Chapter 480: Entering the Realm of the Void Son

The realm of the child of the void is equivalent to the realm of the child of the human god’s realm. Once the realm is torn, it is equivalent to the realm of the gods being torn apart. Time is a good opportunity to plunder.

Any child of God’s Domain or other powerful people of God’s Domain civilization grows to a true god. This step is achieved by experiencing unknown opportunities and obtaining unknown resources. Although most of the resources in the realm of the children of the void cannot be used, even if only Part of it is also good.

Moreover, the realm of the child of the void can be plundered and swallowed just like the God’s realm. Even if only a part of such a large realm is swallowed, his God’s realm can be greatly enhanced.

The god of war, Jin Sisi, personally took the initiative to suppress, the son of the void had no resistance, and it was a good opportunity for them to plunder.

Compared with other seniors, Lin Xiao is very close to the realm of void at this time. The life avatar walked out of the realm of God, and first took all the family members that Senior Sister Chumo had put away back to the realm of God, and then stood with her in the realm of Slardar. Back to the torn realm on his shoulders.

Several senior incarnations rushed towards the boundary gap like a meteor, but they were blocked by a golden light from the golden thread. The meteor stopped to reveal the sullen incarnations of the seniors, but they did not dare to get angry when faced with this female Martial Sage. Asked:

“I wonder why the teacher blocked me from waiting?”

Jin Sisi glanced at them and pointed to Lin Xiao:

“Make my students advanced.”

This reason is reasonable, leaving them speechless.

The huge Slardar slammed into the rift in the boundary, and a thick black light sprayed on the head. Slardar stretched out his dragon claws to block it, and pointed it again, and a circle of ripples in the distance exploded.

There are a large number of void creatures in the torn apart realm. The weakest ones are all monsters of rank 6 and above, and a large number of rank 7 and even 8 legendary levels.

This piece of void is very huge, or the realm of the son of the true god-level void with conspiracy and chaos clergy is very huge. As soon as Lin Xiao came in, he began to urge his own gods to devour the opponent’s source of gods, and at the same time press the sound in his mind. The head teacher’s voice rushed in one direction.

There is an endless sea of ​​void energy, and from a distance you can see many weird-looking void creatures crowding on the edge of the void energy sea.

The appearances of the void creatures were all sorts of weird, and the kind of eyeballs with tentacles was just one of the more common ones. In a while, he saw no fewer than a dozen void creatures.

These void creatures all possess not low intelligence, they should be the dependents of the sons of the void, regardless of their strength or number.

However, this time he met Jin Sisi, the female God of War.

From the outside, it seems that there is only one incarnation blocking the son of the void. In fact, inside, she has already started the battle between the gods’ domain and the realm of the son of the void, and the passage between the two realms is in this huge area. In the depths of the sea of ​​void energy, the son of void has concentrated most of his family members in his realm here.

Lin Xiao carefully observed the huge sea of ​​void energy, her eyes flickering and she didn’t know what she was thinking.

At the edge, Senior Sister Chumo asked:

“What do you want to do?”

He pointed to the void creatures that appeared from time to time in the sea of ​​void energy and said:

“Now that he has been attracted most of the power by my head teacher, the interior is empty, I want to hit the Yellow Dragon to get into his core.”

“That’s too dangerous.”

“Wealth and wealth are in danger. Now there are a bunch of seniors coming over. We have the first-hand advantage. How can we compete with a bunch of people without taking a risk.”

The elder sister nodded after thinking about it for a few seconds:

“It’s not too late, do it now!”

Lin Xiao laughed, with a thought, a circle of invisible fluctuations swayed away, and another circle of invisible fluctuations swayed away in the next second. Soon the circle of invisible fluctuations spread out, and a wave of invisible fluctuations came from him. The fluctuations of God’s Domain spread around him.

He directly expanded his own god’s domain within the realm of the child of the void, and the senior sister on the side was not reconciled to expand his own god’s domain, and the two god’s domain channels were slowly opened here.

This change was naturally noticed by the Lord of the Realm in an instant, and soon the void storm in the distance separated a large piece and floated here, which was formed by the gathering of countless void creatures.

“I am the incarnation of flame!”

The huge body of the flame lord Culbert walked out of the gods, and the infinite flames gathered to form a huge flame vortex suspended in the void. A large number of fire elements emerged from the flame vortex, and at the same time urged the flames under his feet to lend his own power. Lord, the surrounding void began to turn red.

Immediately after a steady stream of big naga flew out of the gods, Lin Xiao expended a lot of divine power when they were summoned to bless them with the ability to fly freely, allowing them to move freely in the void.

The sky was full of golden light and gray void, and they collided together after ten minutes, and instantly turned into a mess of porridge.

A large number of priests who have been transferred to Transcendent warlocks bless them with various gain BUFF support. A large number of Protoss wizards unite to form a group of wizards, summoning a fireball technique to concentrate fire and bombing at a long distance.

It is best not to cast spells that are more than legendary or difficult to cast in a powerful God’s Realm. This can easily be cracked by the Lord of God’s Realm, or even counteracted.

