Chapter 462 Unification of the Snake Lizard Islands

The soldier quickly answered:

“We hit a boulder, and observers guessed that there was a plane burst not far away, and there would be many plane fragments in the void nearby.”

“The plane is broken?”

Lin Xiao strode to the bridge, the central observation light screen was completely dark, and then looking at the porthole observation port in front of the bridge, he could see nothing but the tumbling void energy outside.

He was about to withdraw his gaze, when suddenly a huge irregular mountain was drilled out of the surging void storm in front of him and bumped into him.

The pilot quickly adjusted the angle of the warship, and the Flying Snake drew past the irregular mountain that was thousands of meters high.

“It’s really a plane burst!”

Lin Xiao had seen the traces of buildings on the edge of the irregular mountain that had just passed by, indicating that there is wisdom and civilization in the broken plane, and the level of civilization is estimated to be not low.

He became interested all of a sudden, and commanded loudly:

“Slow down, approach slowly, and be prepared to escape at any time. If something goes wrong, evacuate immediately!”

It is a rare thing to break the plane, either because of some terrifying natural disaster, or there is a battle with super powers above the true god, which will break the plane by mistake.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, some super void behemoth passes through the plane. If the plane is not large, it may be accidentally knocked away.

The fractured plane has basically lost its value, the planes are all shattered, and the fragments fall into the void. It will not take long for the earth to be corroded and melted by the void energy, and finally turned into nothingness.

However, after the general plane is disintegrated and melted, there will be some very strong precious minerals and magic materials. These are usually difficult to dig in the plane, and they may appear after the plane is decomposed. Lin Xiao’s purpose is to touch it. Try your luck and see if you can meet it.

The Flying Snake flew forward slowly, and it didn’t take long for another piece of land that had been corroded and riddled with holes to fly over.

When passing by, the observer saw a large blue crystal on the other side of the boulder, and immediately shouted:

“Look over there, it’s a big rough sapphire.”

Lin Xiao moved his gaze over, and saw that this blue crystal that was almost the size of a small room had a faint blue light blooming on the surface, and there were many blue crystals of different sizes nearby. He shouted with joy on his face:

“Lean over and dig it down.”

“This is going to make a lot of money.”

I was very happy to see the blue crystals in the bridge.

This is not an ordinary sapphire, but the kind of gem that can be used as a magic material. The most commonly used and the most used method is to grind it into powder. After processing, it can be mixed with other materials to make magic ink, whether it is to depict the magic circle or It is necessary to make magic props, or make magic scrolls.

The unit price is not high, but it can’t hold up the big piece here. You have to know that a unit of this thing is just as big as an egg, and the standard price in the market is a crystallization of supernatural power and you can buy a whole thousand units.

There are so many here that there are hundreds of thousands of units, and I am afraid that they can sell hundreds of divine power crystals, which is not a small sum of money.

“Those who see you have a share, dig down and send a big red envelope to one person.”

Lin Xiao waved his hand and made such a promise.

The crowd applauded after hearing it, and they felt that their movements were much quicker.

The Flying Snake maintained the same trajectory and speed as this piece of plane debris, which might be several kilometers high. Several members of the Marine Corps drove several larger machines similar to the Trailblazer Golem to escape from the warship. Fly to the plane fragments, two mechanical arms are fixed on the surface of the cliff, and the tops of the other two mechanical arms are transformed into chisels to chisel along the edges of the sapphire.

The power of this thing was extremely amazing. The hard mineral layer was chipped into pieces. Soon the mineral layer and the sapphire block were chipped and separated. The two machines each stretched out several mechanical arms to clamp and push toward the Flying Snake.

It is worth mentioning that these magic sapphires belong to the accompanying ore of iron ore, and all around it is iron ore.

If these iron ore are not wasted in normal times, but now they don’t have enough space to hold these iron ore, they can only waste it.

When Lin Xiao came to the rear cabin, he had seen a sapphire the size of a small room lying quietly on the hard metal floor, with a faint blue light illuminating the surrounding gems.

Shen Yuexin circled the gems, picked up a small irregular piece of broken gems on the ground and said:

“This kind of Magic Treasures stone is very useful and in short supply in the market, are you selling it to others or for your own use?”

“Of course it’s for own use!”

There is a legal race in God’s Domain, which consumes a lot of this material. In the past, he bought the materials by himself, which was not a small expense.

Reaching out to the flying snake on the side:

“Borrow the sword for a use!”

Flying Snake quickly unfastened the saber and handed it over. Lin Xiao held the sword and slashed it at the big sapphire in the house.

The dazzling light spurted from the sword, and it quickly turned into a five-meter-long sword and cut it down. A sword cut the sapphire in half, and then the knife fell a few times to chop the sapphire into more than a dozen pieces before harvesting. hand.

Returning the sword to his men, he pointed to the pile of sapphires and said to his girlfriend:

“Here, half of you and half of me.”

