Chapter 584

Lin Xiao quickly understood why all the human descendants were called together. When the world in the entire strange fragment began to be reconstructed, it could also be called a reenactment of the world in high-powered words.

The power that destroys everything quickly spread to the camp, and the trees turned into flying ash at a speed visible to the naked eye, Lin Xiao only felt a wave that trembles quickly even with the strength of his soul.

“Ready to open the sealed item!”

A man with a beautifully dressed Magical Robe with a scepter took out a jelly-like thing and threw it into a ball of green shards.

A few seconds later, there was a hum, and the pieces slowly gathered and turned into a slap-sized jelly. Two big round eyes began to appear on it, and a small mouth opened and inhaled hard, which looked very cute.

However, after only a few seconds, Lin Xiao felt that he wanted to take back this sentence, and the thing took a breath, and his body instantly became the size of a basketball.

In the second breath, it was as big as a window, and now it doesn’t seem so cute anymore.

By the time the third breath was taken, there was already a small house the size of a small house, and his eyes were so big that they were as big as a gate. How terrible they looked.

Take a fourth breath, this thing is the size of a small building.

No matter how cute the little guy grows so big, it won’t be cute. This behemoth lowered his head and looked at them, giving them a creepy feeling.

The owner of this jelly said to everyone:

“He will ask us a question later, and the wrong answer will be swallowed in the abdomen, and the correct answer will be swallowed in the abdomen. Please prepare.”

“What’s the difference?”

“The difference will be known at that time.”

A big man with scars haha ​​laughed and came to jelly and shouted:

“Come on, little cute.”

At this moment, the man who asked Lin Xiao the question patted him on the shoulder and comforted him:

“Don’t worry, although this guy’s questions are all sorts of strange, they are all simple, and even if the answers are wrong, nothing will happen, but it will be a little uncomfortable, just hold back.”

He nodded and waited for Jelly to question.

A few seconds later, a slightly naive voice appeared in his ears out of thin air, but Jelly did not speak, and it seemed to be asking everyone at the same time:

“Why 1+1 waits for two 2?”


Lin Xiao immediately lived in Bengbu.

“What the hell is this?”

Although this mathematics problem has been solved in this era, Lin Xiao has never studied it. Who will study mathematics in a serious way…

But not answering is not his style, Lin Xiao replied solemnly:

“Because 1+1, it is equal to 2.”

“wrong answer!”

He opened his mouth and sucked fiercely, and he was involuntarily swallowed into the huge jelly mouth, a huge tongue wrapped him in the sink, and fell into a pool of viscous liquid along the extremely slippery passage, suddenly bursting. ….. I don’t know how to describe the taste of the viscous liquid. I poured it into my mouth, and the whole person felt stinky at that moment.

You can refer to the Indian uncle who does not use the Ganges water to wash the rice and cook the rice first. Then add a few rotten tomatoes, slightly smelly eggs, and add delicious curry. There are more than a dozen kinds of colorful spices, and finally add them. The fresh Buddha goose, after forming, looks like a pot of fresh yellow vomit, still steaming.

That taste…..

Don’t ask about the taste, because at this time Lin Xiao has already closed his own facial features.

As many of the children of God’s Domain were swallowed by this jelly, it didn’t take long for the atmosphere of destruction to strike, and the entire camp quickly decayed and weathered, and some of the indigenous people who remained in the camp were blown by the wind of destruction, and the whole person was rapidly aging. .

Aging in the physical sense quickly reached the limit of life and fell to the ground. The corpse was weathered into ashes and drifted away in the wind.

The world is dim, and there are only three huge things in the camp. A huge jelly is lying on the ground, a golden bowl is inverted, and a pillar of meat with tentacles stands on the ground. A human figure grows on the top of each tentacles. Dancing up and down in the grey wind.

Over time, the entire world was completely destroyed and plunged into eternal darkness.

At this moment, Lin Xiao ignored the disgusting slime and taste, and used the good fortune Rubik’s Cube to quickly communicate with the real body, allowing the real body to observe the outside carefully with the eyes of this projection.

If someone could see him, he would definitely find that his pupils turned into dark gold at some unknown time, and the dense dark golden mist kept shrinking in the center of the pupil.

Although it is only an abnormality in a weird fragment, it perfectly simulates a picture of the world’s dying, which is very observational to the true god.

The only pity is that this time lasts too short, and the rules contained in this weird fragmented space are incomplete, what can be seen is limited, and no deeper rules can be seen.

But even so, when the eternal night passed and a ray of light was born between the heaven and the earth, Lin Xiao also gained great benefits. Two new priesthoods were being cultivated, namely Death and Destruction.

