Chapter 587



He pointed to a woman in a black robe. She pulled down the black robe hood to reveal a beautiful face. She was surprised and laughed:

“Someone even took the initiative to challenge me.”

The smile on her face disappeared suddenly in the next second, and her delicate face quickly became dry and yellow, and it was corroded into small holes exposing a yellow and black skull, and a black air composed of countless small black spots rotted from her. Flying out of the fallen eyes, turned into a black mist and rushed towards Lin Xiao.

The man who was talking to Lin Xiao immediately jumped away from him and reminded in a low voice:

“Her occupation is a disease spreader Sequence Seven Virus Messenger, you should be careful.”

With sharp eyes, Lin Xiao clearly saw that the tiny black spots were made up of countless virus-carrying insects. It was indeed terrifying to be close by this thing.

However, his figure disappeared in a flash, and he reappeared a few meters away with a punch.


With one blow of the huge golden dragon fist, a huge triangular sound burst out of the void within a few meters, the black mist within the range was transformed into a finer mist and scattered, and the countless black spots of insects inside were crushed into powder with one blow of the vacuum.

The figure turned and appeared behind the woman with a punch, and before she could react, the punch broke her apart.

“She’s not dead yet!”

The shattered body quickly decayed and split into black mist and rushed towards him. He coldly opened his mouth and shouted, the ear-piercing sonic boom made the space sink, and the black mist dissipated.

The scene was extremely silent, and everyone was stunned.

A few seconds later, Lin Xiao determined that this alien descendant who was a virus messenger was indeed dead, and then slowly retracted his hand. The ferocious golden dragon claw slowly recovered, tilting his head and glanced at the remaining alien descendants and asked:

“Can this work?”


A dozen people blocked the door and stepped back in unison.

He clapped his hands and Shi Shiran walked into the door.

He walked out again in less than twenty minutes. He was too late. He hadn’t figured out the rules of the situation as soon as he entered, and the fragments had been taken away by others.

It’s a pity that if this thing is found, it can’t be grabbed directly by fusion, otherwise he will just guard the door and grab it.

In the next time, he went to different places to collect the twisted law fragments. He quickly found the target as soon as he entered, and then turned the entire fragmented space to the sky before finding it. On the sixth day, he found a total of five twisted law fragments. .

Returning to the camp, which is the center of this weird debris space, he found that compared to seven days ago, there were many fewer familiar faces and many new faces, and the number of people did not increase.

I once again experienced the uncomfortable experience of being swallowed by jelly…

This time he didn’t answer correctly again.

Just like the last time, I saw the world repeating itself with my own eyes, and the fragmented space changed from the last dim world to a doomsday wasteland world.

According to the descendant holding the jelly seal, the world derived from this fragmented space has all types, and he has experienced dozens of re-enactments, so don’t be surprised if there are any weird situations.

Like last time, they still have seven days to explore.

Lin Xiao continued to leave the central camp alone and into the apocalyptic wasteland.

In the apocalyptic wasteland, he saw the siege of zombies, the destruction of the survivor’s camp, the birth of terrible upgraded monsters, and even the most dangerous nuclear bomb explosion. It was a space formed by super-large law fragments, but Lin Xiao thought it was possible afterwards. It was the core of this large weird fragment, but the power of the nuclear bomb explosion was too terrifying at that time, and he couldn’t stop his escape.

After that, it was the third time he experienced the reenactment of heaven and earth. Some people died and new people arrived, including the descendants and the natives of this world.

After entering the weird debris space, if you don’t find the debris core, you can’t leave, and you’ll be trapped here until you die.

However, Lin Xiao didn’t want to leave at this time. Every time this world repeats, he observes it from the perspective of his real body, which will more or less gain some benefits.

Not to mention that you can harvest some law fragments every time, which is a real benefit.

The only pity is that the benefits are not endless. After this kind of Samsara lasted for more than ten times, the benefits of observing the reenactment of the world again were pitifully small, and the more the later the benefits, the less the benefits, even the benefits of the law fragments obtained later. It’s also getting less and less, after all, it’s just fragments. When he gets enough, most of the messy knowledge is repeated.

Lin Xiao knew that it was time to leave.

As for the way to leave, he had an idea in his mind, that is to leave the center.

When the world repeated itself once again in seven days, he did not return to the central camp, but stayed elsewhere in the space.

When the sky and the earth turned into the chaos of the eternal night, apart from the three golden lights in the center that resist the erosion of the laws of the heaven and the earth, there was a small golden ball of light floating up and down in the dark night in other parts of this space.

The power of the flesh cannot resist the erosion of the rules, but it is possible to borrow treasures.

Through the good fortune Rubik’s Cube, a defensive defensive semi-artifact given by the real body was used to support it.

After all, it was just an incomplete destruction of heaven and earth repeating itself, and the duration was not long, and the semi-artifact was enough to withstand it.

