Chapter 466 Rapid Changes in the Plane

Of the ten thousand bloodline warlock seeds, nine thousand of which are the bloodline of the Great Naga, and the bloodline of the Protoss is only one thousand.

No way, the size of the Protoss can’t put much blood, unlike the big naga, which can be dozens of Protoss.

Of course, the most important reason is that this plane does not have the profession of wizards. After they become Protoss Blood Warlocks, they only have limited spellcasting abilities, mainly being wizards. The role of this profession is limited and there is no great naga power.

In the underground base, try to activate the blood warlock with ordinary dragon tribe warriors, and instantly possess some of the characteristics and strength of the big naga.

The powerful physique and strength, as well as the ability to regenerate, make them instantly possess the power of a normal totem warrior, and this strength will increase with time and battle, unlike the totem warrior who simply needs constant fighting to stimulate the power of the totem. , The efficiency is much stronger.

The efficiency of the key transfer bloodline warlock is far higher than that of the totem warrior. It only needs one hundred units of divine power to condense one. The totem core not only requires various harsh conditions, but also requires the wizard to portray the totem tattoo and then activate it.

This is nothing, the most important thing is that there is a success rate, if you fail, you will die.

The Bloodline Warlock does not have this kind of problem. Not only is the requirement lower, ordinary fighters can be integrated, but also has an almost 100% success rate. Just compare it to know how to choose.

Therefore, after studying in the underground laboratory for a period of time, he decisively began to call in loyal and pious warriors from the dragon tribe, and began to manufacture the Great Naga Blood Warlock on a large scale.

“Our spring has arrived! We will be able to counterattack in five years.”

Lin Xiao returned to the Dragon Tribe and saw his girlfriend blowing Niubi directly, blowing his girlfriend looking at him suspiciously, and subconsciously reached out and touched his forehead.

He grabbed her little hand and smiled:

“Do you think I’m bragging?”

“Come on, I’ll take you to the underground base to see.”

Next, she gained the extreme surprise and joy of her girlfriend. She looked at the soldier who was adapting to the skyrocketing power in the underground experimental area for a little thought, and suddenly said:

“Your profession is very magical. If these bloodline warriors are left out, will there be sequelae?”

“What kind of sequelae do you mean?”

“If they tap the power of their bloodline to the extreme, will they be transformed into a new big naga? If so, will their blood flow out through reproduction?”


The smile on Lin Xiao’s face suddenly froze, and he did not speak for a long time.

He really didn’t know this, and he hadn’t considered this aspect at all when making the preparation before, or had insufficient experience, and ignored this aspect because he didn’t consider this aspect.

Of course, this has not yet been determined whether he has the ability to retain the reproduction, because he is not yet sophisticated, and must wait for the bloodline warrior to excavate the bloodline to the extreme and incarnate as a Shura da Naga before knowing whether he can reproduce.

But having said that, even if it really retains the ability to multiply, it’s not a big deal to really let the blood flow out.

And from a certain situation, this should be considered a good thing, and it is also something he must experience in the future.

As the creator of the Great Naga and the Protoss, he naturally enjoys part of the power of faith contributed by these two races. If he really lives on other planes and becomes a believer of other gods, no matter how pious he is, even if he is a fanatic or even a saint, As a creator with the priesthood of Shura Naga and Astral Species, he can obtain part of their power of faith.

Look at the dragons in how many crystal wall universes and planes you don’t know. But no matter who the dragons believe in, or who don’t believe in being unbelievers, they should also contribute a part of their faith to their founder, the Nine Faces Dragon God. force.

It can be said that as long as there are dragons in the Chaos Void Sea Infinite Crystal Wall Universe, the nine-faced dragon god will be immortal.

Even if they are killed, as long as there are dragons, they can be resurrected from the long river of time.

This is the function of the racial priesthood.

Of course, this situation only applies if the ancestor is a great god-tier force. If the ancestor is not a great god-tier force, it may really fall, even if the ancestor is useless.

At least well-known species such as elves, dwarves, orcs are found in many crystal wall universes. It is reasonable to say that the creators of such a wide spread can definitely promote the great god-tier power with the power of such a huge race, but in fact they have never Having heard the news of the founders of these races, then there is only one possibility, the founders have already completely fallen.

Therefore, Lin Xiao wouldn’t let the blood of these two core races flow everywhere before he had no power to protect himself.

That is to say, this time he returns, he will bring all the subordinates who have obtained the Shura Naga and Protoss bloodline warlock career back to God’s Domain for good life training. If they grow up, it is the best to transform into Shura Naga or Protoss, if they transform If not, let them die in the realm of God.

And this is also an attempt to see if the probability of these bloodline warriors eventually transforming is high, if it is high, this is also a good way to greatly increase the number of Shura Naga and Protoss.