This small group of void creatures were quickly killed by them. During this time, he saw several seniors rushing past them to the sea formed by countless void creatures, but they stopped halfway and had to open the gods. , Summon family members to fight.

This huge swarm of void creatures blocked the way to the center of the realm. If you want to pass, you must make a way out.

As time went by, more and more seniors rushed over, and everyone invariably took one direction to open up the God’s Domain and summon the family members. They seemed to default to this method and rely on their own ability to compete.

Two hours later, Lin Xiao saw that he had only advanced a distance of more than ten kilometers, and he saw that the other seniors around him were not advancing at half the speed of his own, and he still felt unsatisfied.

The efficiency is too low, there are too many void creatures, even if there are so many people sharing the pressure, there are so many.

He seriously doubted that there was a steady stream of void creatures in the realm, otherwise, how could a god’s realm be able to raise so many dependents.

But this speculation is unfounded, and you have to reach the core of the realm to know.

After another half an hour passed, Lin Xiao, who was sitting on a metal platform, suddenly turned around and saw a silver-haired man appearing behind him at some unknown time. The man looked at him carefully and said with a smile:

“You can call me Pei Ziyuan and be entrusted by Miss Shen Yuexin to help you.”

“Yue Xin asked you to come? Where is she now?”

“She has returned to the outpost after the previous big class, but she is rushing after hearing that this plane has changed. It is estimated to be here now.”

“She asked you to help me, how can I help?”

Pei Ziyuan held a ball of golden light and threw it out, and Lin Xiao reached out to catch it and immediately understood what it was.

“This is the last totem. Although you can get the supreme power without this one, it will be more complete if you can gather the complete totem power. In addition, I can help you.”

“How can I help?”

“Of course it is…”

Pei Ziyuan snapped his fingers, and behind him a huge metal fortress phantom emerged. A huge gun barrel slowly stretched out, and a burst of energy gathered around the metal fortress with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers towards the gun barrel. Shao Qing’s dazzling white light spurted silently, and a huge hollow trajectory emerged in front of him, which remained unchanged for a long time.

He pointed to the void that was cleared by a blow until he didn’t know how far away and said:

“This shot can make you a few hours ahead of others, how about it?”

Lin Xiao nodded with joy:

“Very good, thank you senior!”

“You are welcome, by the way, there is one more thing to ask you. I am sending you an invitation on behalf of the Tianyuan Club. I wonder if you are willing to join the club?”

“It turns out that the senior belongs to the Tianyuan Club. I’m very honored!”

“Well, wait until you come back to school to find me.”

“I will.”

Pei Ziyuan nodded, his figure slowly faded and disappeared.

“Tianyuan Club, it’s okay!”

Withdrawing his mind, Lin Xiao pointed towards the front.

This gun directly wiped out all the void creatures in the front tens of kilometers, exploding a huge hollow channel, and he instantly led the other seniors by a long distance.

No, it should be said that he was sent directly near Jin Sisi, the end of this gun has exploded to the edge of the battlefield between Jin Sisi and the Lord of the Realm.

Although it is not delivered directly to the center of the boundary, it is not bad.

The main force headed by Slardar rushed to the edge of the battlefield before the void creatures on the left and right sides of the passage approached. Slardar spewed out a breath of dragon to tear open the barrier formed by a layer of void energy under the cloth of the Void Child, exposing the huge chaotic battlefield inside.

Three gods surrounded by golden gods stand in the center of the battlefield. These are her three incarnations. In order to be weak and other gods, she can have five incarnations at the same time. At this time, there are three in her gods.

In the huge void battlefield, countless tall giants with thick armors are killing all kinds of strange void creatures.

The void is full of dead bodies, including several huge void creature corpses up to several kilometers. The remaining aura is close to the true god first-level, and it should be the unlucky native true god who was captured and transformed by the son of the void.

Because being transformed into a void creature is no longer a true god, its strength will be weakened, and it has died in the hands of Jin Sisi’s incarnation at this time.

The core family of Jin Sisi is a giant. Although it is not a legendary giant such as the Titan Giant, the Cloud Giant, the Mountain Giant, the Storm Giant, or other common giants, it should be an upgraded giant, about seven or eight meters tall. The equivalent of an enlarged version of the dwarf, extremely strong, and its combat performance should be a sub-legendary giant.

Giant, dwarf giant, it can be seen that Jin Sisi must have the title of giant, and her strength should be stronger than he had imagined before.

With the strength of the giant family and her own combat power, she positively suppressed the son of the void and most of the powerful void creatures in the realm.

Without her restraint here, these demigods would never invade the realm of a True God-level Void Child, I’m afraid there will be many deaths.

A female Martial Sage in the middle of the realm saw Lin Xiao who had arrived at a glance. She stretched out her hand and pressed it. The void creatures in this area were suppressed and unable to move. Lin Xiao and Chumo-senpai took advantage of the opportunity to explode and kill with divine power. The void creatures in this area cleared a gap, and the family members came to join the family members of Jin Sisi.

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