Chapter 491: A Failed Experiment?

Later, as the level of consciousness continued to Ascension, the strength slowly increased, and the mountain in the middle began to gradually become thinner and thinner.

Recently I tried to communicate. The gap between the mountains has turned into a wall. Now it has become a layer of paper and a layer of kraft paper. It feels very thin, but very tough.

He knew that he had to wait and wait for that level of consciousness to be ascension.

At that time, it’s time for him to open the hanger again.

He is very interested in this crystal wall system called Star Soul. The two existences comparable to super divine power have competed for the great person to the final and most critical step. There is a great risk in it. After all, once this big man on the human side Lost, the descendants who descend on the side of all human beings in this world will die.

Although only a trace of the consciousness attached to the soul is lost, the means of great existence will definitely affect their true bodies.

It is unlikely to fall directly, but it will definitely hurt them.

The same is true on the side of the nightmare world. If the big man on the human side defeats the nightmare master, he will definitely take the opportunity to weaken the children of the nightmare.

But the great risk also hides the great opportunity. I dare not say that it is impossible to seize the opportunity. He is just a demigod. Even if he really comes, he can’t do it. However, he is definitely better than others when he can open it. have more advantages.

If it can become the most critical point at the most critical time, such as indirectly or even directly changing the situation, so that the big boss owes a big favor, then it will make a lot of money.

Putting this matter aside for the time being, Lin Xiao retracted his mind and focused on another matter, which was the issue of the bloodline warlock.

Well, the bloodline warlock is okay. It’s mainly about the bloodline warlock’s transformation. He has to find a way to lower the bloodline warlock’s transformation conditions.

Now the bloodline warlock needs to be promoted to the eighth level of the legendary level before it can transform. Although the legendary naga is quite powerful, but the number is too small, he wants to adjust it so that the bloodline warlock can be transformed with only the seventh rank or even a lower level. , Not just the big naga, if the transformation condition only uses the seventh stage, it is easy to give birth to more celestial spirits.

In the last war, a lot of family members were lost. The great Naga died of tens of thousands. This loss was quite large. He had to find a way to increase the number of own core family members.

The number of powerful races is too small.

Lin Xiao already has a draft of this in his mind, ready to try it.

The ordinary blood warlock uses the normal blood of the great naga or the protoss, which is the kind of blood that usually flows out of injuries. If the blood used by the blood seed is concentrated into Blood Essence, can the blood warlock awaken and transform in advance?

This kind of similar operation has already been applied in many situations, and there is no need for experimentation. The success rate is quite high, and he is ready to try it.

There is only one question now, and that is how much concentration the bloodline warlock can transform into the seventh-tier Shura Naga by only being promoted to the seventh-tier. This requires a slow trial and needs to prepare a sample for the fighters of the Dragon City State. Use, then actually observe.

In order to save time, he tried a total of twelve sets, the lowest being five times the current seed of the bloodline warlock, of which ten sets were added every three times the concentration to the final thirty-two times the concentration he obtained.

Then there are another two sets of blood vessel concentrations that are fifty times and one hundred times, which are another set of experimental parameters.

Then, each of the twelve groups of blood seeds were prepared to make one hundred copies, and they added up to a total of one thousand and two hundred copies.

In order to be able to observe better, these bloodline warlocks with experimental seeds have all been deployed to form an army, specially arranged for them to resist the underground bug people, equipped with the best logistics, sufficient meat, and how much meat they need. How much, high-intensity fighting and adequate nutrition enable them to grow at the fastest speed.

Time passed unconsciously, and these bloodline warlocks continued to die and grow continuously in the fierce battle.

The condensed blood was very clearly displayed in front of his eyes on them. Compared to the first generation of blood warlocks of the same level, they were indeed stronger, and they began to show blood characteristics earlier.

For example, golden dragon scales appeared early on the body surface, anti-ancestral alienation appeared early on the body, etc., and the reaction was stronger than before. The higher the bloodline concentration, the stronger the reaction. Among them, the last fifty and one hundred times the two groups have the most intense reactions. , The same batch of other bloodline warlocks had already been promoted to the fifth-order peak when they were only about the fourth-order, and they could advance to the sixth-order Transcendent level at any time.

On this day, the patrol team composed of several blood warlocks under his nose encountered a squadron of insects in the gloomy canyon, and the encounter was about to start.

The worms urged the various underground creatures they raised to attack the five bloodline warlocks, and only the five bloodline warlocks quickly sent a signal, and then bravely launched a countercharge.

The leading bloodline warlock is exactly one of the experimenters with a bloodline concentration of one hundred times. He has shown the abnormality that other bloodline warlocks can only have at the sixth level and above the Transcendent level. They are covered with golden scales. The spear that came out hit him with sparks flying, completely unable to injure him.