I observed these bloodline tactics with my girlfriend, and the two discussed it and decided to expand the territory after the ten thousand bloodline warlocks and the one hundred Transcendent warlocks took shape, striving to expand their power to the extreme within ten years. Fight with you sophomores and juniors, and let them taste the taste of being counterattacked.

Half a year later, a fleet of thirty-six large ships of several tens of meters left the secret base. The fleet was carrying a forward team composed of three thousand blood warlocks and ordinary soldiers, preparing to cross the sea to attack the Lizard Islands. Another big island more than two thousand kilometers away.

It is an archipelago slightly smaller than the snake lizard archipelago. Three large islands of similar size form a fret shape. Each island has a super-large indigenous tribe with a population of between five and six hundred thousand.

Vanguard will land and establish a base near the three main islands, waiting for the arrival of the second and third groups of main forces before launching an offensive.

The war lasted for a whole year and three months, a total of fifteen months. The base successively sent a total of 50,000 soldiers, including 10,000 Blood Warlocks and 50 Transcendent Warlocks, to fight hundreds of battles, and finally defeated the three islands. All the tribes on the island unify the three super-large tribes plus other large and small settlements on the island, forming a giant tribe with more than 1.5 million.

Then, the core of the second batch of blood warlocks was transferred through the good fortune cube.

In previous battles, the performance of these blood warlocks on the battlefield was much stronger than that of the totem warriors. Unlike the totem warriors, they depend on their talents. Talents do not have that great impact on the blood warlocks. They only need to fight and kill as long as they live long enough. , As far as the energy is constantly developing, there is no bottleneck until the limit is reached.

After one year and three months of killing, the strength of the first batch of bloodline warlocks reached the sixth-level Transcendent per capita, and one-tenth reached the seventh-level Transcendent.

Although the bloodline warlock of the eighth-level legendary level has not yet been born, the legendary level itself is a big hurdle, and the speed of promotion to this step has dropped sharply, but the big naga itself is a legendary species, and the difficulty of this hurdle is much lower than that of other bloodlines. It is predicted that legendary bloodline warlocks will be born in the near future.

The most important thing is that when the bloodline warlock is promoted to the rank of legend, this is a transformation in itself, which means that many bloodline warlocks can dig their Shura naga bloodline to the extreme and transform into a real one as long as they are promoted to the eighth-level legend. Shura the Great Naga, and immediately jumped to be the legendary Great Naga Lord.

As long as he thought of this, Lin Xiao was quite excited.

This shows that this idea is feasible. In the future, a large number of new Shura Naga core races may be born in this way.

It is worth mentioning that all this he said only refers to Shura Naga, and does not include the Protoss.

Because the Protoss is only a sub-legendary species, a non-legendary race, the probability of being promoted to a legend is far lower than that of Shura Naga, so it is not very reliable to give birth to a large number of Protoss by this method, only luck.

In the past few years, both Lin Xiao’s true body and the power of faith accumulated by his incarnation have all been transformed into the core of divine power to condense the blood warlock.

With the bloodline warlock core, there is no need to spend a lot of resources to condense the totem core.

In fact, after the bloodline warlock, the dragon tribe has not appeared new totem warriors, still the original number, but the strength of the tribe has skyrocketed.

Two months after conquering the new tribe, the fleet continued to set off for the next conquest.

Although Life has not many tribes in the sea, there are still a lot of them. First, conquer the sea, and then gather them to form a huge kingdom. It is time to go ashore after raising enough strength.

Time passed, unknowingly the eighth year that Lin Xiao entered this plane has passed. At this time, he has already conquered dozens of aboriginal tribes on the sea and concentrated all tribesmen on the three islands of Pinzi, which is also the current Dragon Island. , Gathered nearly four million people here, and formally established a kingdom called the Dragon Kingdom.

The Dragon Kingdom has a total of more than four million people. In recent years, the real body has prepared three batches of Bloodline Warlock Cores and Transcendent Warlock Cores. Now the Dragon Kingdom has a total of 30,000 Bloodline Warlocks and 300 Transcendent Warlocks, as well as 100,000 well-equipped warlocks. warrior.

By the way, the original base on Snake Lizard Island has been abandoned by them, and the millions of tribesmen on the island have all moved to Dragon Island.

Because at this time Lin Xiao had already turned his face with Cao Yichen and other sophomores, in the sixth half of the year, when Cao Yichen sent someone to Snake Lizard Island again to ask for the totem warrior and a large amount of resources, Lin Xiao refused and turned his face.

Of course, the other party was ready to do it, but Lin Xiao and his girlfriend were forcibly forced away.

Then his girlfriend gathered a totem person to hide himself, and left the place where he started from Snake Lizard Island with him, and all moved to Long Island thousands of miles away.

Soon afterwards, a huge fleet left Dragon Island, heading towards the south of the main continent.

Preparation for eight years, officially began to attack the main continent.

Lin Xiao and his girlfriend are very confident about this.

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