Chapter 607: New priesthood – Samsara

The infinite laws and divine power are flooded in the black hole. His will cannot handle the knowledge of the infinite laws that has been swallowed at this moment, and he has fallen into a certain drowsy state. He is completely unable to perceive the outside situation, but only vaguely feels one. Consciousness Shake transmits a piece of information to his consciousness, and is instantly washed away by infinite laws and knowledge.

If he can hear it, the meaning of this unseen consciousness resonant is translated like this:

“The poor child is hungry. When he is full, he will take you to find your mother!”

The tone is definitely not the case, but the translated meaning is such a meaning.

The black hole did not react, but it continued to emit a powerful attraction and continuously swallowed chaotic energy and shattered world fragments, and the energy fluctuations emitted by the black hole became stronger and stronger.

In this state, the state of Lin Xiao’s incarnation has also undergone tremendous changes.

The body of the originally condensed Chaos Lord collapsed, and the fusion of infinite chaotic energy and law fragments began to reorganize, rebuilding a new powerful body.

The law of chaos in the original avatar has long been stripped away, and now it is replaced by the purest chaos, and what he condenses is also a pure chaotic body, which is exactly the same chaotic body as Life’s chaotic creature in the chaotic virtual sea.

However, the many fragments of the law that he had swallowed did not disappear. Instead, at the very center of the black hole, it condensed with the remnants of the shattered crystal wall Universe as the core, and condensed a godhead under his conscious control.

This godhead is not powerful, but it contains hundreds of different priesthoods.

After Lin Xiao turned into a black hole, the remaining crystal wall system’s original will was consumed by the horrible power of the black hole and gradually wiped out. Based on the remaining original core, the many laws contained in the swallowed world fragments were melted into it, and artificially stimulated and nurtured.

Lin Xiao doesn’t know why he hasn’t died yet, but now that he hasn’t died, it’s a good thing. He just took the opportunity to condense the essence of the world’s remnants and condense a powerful priesthood to transfer to the real body through the good fortune cube. If you come to this world in vain, you won’t lose money even if you die later.

This condensed priesthood is dominated by circulation. Creation and life, as well as growth, fertility, reproduction, and other related priesthoods are combined into a composite priesthood.

Based on the balance clergy possessed by the real body, the four clergy of spring, summer, autumn, and winter are added to form a new balance compound clergy.

Destruction is the main task, plus Death and other related clergy to synthesize and destroy composite clergy.

The so-called compound priesthood is an enhanced version of the current priesthood.

For example, the clergy of war, in addition to the clergy of war itself, actually includes the clergy of battle, conflict, conquest, strategy, tactics, combat, warrior and so on. A powerful god of war must possess all of the following clergy.

Just like the Death god, in addition to the Death clergy, it also includes the clergy such as undead.

The clergy system is very complicated, but most of the lower true gods or below don’t understand it.

Relying on his own priesthood, and relying on the remaining laws of an entire Crystal Wall Universe, Lin Xiao successfully synthesized the three complex laws of origin, balance, and destruction, including a world from birth to destruction of a Samsara.

And this is not the end. After successfully fusing these three super-powerful priesthoods, then focusing on the truth priesthood, integrating the previously mastered circular laws, and successfully unifying these three strong god-tier positions into a new priesthood. —— Samsara!

Samsara exists in any world, which is not unique in the legend of the Oriental Fairyman.

People have Samsara of life and death, and the world also has Samsara of birth and destruction. Even the Crystal Wall Universe has Samsara of origin and end.

Relying on the many broken fragments of a crystal wall universe, Lin Xiao successfully merged the extremely powerful priesthood of Samsara.

When the moment of the birth of the priesthood, the moment when a wave of surging waves was born, he instantly threw this thing into the good fortune cube to shield its fluctuations.

After doing this, Lin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, and after condensing this priesthood, this trip will not be a loss, and even if this incarnation is immediately dead, it will be worth it.

“Divine Phoenix and Yingfeng certainly didn’t expect me to have this chance!”

No need to guess randomly, and no evidence, he had guessed that it was the two of them who did it, either Divine Phoenix or Shadow Wind, or both.

The content of the specific test given by the Vientiane God Emperor to the three heirs had not yet appeared, and they had already cleared out dissidents in advance.

Although the rules do not allow early black hands, the rules are dead and people are alive. As long as no evidence is caught, who can prove that they did it?

Asking yourself, if you change to Lin Xiao, you can’t help but get rid of it.

In any case, he had already buckled the pot on both of them, regardless of whether they would admit it or not, and whether they did it or not, he thought it was anyway.

At this time, in the subspace of the main world, the Yanhuang No. 5 war fortress had opened a huge energy shield. The warning from the super war fortress shocked the civilians who were still in the fortress, and they left or entered the refuge and inside the fortress. The channels were in chaos, and everyone speculated about what was going on.

At the core of the fortress, more than a dozen high-level military regions gathered together, all with strong god-tier power.

Headed by the commander of the fortress Xie Tianyan, his real body is sitting in town personally at this time. If you want to fight against a great existence, he must sit in town to stop him.

The fortress now only opens the first layer of defensive enchantment, and it can already stop the great god-tier force with a full blow. Once the fortress is attacked, the second layer of formal defensive enchantment will be quickly opened.

