Chapter 597 News of the Fall of the Divine Emperor


At the outpost, when Lin Xiao learned the news from Xie Yufei, he was shocked and bounced directly from his seat, murmured with a hint of surprise:

“I just said that I’ve been a little upset recently, it turns out that’s the way it is.”

Xie Yufei took a sip of the tea he had just finished drinking, and asked:

“This news is now spreading all over the world, and the world knows it. Although the Vientiane Temple has not responded yet, the messenger should be coming soon. As one of the three orthodox inheritors of the Vientiane Temple, my father asked you when you will return. The main world.”

Lin Xiao was silent for a moment, and his mind quickly turned, thinking about what impact the news had on him, and how he should respond.

The fall of the Divine Emperor of Vientiane was in his expectation. He had anticipated it when he heard the Divine Emperor of Vientiane say the last fight before the conquest, but he didn’t expect to come so fast, and he hadn’t fully grown up yet.

It would be great if I could persist for a few more years.

But the facts will not be changed by his will. The Divine Emperor of Vientiane is sure that he has fallen, then the question is indeed before him. He must consider whether to compete for the legacy left by the Divine Emperor of Vientiane.

No, to be precise, it is to decide how to fight.

There is definitely a fight, even if the Vientiane God System has been destroyed, but the thin camel is bigger than the horse, not to mention this is not a thin camel but a thin dragon, that is much bigger than a horse, such a huge legacy, he must fight .

The girlfriend personally came to bring Commander Xie’s question, the meaning was very obvious, just let him fight.

It’s not just that he is fighting, there is also the support of the Fifth Theater in the background.

We must know that once this inheritance can be successfully inherited, this is the strong support of at least six living god-tiers, as well as the remnants of the Vientiane crystal wall system. There is a probability that a super divine breakthrough with a god level as high as ten ninth-level will be great. god-tier force.

Of course, this probability is certainly not high, otherwise it would have been used or robbed.

But one hundred percent can be sure that a strong god-tier power can be promoted to a super power, and become a top existence second only to the great god-tier power. You must know that the commander of the fifth theater is only at this level.

If he wants to fight, he will definitely get the full support of the Fifth Theater.

The point is whether he wants to fight or not.

After all, he is the heir, and there is no inheritance right in the Fifth War Zone. The six tomb-keepers with strong god-tier power can still guarantee that this inheritance will not be forcibly taken away. There are still distances.

“I will fight for sure.”

Lin Xiao turned around in the office and returned to the main position. Xie Yufei sat in his arms and said:

“If you want to fight, the Fifth War Zone will fully support you. Father has already investigated the information of the other two heirs. When you send it to you, you can see. In addition, you really want to return to the military region fortress, here again. Just leave an avatar. Although it’s impossible for anyone to take risks at this time, it’s safer to do everything.”

“I see.”

Lin Xiao communicated with the last incarnation of God in God’s Realm—truth. The two thoughts were connected, and the incarnation of God knew everything instantly.

At the same time he opened his private channel, and a private letter from the Fifth War Zone appeared in his personal space. He was opening the light curtain and suddenly looked up with his girlfriend. A little starlight in the office suddenly converged into a light man, and he said in a deep voice:

“According to the emperor’s order, please the successor Lin Xiaozhu’s world to the Vientiane Temple within ten days to accept the final test of His Majesty the Emperor!”

“Whether you are willing to accept the test to inherit the Vientiane Temple or give up the right to inheritance, you must go to the Vientiane Temple.”

Lin Xiao respectfully said:

“I am willing to accept the test and will go to the Vientiane Temple in ten days.”

Ten days in the main world is ten years in a foreign land, so don’t worry.

As soon as the messenger left, he quickly communicated with the other two incarnations of own through the good fortune cube, one is the life priest incarnation of CY-00801 Crystal Wall Universe in front of him, and the other is the incarnation of the crafting god of otherworld, facing himself at this time. The problem of let the two incarnations know.

This will directly affect the current decisions of the two avatars in order to better deal with the upcoming competition.

The incarnation of the god of life in the dark area was silent for a long time after knowing all this. At this time, it has not been a few years since the unified dark area. The chaos caused by the various races in the dark area losing their faith in the true god has not been sorted out for a while. Will definitely have no spare capacity to further attack the surface.

According to his vision, it is necessary to unify the beliefs of the various races in the gloomy region and expand the beliefs to a wider and farther area.

With the continuous exploration of the territory, he successively discovered several underground true gods in other places far away in the dark region, and this will be still preparing to form an expedition.

If you want to attack the gods on the surface of this world, you have to wait for his incarnation to reach the peak of medium divine power, with sufficient power of faith as the backing, and a group of powerful divine true gods. It doesn’t need much, but it must be strong.