In fact, the birth of a world must include origin, but again, this is just a small space of fragments, and the rules contained are extremely limited, not enough for him to understand the rules of origin.

Now what he understands is just a rudimentary form. The two priests of Death and Destruction are just beginnings. It is very difficult to nurture them. Even if the large weird fragment is captured and purified and refined, it is not enough to condense these two powerful ones. Priesthood.

Dawn is coming. Normally, this time should be the birth of all things in the entire world. The origin and life rules are very active at this moment, but because the rules contained in the weird fragments are insufficient, they can’t be revealed at all. In addition, the law fragment itself is It was distorted, so what appeared to Lin Xiao was a weird picture of birth.

The picture of the birth of everything turned into a distorted, chaotic, initial picture, and the picture of Masek was still shot, even if he really looked at it, he couldn’t see exactly what was happening, it was just a blur.

I don’t know how long it took, Lin Xiao only felt an invisible force spraying himself and the fresh vomit around and landing on the ground, and there was a sound of vomiting around.

He shook his muscles quickly to shake away the fresh vomit stuck to his body, and he looked around quickly, ignoring the remaining smell.

They are now in a barren mountain, and the camp at their feet is still the previous camp, but a thick layer has been decayed, but the outline is still there, and it can be used with a little modification.

The sky was dim.

Black crow.

A faint gray mist.

The whole world is full of unknown aura.

At this moment someone behind him slapped his hands and shouted:

“Everyone come here.”

He looked back and saw that it was the man who took out the jelly just now, and he said to everyone:

“The new round of evolution in the debris space is over. We have seven days to explore. According to the old rules, we will either explore on our own or form a team. We will return to the camp in six days. It is out of date. Let’s go away now.”

Before Lin Xiao grabbed hold of the man called own, asked:

“This space evolves once in seven days? If you don’t return within seven days, will you die?”

Fan Yuan nodded:

“Yes, this space evolves once in seven days. We must find the core purification of this fragmented space within seven days. If it fails to be purified, the world will re-evolve in seven days, and everything will have to be repeated again. So if you find the fragmented space at that time The core, if you’re not sure, you’d better go back to the camp and ask everyone to help. Although you will lose a portion of the benefits, it’s better than nothing at all.”

“In addition, this debris space evolves once every seven days. Samsara will die under normal circumstances, but if you have a powerful seal in your hand that can resist the power of world evolution, you don’t need to come back.”

Lin Xiao nodded thoughtfully, Fan Yuan patted him on the shoulder and prepared to leave him, he quickly asked again:

“Well, what does the core of the debris space look like?”

Fan Yuan looked back at him in surprise, shook his head and said:

“I don’t know this either.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to tell you, but that the core of this fragmented space is different every time it repeats itself. There is nothing unusual in its appearance. It may be a weird monster, it may be a tree, or it may be an ant or even an ant. No one can tell what this ordinary stone is. You need to find it yourself.”

“Uh, all right!”

“By the way, do you mix by yourself or find a team, if you find a team, you can join my team, and if you find the core at that time, everyone will be evenly divided.”

Lin Xiao glanced at the two large groups of alien descendants on the other side of the camp wasteland, and said:

“I’m still alone.”

Everyone’s strength doesn’t seem to be strong, most of them are between Sequence 7 and Sequence 9. His Sequence 6 is quite strong in it, not to mention that he still has the Shura Naga bloodline, and his true strength is definitely more than that. The general sequence five is definitely the strong one here.

“Well then, be careful.”

Fan Yuan waved his hand, discussed with several of his companions, and went out.

Lin Xiao walked out of the camp alone like a door that had been weathered for many years. When he left the house, he saw three sons of God’s Domain who didn’t know what race they were talking about on the side of the road. Seeing him passing by, the three looked at each other, Wei Nodded invisibly.

Outside the camp is a gloomy world, the ground is gray, the sky is gray, and an unknown gray mist floats in the void.

He stood outside the camp for a while, trying to observe the world from the perspective of his real body. The gloomy world in front of him has disappeared, replaced by the endless chaotic gray fog.

Below the earth formed by the thick chaotic fog, the sky formed by the sparse fog, there are many vortices formed by the gathering of dense fog between the sky and the earth, and it is vaguely visible that there is something creeping in these vortices.

After thinking about it, Lin Xiao walked in the direction of the nearest and largest vortex nearby.

It didn’t take long to come to the vicinity of the vortex, withdraw the true perspective, the sky and the chaotic fog disappeared, and the world reappeared in front of him, and the chaotic fog vortex he had observed before was a dilapidated ancient village with more than a dozen first descendants. Came to the village.

He saw that several descendants of the human camp were gathering together and pointing at the village, and he quickly leaned in.

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