Chapter 471: Opening the Gate of God’s Domain and Summoning the Family

Before Shen Yuexin returned to Lin Xiao, he told Lin Xiao that foreign aid would definitely come within a year. It has been half a year now, which means that he still needs to hold on for half a year.

However, looking at the huge forces of the Barbarian King Kingdom and the Ancient Dragon Kingdom outside the city, he felt that with his current strength, it was estimated that he could hold on for less than half a year.

“Fortunately, I gave up the big class!”

Lin Xiao sighed and said to Senior Sister Chumo next to him:

“Next, please.”

She nodded:

“Don’t worry, I will block them for at least three months.”

Lin Xiao smiled and said:

“It doesn’t take three months, half a month will do.”

“Are you so confident?”

“Of course, wait and see.”

He smiled confidently, turned and left the platform, Chu Mo looked at his firm face and powerful steps, and had confidence in his heart out of thin air.

Soon I came to a secret room inside the Dragon God Temple. At the bottom of the secret room, there was a teleportation circle. He took out the book of Wanfa handed by his girlfriend to activate the magic circle. The light flashed and he disappeared.

Appearing again, he has appeared in a hidden canyon more than a hundred kilometers away from the battlefield.

This canyon usually has no one to come and no garrison, and it is far away from the battlefield. Unless a legendary spell is cast here, even the arrival of the junior senior will not notice the changes here.

Lin Xiao ran here, of course, not casting any legendary spells, teleported here to appear at the bottom of the valley, and the eyes were a dark and damp moss and juvenile plants. A black armored centipede with a thick arm was protruding out of the moss-covered stone crevices. Head, two centipede whiskers are dancing back and forth.

Looking around, the bottom of the valley is very dark and wet, with poisonous insects and snakes everywhere, without a trace of artificiality.

At the beginning, he just scanned a circle as a backup location, and did not send anyone here to prepare for the task, just because he was afraid of being noticed by Cao Yichen and others. The spiritual consciousness possessed by the demigod incarnation is not mortal imaginable, only a trace of it will be noticed. .

Confirming that there is nothing else, he opened his hands to hold the circle and pulled, a light spot in front of him quickly opened to form a halo, a big hand covered with golden scales grabbed the halo and pulled it, and the halo quickly expanded into a light gate.

Several tall and handsome star spirits floated out, quickly inputting energy to urge them to open the door of God’s Domain even more.

That’s right, Lin Xiao’s backup plan is to open the God’s Domain and send his family members to fight.

He was unable to determine whether to give up the big class before, and was unable to open the door of God’s Domain. Now that he has decided to give up the big class, he does not need to abide by the rules of the big class. Seniors can send family members, and so can he.

When the gate of God’s Domain expanded to a full fifty meters high, a group of celestial spirits flew out and scattered around the gate of God’s Domain, a strong energy fluctuation spread, and insects and mosquitoes scattered around.


A huge figure walked out of the light gate, big feet covered with golden scales stepped on the damp ground and plunged into it. From the huge nostrils, a burst of sparks ignited the surrounding weeds. One was forty meters high and its tail was fifty meters long. , His body was made of gold, and his size was not much different from the previous incarnation of Lin Xiao. The ninth-ranked lord Shura Naga climbed out first and bowed his head to Lin Xiao for the first time:

“Silton has seen the supreme Creator!”

He nodded, stretched out his hand to stroke his stretched head, and stroked it on the thick gold scales, with a loving expression on his face.

These are all created by him, strictly speaking, they are all his children, and they are also the main support of his current strength.

Next, three ninth-tier naga lords came out, named Taida (female), Mars, and Guda, three men and one woman together with Selton.

After the 9th-order naga lord, there are more than a dozen 8th-order legendary protagonists. Their part-time mage profession non-professional cards are the mage professions obtained by Zhengerba relying on their own ability. They are true legendary masters, namely It is the eighth-level legendary rank, and it is also the eighth-order legendary professional rank.

Combining the two, these ten legendary star spirits have the ability to challenge the ninth-order legend. If even the tenth-order demigod can challenge it when prepared, it is one of the most powerful forces in his hand.

In fact, when they were smart goblins before, the racial limit of normal smart goblins was very low. At that time, the 6th and 7th wise wizards of the smart goblin all reached this level, and their racial level was almost negligible. Strength is not helpful.

Even so, they can easily defeat the Transcendent ranks of those powerful races. This is the strength and hard power that truly rely on their own wisdom to promote the professional level of the mage.

A batch of legendary great naga walked out from the door, and a batch of Transcendent Protoss Masters walked out from the door. The great naga were scattered around the corners of the canyon under the leadership of the leader, guarding the Taniguchi, and the Protoss Masters quickly arranged temporary arrangements. The magic circle is to build a huge shield to protect the huge gate of God’s Domain.

With a totem personality, he opened the door of God’s Domain and was not repelled by the will of the plane.

Fortunately, they have the totem personality to open the gate of God’s Domain. People like Cao Yichen and others descended to this plane alone at first, and after becoming totem step by step, did they dare to open the gate of God’s Domain and summon the dependents to come.