The girlfriend was not polite, reaching out and putting away half of the sapphire.

Although she is not short of money, at this time, when exploring a foreign land, what she should take is what she should take.

Lin Xiao temporarily stored the remaining income space in the props, and prepared to transfer it to the real body through the good fortune cube when he was free.

Next, they dug down the smaller sapphires from the face fragment one by one, and blasted the plane fragment away with naval guns, and found a large number of gems of various sizes and other precious associated mines. All the annoyance was collected.

By the time they left, this piece of plane fragment had been dismembered into countless fragments and was swallowed by the void storm.

Moving on, several plane fragments of different sizes were found one after another, and some rare minerals were dug from them one after another, but the magic Treasures ore as rich as before was never seen again.

Until I have been flying forward, I am afraid that there are tens of thousands of kilometers. I haven’t seen the plane fragments for a long time. He estimated that the Flying Serpent has passed the void filled with plane fragments and did not see the broken plane core. , And did not see the remaining creatures on the Broken Plane, let alone the culprit of the Destruction Plane.

Lin Xiao guessed that it had been too long since they had broken away from the plane when they arrived, and the core of the broken plane was probably taken away long ago.

if so….

Some are left behind, and some are fortunate.

The legacy is that the inner center area of ​​the broken plane is not seen, and the core of the plane is naturally not visible.

Fortunately, I didn’t see the murderers of the Broken Plane when I came late. I really saw them, and I guess they would be more fortunate.

The so-called plane core can also be called a star core. It is the original core of a plane and contains extremely terrifying energy. Making this thing into a card will be an eight-star ancient card that even the true gods dream of.

The integration of this thing into God’s Domain can cause God’s Domain to produce a qualitative change that many children of God’s Domain dream of, that is, to cross the limit and give birth to a true God-level powerhouse in God’s Domain.

Let’s put it this way, generally speaking, the upper limit of the strength and energy of the Ascension God’s Domain through various conventional means is the tenth stage, which is the demigod stage.

This is the conventional upper limit. Even if it is a son of God’s Domain, even if it is promoted to a strong god-tier power, as long as the special treasure Ascension God’s Domain upper limit is not used, then the family’s strength limit in the God’s Domain is limited to the tenth level and it is impossible to exceed this upper limit. , Even if the children of God’s Domain take the Godhead to the core family members, they can’t break through, this is the upper limit of the world.

And the core of the plane has the function of breakthrough as the upper limit, which shows how terrifying its value is.

It’s just that the plane core is good, but it is extremely rare. This is not to say that any plane has a plane core. The conditions for forming and obtaining this thing are extremely harsh.

First of all, it must be a plane that has intelligent creatures and born the will of the plane. No matter the size of the plane, the core of the plane can take shape.

Yes, it’s just possible, not that the will of the plane will be born.

No matter how big a plane does not meet these conditions, its core will not be formed.

Note, this formation is a conceptual formation. In fact, the core of the plane has no matter what plane it has, it’s just whether it’s useful or not.

You can use eggs as an analogy. Some eggs can hatch chickens, and some eggs can never hatch chickens. That’s what it means.

In addition, how to get the plane core is also a big problem.

You must know that the core of the plane is the basis of the existence of a plane, which is equivalent to the human brain and heart. Others took away your brain and heart, and it was taken away alive. Can this person live?

Certainly not.

Therefore, the appearance of the core of each plane represents the destruction of a plane with a large amount of intelligent life.

Humans will resist, so will the plane will naturally.

People will die in despair, even if they commit suicide, the plane will will also. When the plane will finds that it is completely unstoppable, there is a great probability that it will directly burn everything to carry out a suicide-like final blow to the target.

Regardless of whether you can kill the target, you will also be annihilated.

And once the plane will fall prematurely, this plane core is naturally useless.

Whoever destroys a plane with a lot of life will be rejected and hostile by the entire Crystal Wall Universe.

So this thing is extremely difficult to obtain, even if not all the wealthy children have it.

Every time this thing appeared, countless wealthy sons of God’s Domain would brandish treasures in exchange.

That’s right, this thing is only bartered for treasures of the same level or the same price, and it is generally not sold directly.

Although he didn’t find this thing, Lin Xiao didn’t feel a pity, he really found out that he had to struggle whether to return immediately.

Of course, if you really want to get a complete plane core, you won’t lose money right away.

They also didn’t intend to return to search, they ran over and went straight ahead, plunged into the void storm and disappeared.

In God’s Realm, as time passed, the light emitted by the light cocoons of the essence of wisdom gradually dimmed, which was the appearance of complete transformation.

With a slight click, one of the largest light cocoons inside the City of Truth burst open, and a gleaming starlight spurted out of it. Lin Xiao’s expectant gaze descended, and Slardar, who had been guarding the side, slowly lowered his head.

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