Then unite the tribes and establish a huge joint expeditionary force. Only then can they attack the surface and fight against the three powerful god-tier forces.

It is worth mentioning that the achievements of the fifth generation of cavemen in the past few years have been very gratifying. Some cavemen have gradually awakened the blood of the cave giants and turned into cave giants close to seven or eight meters high that can control the power of the earth. When you step on the ground, the energy source is continuously supported by the power of the earth. At this time, each of the cave giants is equivalent to a top melee professional with a professional level of ten fifth-level or more.

Perhaps single-handedly challengers are more flexible than professionals of the same rank, but they are far stronger than professionals of the same rank in a wide range of battlefields.

Except Faye…

The only pity is that the probability of awakening is too low. Tens of thousands of five-generation cavemen may not necessarily awaken one. There are now nearly ten million fifth-generation cavemen, but there are two or three hundred cave giants who have awakened.

But this is only temporary. When he spends hundreds of years preparing and perfecting, by then all the more than one or two billion cavemen will be transformed into five generations of cavemen. No matter how low the probability is under the huge population base, even one hundred thousand. A one-tenth probability of awakening can also screen out tens of thousands of cave giants under the huge base of two billion.

Of course, the true probability of awakening would not be so low, about 1 in 10,000. By that time, a cave giant of hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands would be enough to sweep the entire main material plane.

Therefore, the strategy of this world cannot be rushed, absolutely not.

After all, once he can successfully attack the Crystal Wall Universe, this priesthood avatar will surely be promoted to the strong god-tier power of this world, even if the Crystal Wall Universe is not strong enough, the rules are not strong enough, the God avatar returns to the real body to transform the divine power and mastery. His priesthood rules are not enough for him to be promoted to a strong god-tier power, but it is okay to force him to a medium power.

At that time, it will compete with the other two contingents in the Vientiane Temple. If they can successfully defeat them and inherit the Vientiane Idol, the infinite remnants of the pantheon crystal wall are sufficient to force him to further enter the level of strong god-tier power.

Or keep it, and wait for the true body to accumulate the strong god-tier power on its own, and then use this source to further step into the super god power and become the most important top power in the entire main world.

No matter which choice you choose, the incarnation of this god is very important, and you must not be anxious.

Then the other incarnation has to change his mind, maybe stay in that world a little longer, to see if he can get some benefits back.

At the edge of the Rage Flame Canyon, Lin Xiao kept holding the teacup for a long time before falling slowly, sighing to himself:

“Two medium divine powers, one has own divine element, and the other has opened up a battle group long ago, and both have a record of fighting strong god-tier power. They are really two formidable opponents.”

And they have the support of powerful forces behind them, and they are not inferior to the fifth theater behind him.

The good news is that there is still some time to prepare.

The ring news is that the powerful forces behind them are not allowed to directly support them, and the corresponding fifth theater can not directly support him, they can only rely on themselves.

The reason for the bad news is that the support from the forces behind them is definitely not as good as the support for him in the Fifth War Zone. After all, he has already soaked Commander Xie’s only daughter in his hands, and Commander Xie himself owes others favors. The support must be greater than the forces behind them, and he suffers in this regard.

Before Lin Xiao was going to kill the rager to complete his wish, he could return at any time, but now it seems that he has to stay a little longer.

Judging from the situation in the world he knows now, there are only two benefits that are most useful to him. One is to collect more weird fragments, which can directly obtain knowledge of different laws.

The second advantage is that there are many ancient dominators in this world. These ancient dominators have more or less incomplete underlying laws. If they can get rid of the looting of the underlying basic laws they have mastered, they can also greatly Ascension. The understanding of the underlying basic laws can directly strengthen the basic underlying laws reconstructed in the original core of the crystal wall system he merged.

This thing affects Lin Xiao’s strength in real time, the more the better.

“Then, let’s catch these three together!”

That is to change the decision, he can’t wait to watch the show. After all, once these ancient rulers are killed, a large part of the law they have mastered will be lost and returned to the world, and he will gain even less if he changes his hand.

No longer concealing himself and standing up, he immediately attracted the attention of the three ancient rulers who fought in Yanaka.

When the raging person saw Lin Xiao thinking that there was another same rank and wanted to take advantage of the fire, his emotions became more and more angry. There was no wind at his feet and waves were set off in the lava lake.

The other two ancient dominators also increased their vigilance. The two beams of light that suppressed the rage slowly shrank and stared at the approaching Lin Xiao. The ancient dominator whose head was spraying black smoke like a horn raised his head and sprayed. The black smoke that came out quickly turned into a human form and shouted:

“Don’t get closer, unknown ancient ruler, you have crossed the line!”

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