, and their average strength was far stronger than human beings.

It is said that the half-scorpion are not native creatures in this world, but exotic creatures, a group of exotic alien races that ran out of the space cracks of the warped battlefield.

Their ethnic habitat has moved to an oasis in the wasteland. After years of surviving in this world, they have already become a native race, but they still have a certain connection with the distorted space in the center of the battlefield.

Lin Xiao was going to find a way to slowly kill the half scorpion for revenge, and by the way, harvest the soul to complete the first phase of the transaction with the terrifying existence in the treacherous valley, and strengthen his own strength, with three birds with one stone.

After completing the first phase of the transaction, he can get rid of this terrible and strange existence and no longer be controlled by others.

Lin Xiao’s intuition strongly told him that he must get rid of that terrible existence as soon as possible and not to indulge, otherwise he will end badly in the future.


A rock with the size of a human head flew tens of meters across and hit a tall figure. The figure motionlessly swung the sword and cut it off. He cut off a half-scorpion double-clamped scorpion tail that was more than two meters high, and stretched out his left hand to hold the half-scorpion. The human forehead and five fingers were deeply embedded in the hard skull. As the phalanges shook, slightly inwardly contracting ripples appeared around the palms. A transparent semi-scorpion phantom was forcibly pulled out, and the corpse fell softly to the ground.

The remaining half scorpions became even more angry when they saw this scene, throwing javelins, and even spraying black poisonous needles from the tail.

But the attacks fell on the black-robed men, but they were bounced. Even the thick crossbows shot by the ethnic warriors with their crossbows could not hurt the target, and the half-scorpion men were pushed away by the black-robed men. The soul died.

The half scorpion was angry and mixed with a trace of fear, but no one fled, but continued to fight bravely.

A few minutes later, dozens of half scorpion men had been killed, but a tall half scorpion priest in the center of the tribe had finished casting the spell. A huge black door was opened, and an angry roar came from the light door. It was torn, and a huge head nearly two meters in diameter was drilled out of it.

No, more than one, but two heads.

As the giant roared again and again, the powerful force opened the black door, and from it climbed out a two-headed scorpion man with six scorpion arms and a scorpion tail more than fifteen meters in length.

This thing looks very hideous. The two heads look very casual as if they are squeezed by a door. The body is covered with a thick black carapace like armor. There are many things like skulls on the back of the body with many holes in it. , The black air in the hole is several feet long, and the bound soul is faintly visible.

Under the two-headed scorpion giant’s open lips are blackened and yellowed uneven teeth, and the thick and yellowed mouth water is flowing out of the mouth, exuding an unpleasant smell.

This thing is very cruel. As soon as it came out, I grabbed the scorpion man on the side and stuffed it into his mouth. The hard shell of the scorpion was chewed and crackled. The red blood and green internal organs mixed together and flowed out from the corners of the mouth. The appearance would be more disgusting. nausea.

The aura that this double-headed scorpion giant exudes is very powerful, even more terrifying than the Crystal King Snake that has ever been seen before.

The rational approach is to leave immediately. After all, Lin Xiao is just a first-level wizard. Even if he activates the blood of the ancient Titan but has not yet reached the third level, it is a bit risky to fight this big guy.

However, the huge soul accumulated in the giant scorpion has firmly attracted his attention.

This thing is estimated to have the talent of soul-staying, and the black smoke that ejects from the skull holes on the thick carapace is all the power of the contaminated soul.

In his induction, under the power of the contaminated dark souls, there are densely interned souls, a considerable number.

He is now short of souls, and there are so many souls in this thing, it is simply a treasure.

So Lin Xiao’s heart was immediately moved, and he decided to take a risk to see if he could kill this guy.

Before doing it, he accelerated the killing speed of ordinary half-scorpion people.

There were some reservations before, but now that they are fully deployed, these half-scorpion people, who are slightly stronger than ordinary people, have no enemies, and one sword will quickly kill them.

And the two-headed scorpion giant didn’t stop him, this thing didn’t have the life and death of Gu’s clan at all, and even when Lin Xiao was killing it, it was still devouring the corpse of the same clan on the ground, as if it hadn’t eaten for a long time.

It wasn’t until the remaining half-scorpion men couldn’t help but collapse, that Lin Xiao stopped to observe the two-headed scorpion giant who was still stabbing and eating.

Seeing that he hadn’t planned to do anything yet, he stepped aside and prepared to take a break to recover his strength and mental energy.

However, his retreat instantly aroused the attention of the two-headed scorpion giant, and one of them suddenly raised his head to look at him and shouted:

“You are Tem’s food!”

Tucked the corpse of the half scorpion in his mouth, stepped away and rushed over with a thunder.

Obviously, it has always paid attention to Lin Xiao and regarded him as food on the plate, but it was busy eating snacks before, but now it thinks he is going to run and needs to do it immediately.

Lin Xiao calmly blessed himself with the speed and evasion of the Moon Shadow Technique Ascension, and tried to read a sentence to quickly cast the imprisonment technique.

The two-headed giant scorpion staggered and almost fell down, his left face was very angry, the more than ten-meter-long giant tail lifted up behind him, and the tail flashed, Lin Xiao quickly moved more than a dozen meters horizontally and just stood up. The location was like being bombarded by air. A large pit about two meters was blown out. The edge of the pit was covered with a layer of green. The broken soil was melted to accumulate a layer of black and green liquid at the bottom of the pit. This attack is not only powerful but also contains drama. poison.


He stretched out his hand again, and the invisible Qi blade was fleeting, and a black carapace burst out of the giant scorpion’s forehead with a ‘bang’.


The carapace defense was lower than he thought.

Lin Xiao’s eyes lit up, and once again he quickly cast Qi Blade Art to bombard the double-headed scorpion giant.

The so-called sentence segmentation means that spells can be displayed using only two of the key words in the chanting spell. Generally, only formal wizards can master it. Wizard apprentices generally cannot do it, except for that kind of genius.

A Qi blade technique requires 1.5 Mental Energy and 2.1 Magic Power. Lin Xiao now has close to 60 Mental Energy and 70 Magic power, which can be used more than 30 times in one breath.

However, looking at the damage of this spell, he felt that he would not be able to kill the two-headed scorpion giant in all 30 attempts. It was really too big and too powerful.

But he doesn’t expect to rely on this to kill, use this to weaken it first.

Next, relying on the speed and agility much faster than the double-headed scorpion giant, he kept flying the kite, constantly bombarding the scorpion tail of the double-headed scorpion giant with the air blade technique at a long distance, cutting the surface of the scorpion tail in pieces until the flesh and blood.

However, when he cut the scorpion tail carapace to the point of breaking, the two-headed scorpion giant roared, and the power of the black soul gushed out all over the body and enveloped it.

After a while, the black energy disappeared, and all the injuries on the two-headed scorpion giant recovered.

Lin Xiao…

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