A ferocious beast resembling a wild boar rushed over like a tank. He roared without fear, and his body swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye and slammed into the beast.


A circle of broken leaves rolled around. In less than a second of stalemate, the fierce beast was held down by the big man and moved backwards. The thick thighs kicked the dirt and screamed, but they couldn’t break free.

“The power is more than three times stronger than the same rank.”

However, compared to his tough performance, the performance of the other four bloodline warlocks was not so exaggerated, but they were still far stronger than the insects, so even though there were only five people, they did not lose out.

The battle that didn’t even have the sixth Transcendent level was boring to Lin Xiao. He had seen too many high-ranking battles, and there was no interest in low-ranking battles.

For him, Tier 6 and below are all low ranks, but in fact, for most alien races on alien planes, Tier 6 can already be called a strong person, such as the natives of the Moon Heaven Realm.

This is the main reason why hundreds of thousands of people in the Longcheng Bangcai district can stand firm here and can also resist the underground insects positively. After the tribal warrior is transferred to the bloodline warlock, it is really too powerful.

In fact, if there were no Feng Ziqi, Cao Yichen and others on that plane, the dragon tribe with more than one hundred legendary great naga lords could easily sweep the entire plane.

This battle only lasted more than ten minutes before it came to an end. Four of the five bloodline warlocks were besieged and killed, and the strongest leader remained stubbornly resisting, but it seemed that it would be a matter of time before they were killed.

After all, there are too few people. There are only five of them. There are more than one hundred worms in the squadron, plus nearly two hundred underground creatures. If all five of them are leaders, then the first-level can break through, but unfortunately not.

Lin Xiao did not interfere, even if the strongest experimental product was about to be killed, he was indifferent.

As his strength continues to grow, there are more and more members of his family members, and his mentality is constantly changing.

If you replace them with the one or two hundred family members who had just become the son of God’s Domain before, then the death of a gray mist murloc who did not even reach the first-level would be heartbroken. Now dozens of large naga of the sixth-order Transcendent level are dying. What a pity in front of me.

When he becomes stronger in the future, or becomes a true god, he will die of several legendary family members at that time…

Well, the family members who reach the legendary level are still very cherished, but the attention below the legend is less.

Just as he was sighing, the sudden changes below attracted his attention. The bloodline warrior who was under siege suddenly grabbed the spear inserted into his chest and roared to the sky, a golden light mixed with power gushing out from the depths of his body and all around him. The enemy exploded.


Seeing through the golden light with true eyesight, I saw the wounds of this soldier healed at a speed visible to the naked eye under the golden light.

“Transformation? It’s not like it.”

He has seen bloodline warlocks transform into the Great Naga Lord when they are promoted to Legends many times. It is a bit similar to his current situation, but there are some differences.

As he sighed, this change was over, and a creature that was covered with golden scales and had a dragon’s tail on its back appeared in front of him.

After this guy’s metamorphosis, his strength skyrocketed, and the insect man’s attack could not hurt him at all, and he could smash the insect man into the air with a single blow, and the rushing beast caught alive and tore apart, the flesh and blood flew like a slaughterhouse, extremely cruel. .

Lin Xiao was very happy to watch. Although he hadn’t completely transformed yet, the strength displayed at this time was still quite strong.

But looking at it, he suddenly realized something was wrong, the state of this transformed warrior was something wrong at this time, as if he had lost his mind.

“Could it be that the transformation failed?”

As soon as the voice fell, the deformed soldier suddenly shook his whole body, followed by a violent tremor, and then leaped forward, and the body began to melt.

“True transformation failed?”

Reaching out and grabbing it, an invisible force took the corpse away, leaving behind a circle of awkward bugs.

“No reason!”

Lin Xiao was puzzled. When the bloodline warlocks on that plane transformed into the legendary great naga lord, none of them failed. They all succeeded. Why did they fail here?

“Could it be that the blood concentration is too high and the physical quality is not enough to carry the transformation of the great Naga?”

There is no reason to think so. After all, one is a human being, and the other is the legendary Naga, the difference in physical fitness is too great, and it is easy to fail if it starts to transform early.

Of course, this is just Lin Xiao’s own guess. The specific reason is still uncertain. He turned his attention to the remaining experimenters, preparing to observe more about the reasons for seeing the bottom.

Time flies, time flies, unknowingly ten years have passed.

The real body is flying in the moon sky experiment, and the avatar in the digital world of the star soul crystal wall system is also mixed well, even if the experience of the late stage upgrade requirements is getting more and more outrageous, he is also super strong on his own. The law injury stubbornly brushed to sixty eighth-level.

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