Chapter 473

At this time, Lin Xiao saw a total of more than 30,000 silver-backed Mammoth orcs and 120,000 elephants. According to the information Lin Xiao had previously grasped, this was about half of the core family members of Fengziqi on this plane.

In addition, there are 100,000 half-orcs, and a full 400,000 elite natives, totaling a total of 650,000 troops.

In the previous siege, there were a huge army of about one hundred and tens of thousands of Fengziqis, and most of them came at this time.

The lowest level of 30,000 silver-backed Mammoths is also Tier 5, which means that Mammoth orcs are at Tier 5 in adulthood. There are about two to three thousand seventh-order silver-backed Mammoths. There are more than 30 legendary silvers that are as tall as small buildings. The Mammoths on their backs are all equipped with super-thick armor that is probably five centimeters in length. It is estimated that this defense will be fine if it is hit by a stone on the front.

After such a rude army, there is also a huge war machine force.

The all-metal semi-automatic trebuchet can be operated by only two people.

An all-metal semi-automatic crash as big as a building contains a small room to hide soldiers, and a huge alloy bump can easily smash the stone wall open.

Yes, this thing directly smashes the city wall instead of the door. Although the wall of the general alien plane is thick, but there is no magic circle enchantment reinforcement, this purely violent machine can easily smash a hard rock to pieces, and it can smash a large stone in a few strokes. The pit pushed the wall down.

There is also an all-metal semi-automatic ballista the size of a room, which can continuously fire steel crossbows with thick fingers like an automatic rifle, and can replace various armor-piercing crossbows if necessary.

Thirty thousand silver-backed mammoths, one hundred and twenty thousand elephants, one hundred thousand half-orcs, four hundred thousand elite natives, including tens of thousands of totem warriors.

On the other side is Cao Yichen’s core family-the forest elves (modified) family. The modified character at the back means that it has been upgraded, but not too deeply upgraded. No matter the talent or appearance, it is the same as the original one.

Upgrades like this kind of family are not that the stranger the better. In many cases, if there is no better upgrade direction, it will be strengthened on the existing basis, and it does not need to be forced to upgrade to other races.

Cao Yichen’s forest elves have greatly strengthened their physique and strength. Together with the agility and wisdom of the elves, they have the physique and power comparable to that of an orc, as well as the agility and wisdom of the elves. They can be called all-round development and can be used in any profession. Great power.

The composition of Cao Yichen’s troops is not that complicated, with more than 200,000 elves of different professions, more than 400,000 well-equipped indigenous legions, and the same large number of combat machines.

A total of more than 1.2 million troops pressed towards this side from left to right, and stopped when the two sides were more than ten kilometers apart.

A total of more than one million troops gathered, even insects and mosquitoes in the primitive jungle can feel the storm of rain, and they fled their places or burrowed into the ground. A large number of beasts left their places to flee, and a large number of birds in the air flew away.片区。 Piece area.

Lin Xiao patted his body lightly, and the black dragon Nijlem flew forward knowingly.

Seeing this, Feng Ziqi smiled:

“Is this a mount that bullies us for not being so cool!”

After beckoning, a loud long groan came from behind, and a dragon eagle with red tail feathers flew over and landed beside him.

He said to his assistant Qin Rong:

“You stay here, depending on the situation, if something goes wrong, I will give you instructions.”

Qin Rong nodded, and the Dragon Eagle rose into the air.

On the other side, Cao Yichen’s face was not very good-looking, and he said with a cold snort:

“Is this giving me power?”

Li Ran didn’t speak at the side, just beckoning a giant crow with shiny black feathers to fly over, Cao Yichen turned over and sat up and flew into the distance.

The three gathered above the primitive jungle, about a hundred meters apart.

It’s not that we can’t get closer, but that neither the dragon eagle nor the black crow dared to approach the black dragon Nijrum. He raised his huge head and spouted a burst of sparks into the jungle below, and the dark red dragon horns stretched upward. The surrounding air is hot.

At this time, Nijram had stayed in the God Realm of the Fire Element God Realm for hundreds of years, constantly absorbing the power of the flame, and now he has mastered the power of the flame.

Combining corrosion and flame, his strength is far stronger than similar.

If you don’t know their identities, you think Lin Xiao is the senior in terms of appearance, this black dragon with reddish scales is really too compelling.

Lin Xiao arched his cupped hands to the two and said:

“Lin Xiao met two seniors.”

Although hostile, basic etiquette is required.

Feng Ziqi nodded and cupped fist returned, while Cao Yichen coldly hummed his own disdain and anger.

Lin Xiao ignored it. People have reasons to be angry. After all, the Chumo senior sister who had been married to Cao Yichen who had come to this plane with him is now with him. This has nothing to do with his heart, and a man can bear it. I can’t help but come up and raise my fist without seeing each other.

Feng Ziqi did not know the grievances between them, nor did he understand these before. He withdrew his gaze from the 40,000 star spirits and 60,000 naga behind Lin Xiao, and said:

“Does Junior Lin Xiao want to use the power of this 100,000 family members and this powerful family member to resist both of us at the same time?”

