Chapter 496

“Huh? Why is this one?”

Lin Xiao looked at a crystal in the palm of his palm that exuded a faint golden gleam. His thoughts went down for a while, and he reacted a few seconds later, with a speechless expression on his face.

The reason is very simple. The level is too low. It was only at the 70th level and initially communicated with the good fortune cube. Before the 60th ninth-level, I still can’t communicate. There must be a limit to take out one piece, so I only took out one piece. A great naga blood crystal that incorporates a unit of good fortune energy.

Fortunately, it can be transferred once every other month through the good fortune cube, and the number of transfers can be increased after the level of Ascension.

This great Naga blood crystal…

He considered for a while and decided to use an elite fighter with a rank of sixty seventh-level. Although this elite fighter numbered as Elite Warrior 2 is not the highest-level NPC in his hand, the highest-level fighter in his hand is another one. Elite Warrior 1 level is sixty sixth-level, poor first-level.

All recruited NPCs have no names at the beginning, and are numbered according to the template and occupation plus numbers.

For example, Warrior 15, Elite Warrior 7, Enhanced Elite Warrior 4, Warrior Leader 7, and so on, there are as many numbers as there are, and it’s clear at a glance.

However, the player can choose to name them, and they can have the same name, but they cannot have the same name as the important NPC and some famous NPCs, such as the commander of the expeditionary army, the commander of each sentry post, and so on.

Summoned Elite Warrior 2, and he gave it to him the great Naga blood crystal that was refined into a unit of good fortune energy, and let him swallow it directly.

In just two seconds, the soldier’s face began to turn red, and the muscles on his face began to shake involuntarily, which in turn caused the whole body to shake, and he bent down and let out a low growl in his mouth.

Lin Xiao cried out in a deep voice in his ear:

“This is a miraculous potion that can give you powerful power, you have to hold on to it.”

He was afraid that if the soldier could not bear to die, he would suffer a great loss.

Fortunately, although the effect of this crystallization is powerful, after being refined by the good fortune cube, adding a unit of good fortune energy to alleviate the strong bloodline rejection reaction, this elite fighter can hold it even though the state looks terrifying.

As the effect of the medicine was fully stimulated, his size gradually expanded. Lin Xiao asked two of his men to step forward and remove all the armor on his body. The underwear quickly expanded, and the exposed strong muscles began to appear on the surface of the strong muscles that are unique to the golden scale. .


Accompanied by a low growl containing inexplicable power, the soldier’s body swelled and transformed into a small humanoid giant of up to four meters. A large Naga dragon’s tail emerged from behind, with dragon horns on his head, but his face was still Maintain the human appearance.

“Huh? Not a real person?”

He was surprised to find that there were no sex-discriminating organs under this man who had transformed into a large naga form. They were bare, but they looked like extremely strong males.

From this, it can be inferred that these warriors of various races for them to recruit are not natural beings, and most likely they are alchemy creations.

Only in this way can there be enough soldiers for the recruitment of millions of players and millions of Deaths in the future.

The evolution, or metamorphosis, lasted more than ten minutes before it ended. In the end, the soldier completely transformed into a large naga covered with golden dragon scales. He was five meters tall and seven meters long, and the template was as he expected and expected. Changed outside.

It is expected that the template is no longer an elite template, but has been strengthened.

Unexpectedly, it is not to be promoted to a strengthened elite, but to be directly promoted to a leader-level elite in one step, which is equivalent to the powerful Devil warlord.

Elite Warrior 2 ranks at sixty seventh-level, with a leader template, and its HP instantly changes from 23,000 to 420,000. At the same time, it has obtained the outrageous talent template of the Great Naga, and it is also the leader template. The enhanced version is stronger than the player template.

Elite Warrior 2: Human (Blood Awakener)

Grade: Sixty seventh-level.

Health value: 420,000.

Magic power value: 120,000.

Talent: Shura Overlord: Immune to critical strikes, lethal, slowing, immune to most magic and negative states, negative states and effects are reduced by 60%, all damage is reduced by 50%, and each level of Ascension has all attributes +10 and health +100 %, restores 2% of maximum health per second, absorbs physical damage of Constitution*1, and absorbs spell damage of Constitution*1.

Natural Specialty: Shura’s Wrath. For every 1% reduction in health, Ascension has 2% movement speed, 3% attack speed, and 3% attack power.

Skills: Shura Breath, Shura Naga Scale, Shura Naga Bloodline.

The normal blood volume of a leader of this level is between 200,000 and 300,000, and a powerful race such as Devil or dragon giant is 300,000 or more.

The reason why he has a blood volume of up to 420,000 is because the health value of Shura’s overlord body talent has been 100% increased.

This health value is already half of the 70th sixth-level Devil Warlord. When he reaches the 70th sixth-level, the blood volume is estimated to be higher than that of the Devil Warlord. It is really like God of War.

