Chapter 475: Conspiracy and Chaos

Cao Yichen looked indifferent:

“so what.”

Li Ran opened his mouth, and suddenly his voice became louder, almost shouting:

“Are you crazy, just a woman, do you want any beauty in your capacity? As for this woman, bet on own’s future?

“And I think the relationship between her and this kid is not what you imagined. She was just trying to get rid of you by deliberately pulling a shield. The kid has a girlfriend, and his identity is higher than her. Their appearance… There can be no such relationship, you have to be sober.”

Li Ran tugged at the collar, took a breath and continued:

“And you have to be clear that many people are watching here now, you don’t have time to destroy his God’s realm, so that you don’t regret it in the future, I can’t agree to this decision.”

Cao Yichen turned his head abruptly, staring at Li Ran with his bloodshot pupils, and said loudly:

“I know very well, and I know what I am doing now, and I will bear the consequences myself. Now I order you to execute my orders immediately!”

“You are really stunned. In this state, I will refuse to execute your orders.”

“If you don’t go, then I will go by myself.”

Cao Yichen looked at Li Ran coldly, and said every word:

“If you don’t want to watch me die in battle…”

But Li Ran had already determined that Cao Yichen had somehow fallen into a certain kind of demon, and his thinking seemed to be…

“and many more!”

He stared at Cao Yichen’s pupils all of a sudden, with golden light flowing out of the pupils, and the dazzling divine light spurted out and looked towards Cao Yichen. The power from the divine calmed his mood instantly, and said in a deep voice:

“I see chaos! You are affected by the chaos priesthood, and a chaos god has infiltrated this plane?”

“No, I want to spread the news.”

As soon as the voice fell, Cao Yichen suddenly shot two black lights from his pupils into the eyes of Li Ran, who was unprepared, and quickly drowned the divine golden light in his eyes. Although Li Ran was a little caught off guard, the strong warning sign in his heart made him pop a little golden star in his hand. .

Cao Yichen subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab it, but it was too late, so he could only let the stars soar into the sky and disappear in a flash.

A sigh came from the void:

“Sure enough, it is the Huiyao elite, it is not easy to influence, nothing more, it can only be so.”

The voice slowly disappeared, and then, a violent divine light burst out in the direction of Cao Yichen. Lin Xiao fiercely raised his head and looked over there. A figure shrouded in infinite divine light was slowly rising, and the invisible divine power halo opened rapidly. Open, expand, and encompass a range of nearly five kilometers.

Colorful brilliance slowly emerged in the void. These brilliance were twisted by an invisible high-temperature force field around the figure shrouded in infinite divine light, and countless phantoms of flame elves with flame feathers on their backs surrounded the giant of light, in his mouth. Singing loud chants, chants containing powerful Mental Energy quickly spread farther away with this vision.

In the sky above the infinite divine light, the sky and the earth darkened unknowingly, as if the night had fallen, and inexplicable fear came to my heart, making my heart feel bad.

“This is….. Deification? Is the demigod incarnation combined with a part of the supreme person so powerful?”

Feng Ziqi looked over there quite unexpectedly. He was also a demigod incarnation, and also possessed a part of the supreme personality. He could perceive Cao Yichen’s power which was obviously beyond the power of the demigod. It was only when the demigod incarnation was combined with the highest personality. This is nothing. What he is surprised is what Cao Yichen is doing now.

Normally speaking, the appearance of the incarnation should be due to the huge battle losses of the family members below, and it is impossible to distinguish the victory or defeat. At that time, they are likely to end in person, how could it be possible to end in person so early.

Not to mention lowering the force frame, it is not necessary.

Of course, regardless of whether it was to lower the force frame or whether it was necessary or not, there was no stipulation that this could not be done, so he was only surprised by surprise and did not take any other actions.

Cao Yichen’s sudden outbreak of Lin Xiao was also very unexpected, but he did not panic. Regardless of whether the other party was a sophomore, he was not at all empty.

The combat power of the gods includes three aspects in addition to the family members of the gods. One is things outside the body, generally artifacts, powerful props, and so on.

The second aspect is divine power, which is the most direct measure of a deity’s combat effectiveness.

The third aspect is the degree of mastery of the rules. The real legends have already mastered the rules initially, so they can create powerful legendary spells. Of course they can also do this if they are above demigods. They are more rude if they have divine power. Legendary spells are too lazy to develop and burst directly. Divine power can solve all enemies.

The most important of these three conditions are divine power and rule mastery, and the artifact ranks third.

The divine power is the direct combat power, and the rule mastery is the addition to the divine power. The higher the mastery of the rules, the more powerful the divine power can be exerted.

For example, the standard one hundred divine power, some demigods can only exert the power of one hundred divine power, some can exert the power of one hundred and fifty, and some can exert the power of two to three hundred. If you let those strong god-tier powers come With a hundred divine power, they can display a thousand or even thousands or even tens of thousands of power, this is the gap.

