Chapter 556 I am the God of Creation and Truth

The joy and urgency from the distant chaotic sea made his scalp numb. Compared with the original core of the fused crystal wall system, it is still unclear what the trouble is. The terrible existence that has now awakened made his scalp numb. Ma, trembling all over.

He wanted to hide if he could, but he couldn’t isolate this feeling.

This is not just a unilateral connection. If the mystery senses him unilaterally, he will definitely find ways to hide it.

For example, to seek help from your father-in-law, or to hide in the depths of the star realm of the main world.

He doesn’t know whether this can be isolated. After all, this is a connection from the essence of the soul, a two-way connection, and he can only try this way.

But no matter whether he succeeds or not, it is difficult for him to personally make this choice. After all, if he does so, it means that he has to be confined to a certain place and cannot move. , Or wiveless type.

Blindly avoiding will not solve the problem, you must face it bravely.

Considering that the emotions from the mystery have always been kind and happy, maybe the situation is not as bad as he thought, he just scared himself.

I’m not sure whether it is good or bad, but there is a half probability, so what will happen is only by luck.

For things like luck, Lin Xiao always thinks that own luck is good.

When people find an excuse to comfort themselves, they don’t have that fear. Lin Xiao also calmed down and waited quietly for him to completely swallow the Moonlight Realm.

Lin Hong waited for several years in the void on the huge starship, witnessing the Moon Sky Realm slowly Blacken, shrinking inward, until it collapsed into a more terrifying black hole by the horrible attraction, and began to devour the void in madness. The energy pulls the protective array around the Yuexiao crystal wall system. Eventually, increasing gravity will swallow the protective array, and the whale begins to swallow the violent chaotic energy in the chaotic void.

This spectacular scene amazed him and was delighted.

Arranged to be Lin Xiao’s guard a long time ago, although loyal and unchanging, he was a little disappointed at first.

That is because Lin Xiao’s strength is too weak, he is half god, which means that he will not be able to obtain enough divine power to support them for a long time, and it is even more difficult to conquer the outer plane to obtain more resources.

At that time, he was ready to stay for a long time at the current divine power level.

But the result made him have a little accident. This young man’s strength has grown rapidly, and he has already accumulated strong capital and began to entrust the gods before his sophomore year. And the movement of this god is unprecedented, at least he has never seen it like this. The vast enfeoffment scene.

I’ve heard of a Tianjiao who had an astonishing abnormality when he was consecrating the gods before, but I have never heard of such an abnormality, using a crystal wall system as a sacrifice, which has never been heard before.Over the years, Lin Hong and Lin Bao have recognized Lin Xiao, but he has never been as shocked and excited as today.

When the black hole expands to a certain point, it does not continue to expand. Although the chaotic energy is still submerged by gravity, the gravity is no longer the initial aggressiveness and becomes more moderate.

Inside the black hole, huge amounts of energy and matter are decomposed into the purest energy and matter, which are condensed under the pull of a powerful will.

At the same time, at the moment when he was about to enshrine the gods, Lin Xiao sensed the existence of Gaia’s will. His consciousness communicated to the source sea of ​​the main world at this moment by balancing the ancient priesthood. At this moment, the rules of the whole main world were presented. In front of him, his understanding of the priesthood he possessed by leaps and bounds at this moment.

At the same time, the infinite source power of the main world blended into his newly born source through the balance of the ancient gods, rapidly growing his source, and using his source as the center to penetrate into the gods, and constantly grow his gods.

A steady stream, it seems there is no end.

This is the treatment that every child of the God’s Domain of the Lord World or even the children of the non-God’s Domain but who belongs to the Lord World will have after being conferred. At the moment when the God is conferred, the true spirit of the soul is sublimated, so that you can see the source sea and rules of the Lord’s world.

However, under normal circumstances, there will only be a moment of time. At this moment, it will greatly increase the mastery of Ascension’s new god’s divinity and the corresponding rules of the priesthood, as well as the strength and scope of the gods’ domain to make the new god Transcendent out of vulgarity.

But at this time, after Lin Xiao’s original will enters the source sea of ​​the main world, the stay time is quite long, I am afraid that there will be dozens of hundreds of moments.


He felt that both himself and God’s Realm were saturated and had a feeling of being overwhelmed, and the sublimated will withdrew from the sea of ​​origin and returned to his true body.

With a crystal wall system origin core as the Xiantian soul, the origin of the Xiantian Titan ancient gods as the core, the main world origin sea opens the world origin power, pulls the infinite and purest energy and matter with the origin as the core, and builds a perfect and flawless statue. The body of the Xiantian ancient god.

In Lin Hong’s view, it was the black hole’s gravity that had swallowed the entire Moon Sky Realm slowly disappearing, and the black hole was no longer a black hole because it lost its terrifying attraction to draw the light. Lin Hong could vaguely sense the existence of that great bank in the black hole.