After all, the energy consumption of this thing is terribly high when it is turned on once, and it can’t be turned on if it can be turned on.

However, they waited for a long time without seeing any movement. Xie Tianyan frowned and sat on his head. Admiral Lei Xuanji hesitated and said:

“Isn’t it here yet?”

A white-haired admiral pressed the bell in front of him, a colonel walked in, and he whispered:

“Go and ask Major General Lin Xiao what’s going on!”

After a while, the colonel came to a tall tower far away from the core of the fortress. This tall tower was far away from the core and contained an ultra-long-distance teleportation circle inside. Once the fortress could not stop the enemy, he would immediately be sent to him. Banishment attracts the attention of the enemy.

It sounds bad, but it is necessary. It is impossible to break the fortress just to protect him. The consequences are too terrible.

At this time, Lin Xiao was comforting Xie Yufei. When he saw the colonel who was inquiring, Lin Xiao was a little embarrassed, because he was not sure about the current situation.

As far as safety is concerned, even the avatar himself doesn’t know his current situation, so naturally he can’t give an answer.

But to say that there is no danger, under normal circumstances, he should be killed by a finger now, but he has not died, and he has not received any attack, which makes him very puzzled.

The generals in the command room were speechless when he heard his response.

Well, there is no other choice.

In the high tower, Lin Xiao finally calmed his girlfriend to let Xie Yufei leave, and quickly sank into the good fortune cube, and saw the slowly rotating godhead floating in the good fortune cube.

The priesthood of Samsara!

He stretched his hand into the cube space to hold the godhead, thinking about it, the good fortune Rubik’s cube slowly rotated, and waves of good fortune energy gush out to form a light film around the godhead, sealing the fluctuations it emits.

Samsara, this priesthood can be said to be extremely rare. Once present, astronomical abnormalities will appear immediately, similar to that of Qiao Feng with its own BGM speakers. If it is not sealed, the whole world will know it immediately.

After doing this, the godhead was taken out of the good fortune cube. The invisible fluctuations were sealed by the good fortune energy light film, but after a long time, Lin Xiao immediately pressed the godhead on his forehead, and the 36-sided prismatic crystal was directly integrated into it. The forehead disappeared.

Then, the golden divine light bloomed, and the surging divine power gushed out of his body, quickly turning into a golden light cocoon to envelop him.

The fusion of the godhead is not easy. Generally, the godhead contains the remnants of the spiritual imprint of the original godhead owner, and it needs to be refined before it can be slowly merged.

Moreover, the integration of the priesthood itself requires a slow understanding of the laws of the priesthood, which is not fast.

But this time this godhead is the godhead condensed by Lin Xiao’s own incarnation, which is equivalent to his own, and only needs to be received.

With the surging divine power surging, his breath became stronger and stronger.

The level of the godhead has not increased, but with the integration of Samsara’s super god-tier position, his mastery of the laws has improved by leaps and bounds, and his strength has naturally risen.

But as the fusion of the priesthood came to an end, a question appeared before him, and the priesthood of Samsara… split.

His sixth-level godhead is not enough to condense this super powerful priesthood. After thoroughly refining the godhead, he will automatically split into four priesthoods, namely origin, balance, destruction, and truth. Several racial priesthoods depend on them.

But this wasn’t a big deal, and now he couldn’t condense until he was able to re-integrate his godhead level to a tenth level or above, and then he could reintegrate, and it didn’t have a big impact.

It is worth mentioning that these three priests are all ancient gods.

At this point, Lin Xiao’s deity panel has also changed with the changes of the priesthood.

God interface:

Username: Lin Xiao (citizen number txwd542154895147)

Real name: Cyberlux. Meyer. Io. Ober. Gaia. Titan. Mystery.? ? ? .

God’s name: the god of truth and creation, the god of origin, the god of balance, the god of destruction, the creator.

Divine emblem: A Rubik’s Cube suspended above a black hole.

Faction: Lawful neutral.

Godhead level: Old God 5th weak divine power, New God 6 weak divine power.

Ancient gods: 30% origin, 30% balance, 30% destruction.

New gods: highest 11%, truth 32.8%, Shura Naga, Little Naga, Protoss, Red Furnace.

Realm: creation, truth, life, magic, battle, death, destruction.

Divinity: 368 points, ninth order.

Kingdom of God: Kingdom of Rubik’s Cube.

Denomination: The Church of Truth.

Pastor camp: kind-hearted neutral, lawful neutral, absolutely neutral.

General Transcendent Godhead abilities: change form, change reality, change size, God descends to earth, power of reality, communication of all things, life and death to seize, group life and death to seize, summon creatures (elements, created creatures)

Exclusive Transcendent powers: Judgment, Prophecy (Balance), Creation, Life Zero, Destruction, Manipulation of Creatures (Creative Race), Creator (Shura Naga, Protoss, Aka Furnace, Little Naga)

Ancient God Transcendent Godhead abilities: Titan, Conferred God, black hole.

God Immunity: attribute damage, attribute absorption, acid, cold, electricity, poison, disease, disintegration, energy absorption, paralysis, sleep, shock, transformation, imprisonment, exile, death effect, mental influence, etc.

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