The feeling of having such a powerful subordinate can only be described by the word’cool’. You can imagine how it would be like when a hunter caught Onyxia or Gruul the Dragon Slayer as a baby in the game, and what he is now feel.

He quickly changed the name of Elite Warrior 2 to Mars, which meant God of War. He informed the girlfriend he had avoided to come back, and couldn’t wait to take the lead to find Devil’s trouble.

Just now Mars avoided his girlfriend when he transformed, and when he came back to see the transformed Naga, he was very surprised and asked in a low voice in his ear:

“Your legacy can even break through this world?”

He nodded:

“Yes, but it’s too difficult. I barely opened it until I reached level 70, and I can only make it once a month.”

“That’s pretty good too. After a few months, I will send a letter to me, and I will get something.”

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows and asked:

“Do you want the Book of Wanfa? With me, I will pass it on next month.”

She shook her head:

“No, that book is for you. I will bring a godhead over to see if I can conjure gods in this world.”

Lin Xiao:…….

He coughed slightly and said:

“This may not work. Little things like me can be secretly delivered a little at a time. You have to bring the godhead over. I guess you will be discovered immediately. If you drive us out, you will lose a lot.”

“Can’t it? Forget it, let me use my Wanfa Book.”

“This may take decades to come, and wait until many people get the orange outfit before taking it out, so that it won’t be too sensitive.”

The girlfriend got angry and held her little face for a while and didn’t know what to take.

He smiled and stroked her soft hair and said:

“Don’t worry, I know you want to help me, but we can stay in this world for a long time, don’t worry for a while.”


She gently retracted and arched in his arms, finding a comfortable posture.

After a short while, a scout found a small group of Devil patrols, led by a seventieth-level elite Devil, and he quickly asked the scouts to attract them.

Soon after hearing Devil’s low growl, Lin Xiao said to Mars:

“Show your newly acquired power and kill them.”

Mars’ huge neck creaked and rushed towards Devil, who was chasing the scout.

The leading elite Devil became alert when he saw Marston, who was bigger than himself, and yelled to prepare his men for the battle. He rubbed his hands, and a group of green fel gathered in his hands.

Fel energy is also a type of energy. It has a very powerful burst and corrosive power, as well as the power to affect the soul and spirit. After the expeditionary army has established a foothold in a foreign land, there will be powerful mages to study this energy. I heard that it will not take long. The wizard specialization of Fel Energy will be born.

A group of fel arrows hit Mars and exploded. The golden armor remained the same. Lin Xiao always paid attention to his status panel. The fel arrows, which can usually cause about 2,000 damage, only caused more than 600 points of damage, weakened. It’s terrible.

This is because his level is third-level lower than his opponent, coupled with his poor equipment and no job transfer.

If the level is the same, the body can be equipped with the equipment of the normal boss-level BOSS, and then transferred to a powerful melee occupation, this damage will be reduced by about half.

At this point, Mars will begin preparations when he reaches the upper limit of the 70th racial level, hoping that the expeditionary force fortress will have a suitable career.

There is no other way with equipment. Now the prestige level is insufficient, and he can’t exchange high-level NPC special equipment.

The next battle was crushing all the way. With a super-high blood volume of 420,000, Mars smashed a few waves of fel arrows and threw down a Devil from a distance, a giant covered with sharp dragon claws. Claw continuous shooting can easily kill an ordinary Devil with more than sixty levels in seconds.

The huge size and extremely fast speed swept across, killing Devil who was fleeing in less than a minute. Even the elite Devil did not escape and was held down to death.

“too strong!”

If he had Mars in his hand when he first came to Eagle Point last time, he would be able to defeat the 1,000 Devil headed by the Devil Centurion head-on, and even the defeated Devil Warlord could try to chase him down.

I dare not say that it will be successful, but at least the success rate is much higher than that of others.

But he didn’t have much to regret. He was only under a leader. After waiting for a few months or even a year, he had accumulated five or six leader templates. At that time, he had the ability to attack a Devil barracks alone and defeat a leader Devil warlord head-on. .

You must know that a Devil barracks is an independent combat mission in the expeditionary force fortress. As long as you have the ability to completely defeat one and behead the Devil Warlord, in addition to the super high merit and prestige, you can also get a bronze micro medal. This is prestige and merit. The upgraded version of, you can exchange rare special materials by skipping ranks regardless of prestige and military rank.

For example, template upgrades, ultra-rare specializations, strengthening elite subordinates, NPC-specific top equipment and occupations, T4 sets of epic equipment or more, and even orange legendary equipment or props.

The so-called T4 set of equipment refers to the level of equipment. Starting from level 60, there will be stronger attributes in the game than other equipment of the same rank. Collecting a set of suits with additional powerful effects can greatly increase the player’s strength.

Among them, the three sets of T1, T2, and T3 are equipment between the sixtieth and seventieth levels.

T4, T5, T6, these three sets are equipment between 70th and 80th level.

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