Of course, different clergy have different bonuses to combat power. The bonuses of general combat clergy are much higher than those of ordinary clergy.

Lin Xiao’s life priesthood does not belong to the combat priesthood, but he has a high degree of mastery.

Ten percent of his mastery is at the bottom of the priesthood he has, but for other demigods, this is already an exaggeration. This is a mastery that many seniors who do not mix well can not reach.

Therefore, even if Cao Yichen suddenly broke out into a posture that I would roll up my sleeves and go personally, Lin Xiao was really not afraid.

Everyone is the incarnation of the priesthood, and everyone has the supreme personality. Perhaps the incarnation of Cao Yichen has higher divine power, but the mastery of the rules is far lower than that of himself. It is still unknown who will die in the fight, so he can calmly observe the incarnation of Cao Yichen, through The power displayed by the avatar analyzes the divine power component of the target, and analyzes what priesthood the avatar masters.

If the deity masters the priesthood, its divine power will bring its own elements related to the priesthood.

For example, the divine power of Lin Xiao, the incarnation of the priesthood of life, contains strong life power. If the incarnation of the priesthood of destruction will inject divine power into a dead tree, the dead tree will be directly destroyed by ashes, but if his divine power is injected into the dead tree Inside, then the dead tree will either rebirth every spring, or be directly activated into a dead tree treant.

Different clergy and divine power combine to have different abilities, which are endowed by clergy and are equivalent to the natural instincts of the gods.

The supernatural power of this incarnation of Cao Yichen has a very obvious feature, that is, high temperature, which will increase the temperature in the surrounding Realm under normal conditions. When Cao Yichen is intent on killing, the temperature will soar, forming a large-scale high-temperature Realm. The trees turn black at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then burn and catch fire.

It is not the law of flame, it is the law of pure high temperature, and it is one of the subordinate branch laws of the law of flame.

This is just a low-level clergy law, but it belongs to a combat type clergy, so it can give him this clergy incarnation extremely powerful direct combat power.

Cao Yichen quickly shrank Realm into a divine fireball with a diameter of more than 100 meters and containing terrifying high temperature. It crashed into the forest like the sun across the sky. The water in the trees along the way was quickly evaporated, and the color slowly became yellow and withered.

Lin Xiao stared at the rapidly rushing opponent without fear, his mind exploded with divine power, his figure quickly swelled and rose, and soon a Realm halo filled with strong vitality bloomed, and the primitive jungle below withered due to the high temperature. The trees were nourished by the life divine power and quickly regained life, turning from black and yellow to green quickly.

“The priesthood of life?”

Feng Ziqi was surprised again. He felt that he had been surprised a little today, but he was indeed surprised at this time.

“There are people who are willing to strip the priesthood of life into the priesthood of incarnation!”

This is a priesthood that can create a strong god-tier power. Even if they are top elites who can be admitted to Huiyao, they can’t be extravagant enough to use a strong god-tier job to condense their incarnation.

“Perhaps, I have another reason that prompted me to make up my mind!”

Feng Ziqi’s eyes kept flickering, and there were traces of black energy entwined in the light, which represented that his thoughts were like this entwined light and black energy, and he was hesitant.

At this time, the life Realm halo on the battlefield has expanded to a diameter of more than 20 kilometers, and the range is much larger than Cao Yichen’s high-temperature Realm. This only shows one thing. His mastery of this life priesthood is very high, far away. Compared with Cao Yichen’s mastery of high-temperature Realm is much higher.

“Couldn’t he be the incarnation of the main priesthood by stripping the condensing priesthood?”

“Should not be so stupid?”

“Once this falls here, this priesthood will be gone.”

The appearance of Lin Xiao’s life Realm is too exaggerated, and countless seniors who watched the game outside the plane were ashamed and speculated.

However, no matter how they discussed it, they didn’t have the idea of ​​interfering in the battle within the plane, even if they were mostly not optimistic about Lin Xiao, they didn’t think the two of them could block the four seniors.

This is the rule. Even if you choose to abandon the big class to compete with the seniors, you will have to bear the consequences of the failure of the competition. This is a rule that everyone must abide by, let alone under the attention of the leaders of the schools.

At the same time, Xiong Chumo, who was far away in Dragon City, finally confirmed that they did not pretend to retreat, but actually transferred the main force away. Worried about the danger on Lin Xiao’s side, she ordered the troops to stand guard and incarnate into the air. Start flying towards the battlefield.

At this time, under the gaze of no mathematician, the high-temperature Realm representing Cao Yichen slammed into Lin Xiao’s life Realm like a long rainbow traversing the sky.

A light green life divine power emerged, and the fireball smashed into the light green water like waves of divine power, deeply embedded in the life Realm and crashed into the depths of the life Realm.

In the center of Realm, Lin Xiao’s already deified golden incarnation looked at the smashing ball of light seriously, frowning.

The ubiquitous life Realm gave him feedback. At this time, Cao Yichen’s state was a bit wrong. He felt the atmosphere of conspiracy and chaos from this high-temperature Realm.

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