When the gravitational force is weakened to a certain boundary, you can see with the naked eye, a golden giant that is made of gold, and the heaven and earth stands up slowly against a dark golden black hole, exuding vast power and huge fluctuations in every move. .

“I am the God of Creation and Truth!”

As the golden giant declared its own existence to the entire world, in the distant main world, many true god-level powerhouses silently looked in a certain direction. Inside the main world star realm, one of the stars that had been dimmed for a long time suddenly lit up.


A powerful true god smiled when he saw this scene.

At the same time, many young elites suddenly discovered that a name on the Tianjiao Zheng list suddenly disappeared, and soon knew the name of the disappeared. Everyone was surprised and talked a lot.

Students from other universities are not very clear about what is going on. The classmates of Huiyao University are also stunned. Many people speculate whether he has accidentally fallen, or how he would suddenly disappear.

Even the school teachers and school leaders think so, although they know that once the gods are given, they will have to withdraw from the Tianjiao list.

However, this is only a freshman, and Huiyao has been established for so long, and has never seen a freshman enshrined in the gods, even if there are not many such existences in the entire human history.

And it’s not that the sooner you can be appointed to God, the better. In human history, most of the students who had been appointed to God early were accidentally appointed to God in advance, which led to insufficient accumulation and low success later.

As Huiyao’s top elite, there is no reason why he didn’t know this. Therefore, in the thoughts of the school leaders, he either fell accidentally or was appointed God in advance because of an accident.

Needless to say, if the accidental fall is due to an accident in advance, then this good seedling will be useless.

Although it is still unclear what is going on, many people either sigh regretfully or are secretly joyful.

And Lin Xiao didn’t know all of this, he was carefully experiencing the power, priesthood, and power that he possessed after the Conferred God.

There are two different levels before and after Fengshen, and Lin Xiao’s various panels also change accordingly.

Username: Lin Xiao (citizen number txwd542154895147)

Real name: Cyberlux. Meyer. Io. Ober. Gaia. Titan. Mystery.

God’s name: God of truth and creation, God of balance, Creator.

Divine emblem: A Rubik’s Cube suspended above a black hole.

Faction: Lawful neutral.

Godhead level: Old God 3 weak divine power New God 0 weak divine power.

Ancient gods: balance 20%.

New gods: highest 6%, truth 21.9%, creation 28.02%, life 17.54%, Shura Naga, Little Naga, Protoss, Red Furnace.

Realm: Creation, truth, life, magic, battle.

Divinity: 308 points, ninth order.

Kingdom of God: Kingdom of Rubik’s Cube.

Denomination: The Church of Truth.

Pastor camp: kind-hearted neutral, lawful neutral, absolutely neutral.

General Transcendent Godhead abilities: change form, change reality, change size, real power, communication of all things, gods descend to the earth, live and kill, summon creatures (elements, created creatures)

Exclusive Transcendent powers: Judgment, Prophecy (Balance), Manipulation of Creatures (Creation Race), Creator (Shura Naga, Protoss, Red Furnace, Little Naga)

Ancient God Transcendent Godhead abilities: Titan, Conferred God, black hole.

God Immunity: attribute damage, attribute absorption, acid, cold, electricity, poison, disease, disintegration, energy absorption, paralysis, sleep, shock, transformation, imprisonment, exile, death effect, mental influence, etc.

This is an ancient god’s attribute panel, it can be said to be very gorgeous, stronger than the general weak and other divine power.

The reason for this affirmation, of course, is that he has seen the attributes panel of the true god, whether it was when he was in the army or on the Internet, there was information on this aspect.

Although the specific abilities of each true god are kept secret, there will always be some true gods leaking information or actively sharing information in the main world for so many years. This can be found on the Internet, and Lin Xiao had seen it when he was in high school.

When he was promoted to the true god, Lin Xiao’s real name was directly increased by two bytes, namely, the Titan representing the body of the ancient god Xiantian, and the mystery representing that great existence, which means that his essence is once again greatly powerful in this transformation.

Although there are three names of the gods, this is actually meaningless. This one changes at any time. Generally, it depends on the priesthood you have. In the future, if you have a new priesthood or lose some priesthood, the name of the god will change accordingly.

The Divine Emblem is a Rubik’s Cube suspended above the black hole. Generally speaking, the Divine Emblem is related to the most important thing of the True God or the source of the True God’s power, and the Divine Emblem must not be changed casually, which means that his emblem will be like this for a long time.

The faction needs no explanation and is lawfully neutral.

The deity level does not need much explanation. He now has a third-level ancient god level and a zero-level new god level. The powers of the two can be superimposed.

The priesthood does not need to be explained.

Realm is the preferred direction extended from the priesthood and has a direct relationship with the priesthood.


After devouring a crystal wall and being promoted to an ancient god, he finally broke through the ninth level as he expected.

This level of divinity level may not have medium divine power, which is enough to support him all the way to the strong god-tier power without pressure.

Well, only in divinity, the promotion of deity is not only based on divinity.

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