It took two full days for a total of forty thousand star spirits and sixty thousand naga to walk out of the gates of God’s Domain. This was all the power of Lin Xiao’s two core family members to fight.

Although the number is far less than the dependents of Cao Yichen and Feng Ziqi, the individual strength of the dependents is far stronger than the two of them, and he is 100% confident to blow them up.

Accompanied by a lofty dragon roar, the black dragon Nijram, who has been tempered by the great naga in God’s realm, and Lin Xiao’s special attention to training, flew out from the gate of God’s realm.

Now that he has reached the ninth rank and has the opportunity to become a hero, Nijram has already been his fanatical believer. If he hadn’t met the great truth and creator in his heart, he would still be in a certain small plane. The little black dragon who eats and waits to die, how can it be Nijram who is now considered a strong man even in the dragon clan.

The anger and resentment that had been caught at the time have long since disappeared. After a long roar, he slowly fell, and his wings lay down carefully to prevent the wind from reaching the forest.

He smiled slightly and flashed to the top of Nigellam’s head, his huge wings flapped lightly, and the dragon rose into the air.

A golden force field in the gate of God’s Domain below swelled and burst into the plane, an inexplicable anger slowly emerged in the sky.

Lin Xiao pressed his hand down, and the inexplicable anger slowly disappeared.


Two huge golden claws pressed against the gate of God’s Domain, and then a huge golden head that could not be contained by the gate of God’s Domain as high as fifty meters appeared at the door. The invisible force impacted, and the gate of God’s Domain almost collapsed with a fierce shake.

With Sacred and majesty in the ferocious, this is Saint Slardar.

Since becoming a mythical hero and officially promoted to a saint, his strength has been skyrocketing.

This kind of skyrocketing reached the culmination after the Shura Naga tribe was promoted to a true legendary race. As the strongest of the Shura Naga, a mythical hero, a saint, and the favor of the Lord of Truth and Creator, his current strength It seems that the general tenth order can no longer be used for evaluation.

At this time, Slardar’s real body was already an unimaginable behemoth. The head alone was more than 50 meters in diameter. His body stood up to nearly 300 meters, and the huge dragon’s body was nearly four feet long. One hundred meters, the total stretch length exceeds seven hundred meters.

At this time, even Lin Xiao couldn’t evaluate Slardar’s true strength. Lin Xiao had a hunch that if he didn’t have the Creator’s original suppression of Slardar, even if he was a horse, he wouldn’t necessarily be able to suppress the current Slardar.

At this time, Slardar had turned into a completely terrifying monster with various bonuses.

With such a terrifying size and strength, it is a bit difficult to enter this plane, even if he has gathered hundreds of totem persons now, he can’t suppress the strong rejection of the plane will against him.

“Protoss ready!”

In this situation, the only way to stabilize and expand the gate of the god-tier domain is to rely on the celestial spirits.

This preparation took another two days to expand the gates of God’s Domain to the point where he could enter and exit. When Slardar struggled to enter the plane under the repelling of the plane, there was a raging anger that contained the will of the plane. It turned into lightning and fell from the sky.

Several seniors outside the Faraway Dragon King’s Capital suddenly raised their heads and looked here, with deep doubts on their faces.

“I felt the anger and rejection of the will of the plane. What powerful existence entered this plane?”

Cao Yichen pressed his eyebrows, and he felt his eyelids twitch, with an unknown premonition.

The two junior seniors on the other side also felt bad, but they didn’t know what was wrong for a while, so the two sides dispatched a team to explore there.

Compared with their doubts here, there are many avatars of Huiyao seniors outside the plane, and some of the avatars of past senior seniors who heard about this are rare to show shocked expressions at this time, even the avatars of several school leaders are exposed. With a look of surprise, his faces looked at each other for a long while, one of them pointed to the huge golden head drilled out of the lush jungle canyon displayed in the light curtain and exclaimed:

“If I read it right, this is a hero!”

Although it was a question, his tone was very positive. His eyes penetrated the void and mist, and he saw the huge outline in the depths of the huge canyon, as well as the figure rushing out from the feet of the huge mountain-like behemoth, especially with a wingspan of hundreds of people. From the back of Mi’s black dragon, the leaders of the schools focused their eyes on this figure, paused for a second, and one of them said:

“I know this. It’s Lin Xiao from the 17th class, the high mid-rank Duan Tianjiao deputy ranking player, who keeps special recruitment and is promoted to the university department.”

When he said this, he paused, with a weird expression on his face, and said:

“This kid is actually an elite colonel of the Fifth Military Region, and the acting commander of the Raging Flame Corps. His rank is higher than ours. Your Excellency Xie Tianyan seems to be very optimistic about him.”

“It’s more than optimistic about him. I want to recruit a son-in-law. I also know that the actual controller of the Fury Flame Group is the only prostitute of Your Excellency Xie Tianyan. If it wasn’t for another purpose, how could it be arranged like this.”

Another school leader has a very clear look to me, which is what Eight Trigrams said.

Just after he finished speaking, the only woman among the school leaders showed a strange look on her face.

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