“With all due respect, I admit that your family is very powerful and may be able to resist any of us, but we have four seniors here. You can resist three at most, and you can’t compare to us. I can’t think of your reason. Can you win?”

Lin Xiao smiled slightly and said:

“I haven’t beaten it, how come you think my family can’t beat you?”

“Isn’t this already proven? Your core family is indeed powerful, and it can suppress my legendary Mammoth from the front, but your number is too small, so why should you fight us with only one hundred thousand?”

“That’s not necessarily true, I only know after playing.”

Feng Ziqi smiled, spreading his hands in an indifferent expression:

“Senior brother is so confident that senior will not hit you, then we can see the truth on the bottom of our hands.”

He paused, with a solemn expression on his face, and said in a deep voice:

“Although I am a senior, as a respect for the Tianjiao ranking, I will not have any hands. If you lose the battle, you will lose a lot, so the senior will ask you one last time, do you want to fight?”

Lin Xiao put a smile on his face and nodded in a deep voice:


“very good!”

The senior patted the dragon eagle and turned and left.

At the side, Cao Yichen just cut his throat and turned to Lin Xiao and left.

Seeing them leave, the black dragon Nijrum turned around with his huge wings flapping, and quickly flew back to his side.

Half an hour later, accompanied by a long horn sounded over the primitive jungle, the forwards of the two troops began to advance slowly, and the large tracts of woods were chopped in pieces by the tall mammoths swinging nearly ten-meter-long knives. fall.

The sixty thousand naga were divided into two, swinging the same ten-meter-long standard knife to easily chop down the big trees in the primitive jungle that require a few people to hug together with the vines entwined with the tree body, terrifying power And endurance allows them to maintain this state for a whole day without getting tired.

Compared with the elves wearing exquisite, thin, beautiful and highly defensive magic armor, the silver-backed Mammoths are covered with refined steel armor up to five centimeters thick. The big naga are not equipped with armor except for weapons and special accessories. That dragon armor is the best armor.

The dragon scale dragon skin not only has high physical defense, but also is immune to a lot of magic, and it does not affect the flexibility, which is too cheap on the chaotic battlefield.

Soon the two sides approached less than two kilometers, and the elf archer from Cao Yichen’s side began to draw the bow. With the sound of countless continuous bowstrings, the first wave of enchanted arrows soared into the sky, turned into black and pressed down, and charged. The tens of thousands of big naga were completely submerged.

I only heard a continuous jingle, and the great naga were unharmed, and even the enchanted arrows could not penetrate the hard dragon scales.

Cao Yichen and Feng Ziqi stood high in the air and looked at each other, slowly lowered their heads and waved their hands gently. The elves and wizards at the back were ready to start joint spellcasting.

Headed by an eighth-level legendary wizard mage, and commanding 300 mages with strengths ranging from fifth to seventh as a group, they jointly perform powerful and lethal legendary spells.

Normally, a true legendary mage can independently cast legendary spells, but they can only cast them with sufficient preparation, and the casting time is very long, not to say they can cast them casually.

Co-casting can greatly reduce the casting conditions and casting time of certain powerful spells, and achieve rapid casting of legendary spells to kill the enemy.

On the battlefield, especially in the history of legendary wizards on the enemy, joint spellcasting is very dominant.

Of course, Cao Yichen’s subordinates are only the elven wizards of the eighth-level legendary rank, and they are in the occupation card. They are not the true legendary wizards who have mastered the rules. Such fake legends cannot independently cast legendary spells, and can only be used by other wizards. Only with the aid of joint casting can you cast legendary spells.

Hundreds of elves and mages joined together, and the sky soon swayed heart-pounding energy fluctuations, a faint red light gathered, and the legendary spell summoning meteorite was about to take shape.

Without Lin Xiao’s command, the Protoss wizards behind responded spontaneously. Many wizards spontaneously gathered around a legendary Protoss to cast spells, condensing into a huge light in the air at a speed much faster than the wizard wizards. The Protoss, I saw that legendary Protoss stretched out his hand, and the Light Protoss condensed by magical energy in the air also pointed with one of them:

“High-level spell countermeasures!”

This is the legendary version of spell countermeasures. The effect is to use the spellcasting wizard directly to interrupt the target’s spellcasting, and the spell cannot be used for a period of time.

The legendary version also comes with a backlash that causes the target to endure being interrupted by the spell being cast.

Therefore, the direct consequence of this summoning meteorite being countered was that the condensing Magic power exploded out of control. This pseudo-legendary wizard wizard exploded and died, and the hundreds of wizard wizards who had cast spells together fell a piece.

This is the difference between a pseudo-legendary and a true legendary mage. Not only is the casting speed inferior to that of the true legendary mage, but also the control of the magic power is not good. If it is a true legendary mage, it does not mean that you can forcibly endure this spell countermeasure, but Able to forcibly disperse spells before the opponent casts the spell to avoid being countered.

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