In the Chaos of Eternal Night, Lin Xiao borrowed the power of a semi-divine tool to protect himself and walk in the Chaos of Eternal Night, observing the world with real eyes.

Finally, at the end of Eternal Night, the moment when heaven and earth were reborn, he found a trace of anomaly that surprised him.

When the world replayed, everyone walked out of the jelly. Several human descendants who lived a long time ago stood in front of the weathered city wall outside the camp, looking at the endless desert ahead of them. There was silence for a long while, with the seal in hand. The middle-aged man stretched out his hand to rub the rough surface of the city wall and sighed:

“We can still persist for thirty or forty times to repeat the world. If we can’t find the core by then, we will all have to die here.”

Another man beside him who had been with him said:

“Look for another 20 times. If you still can’t find it after 20 times, work with the other two sides.”

“It can only be this way.”

“Huh? What is that?”

Someone on the side pointed to a figure walking towards the central camp in the scorching sun ahead.

After a while, the figure approached, and it was clear that it was a figure. There were professionals and some of them could even see that person clearly. Everyone looked at each other, Fan Yuanqi said:

“That’s not the one before. I didn’t see him think he was dead just now in the reenactment of heaven and earth. I didn’t expect…Wait, he can experience the reenactment of heaven and earth without dying?”

“Don’t make a fuss, maybe he also has sealed artifacts.”

“Uh, too!”

Lin Xiao returned to the central camp, waved to a few acquaintances by the city wall, walked up to them and said in a deep voice:

“Look at giving you a piece of advice for protecting me so many times, don’t fight with me later.”

Most of his words were inexplicable, but the middle-aged man holding the sealed object seemed to understand something and asked:

“Have you found the core of this weird fragment?”

He nodded:

“You can say that.”

The middle-aged man’s face changed slightly, and he quickly turned his head and asked inside the camp:

“The fragment core is in the central camp?”


The other people also understood their conversation at this time, and turned their heads to look at the camp almost at the same time, but they had just experienced the evolution of heaven and earth, and the camp was empty and there was nothing.

Several anxiously rushed to the center of the central camp to search carefully, and some even smashed or stomped on places that they thought were possible.

But after a lap, there was almost nothing, so some people were suspicious, and a bald man shouted suspiciously:

“Are you fooling us, there is no debris core in this bare camp?”

Their behavior also attracted the descendants of other camps, and they all looked at them with interest.

Lin Xiao didn’t want to sell it, and went straight to the middle-aged man holding the seal. He raised his hand in the expressions of surprise, surprise, inconceivability, etc., and his claws quickly turned into golden dragon claws, grabbing the middle-aged man’s neck and squeezing his head. Down.

“Unexpectedly it was discovered by you so soon!”

The middle-aged man’s head was taken off, his face didn’t change, he could still admire, and his head quickly faded.

Lin Xiao snorted coldly, and opened a small black spot on his palm. A horrible attraction came from the black spot. The imaginary head was deformed by the horrible gravity and disappeared into the black hole, leaving only a trace of panic. Slowly dissipated.

Then, the world began to collapse.

“it is true!”

The two groups of alien descendants who watched the theater not far away were caught off guard. On the one hand, the human being was surprised, confused and regretful, while the alien rushed over in fright and anger.

But the space collapsed faster than imagined, and the space shattered halfway into a sky full of chaotic gray fog, and everyone lost their footing and fell.

Lin Xiao fell heavily on the ground, opened his mouth to absorb the last bit of chaotic gray mist, looked up at the dozens of alien descendants surrounding him, opened his mouth and burped and took a sharp breath, and even the space was shaken out of shape. He shouted loudly, and the terrifying sonic boom blasted the insects released by several disease spreaders and an invisible unknown monster into meat foam on the spot.

Then his figure swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and quickly turned into a giant ten-meter-high dragon head covered with thick golden dragon scales. A dazzling golden halo mixed with the aura of fear exploded, and many foreign descendants swarmed up. Then he stopped.

At this moment, the power he released was much stronger than the strongest professional on the field.

As we all know, the higher the professional level, the greater the gap. It is almost impossible to challenge more. It is no problem for a strong professional to pick a group. The aura of this giant in front of them is that kind of super existence, they dare not.

But after backing up for a few seconds, someone seemed to react and shout:

“This is not in the weird shard!”

The space behind an alien descendant’s head was distorted, and a huge phantom of God’s Domain slowly emerged.

Suddenly, everyone quickly summoned Own God’s Domain to communicate with Lin Xiao’s God’s Domain, and wanted the God’s Domain to meet and fight.

Many human descendants behind Lin Xiao saw this scene with complicated eyes, everyone was hesitant, and even some people secretly cursed this person for death in their hearts, how could they stop so many people.

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