Chapter 460

This is exactly a small island. When he appeared, with a roar, a super powerful black fog force field exploded and spread rapidly. In the blink of an eye, it spread to more than 20 kilometers away, directly into the distance. The lizard master tribe is included in it.

Within this halo, the air became thick and slow to move, and each movement required twice as much force as before.

It is nothing to him, but it is a catastrophe for the dragon tribe warriors who are fighting.

The steel armor and shields and weapons they are equipped with are very heavy. The armor must be thick for high defense. Even light armor has a certain thickness. It is heavy. Now it needs to consume twice as much strength and directly reduce their strength. Instant combat power and endurance, in this state, it is estimated that it will not be long before you will get tired and get down.

In addition, as soon as the two sides fought, the opponent’s wizard kept casting curses on the warriors, and the two were superimposed…

Shen Yuexin lifted up the huge thunder scepter and gave a fierce meal, and a circle of lightning exploded, sweeping away the curse and halo on the dragon tribe warrior. The lightning halo resisted the black fog, and there were countless tiny spots between the two. The lightning exploded.

Simply activating the lightning Realm does not consume much, but at this time she needs to continuously consume divine power to resist the black mist Realm’s all-round erosion, divine power is continuously consumed.

Of course, there is no problem with her net worth. She is mainly a little worried about her boyfriend.

Realm with a diameter of more than 20 kilometers cannot be achieved by any demigod in the main gods system. It is obvious that although the lizard king totem is still a demigod, it possesses some power that transcends the demigod.

Fortunately, this plane could not give birth to a true god, otherwise, with the accumulation of thousands of years of the king of lizards, I am afraid that it would be a god early.

Now she can only hold up the lightning Realm to protect her subordinates, and her boyfriend can’t take care of it for the time being.

Of course, she also has a certain degree of confidence in her boyfriend who has repeatedly performed miracles, and Lin Xiao was confident before, so although she is worried, she is not too worried.

The lightning Realm in front of her guarded her subordinates, and the dragon tribe’s warriors regained their footing, she was relieved to raise her head and look into the distance. In the depths of the black foggy sea, she saw the super huge lizard looming in the black fog. Wang, and…

Seeing the King of Ten Thousand Lizards, the Realm, which is as huge as a true god, Lin Xiao sighed. He was a little fortunate that he had a hole card. Otherwise, if he wanted to defeat the two main tribes of snakes and lizards, he would have to develop for more than five years before he could continue to develop. The power of the tribe, it is possible to consume the two senior totems, the snake and the lizard, which have lived for tens of thousands of years, only at a great price.

But now, facing the surging and rising sea of ​​black mist, he just stretched out his right hand to make a virtual grasp, and then a cloud of golden light quickly condensed in the palm of his right hand, and the surrounding void and air quickly contracted towards his right hand, forming a The group twisted and quickly expanded into a whirlpool.

The lizard king below could not fly, but as the black mist continued to expand, swell and rise, he flexibly moved back and forth in the black mist like sea water, and continued to approach the forest with the black mist rising.

When the mass of his right hand twisted into a whirlpool, the lizard king in the black mist seemed to feel threatened. With a scream that shook his soul, the sea of ​​black mist suddenly arched, and a black mist formed thousands of meters in diameter like a lizard. The giant claws shaped like claws, and they slammed into Lin Xiao.


The giant claw shot the target, but it was like a reef shot in the sea, the reef remained motionless, and the sea collapsed into a black mist that filled the world.

Through the cracks of the black mist, Lin Xiao has already turned into a round of light like the sun, the hot golden light blooms, the surrounding black mist is quickly melted, and the sky is cleared quickly, and a thousand-meter-high black sky has risen below. The sea of ​​fog was melted into a huge depression.

As for the king of lizards, he had already shrunk to the bottom of the sea of ​​black mist, and for the first time a trace of shock appeared in the eyes of the huge lizard, and he said:

“What kind of power are you?”

Lin Xiao’s voice came from the sun-like ball of light:

“The power to kill you!”

As soon as the voice fell, the brightness of the light ball rose rapidly and expanded, and the black fog below melted like snow, quickly revealing the turbid swamp and the king of lizards lying in the turbid water of the swamp, even the king of lizards unfolding The Black Mist Realm also eclipsed a big hole.

Then, a strong spatial fluctuation in the sun spread, and the infinite rays of light converged and condensed into a finger with a diameter of only three meters and a length of about 20 meters.

As the fingers fell, the king of lizards trembled violently, maintaining a difficult posture of raising his head and staring at the light fingers falling towards him, but he did not move at all.

It’s not that He doesn’t want to move, but that he can’t move.

The blow from the true god had already locked the space in which he was. He was completely unable to move, and could only watch the light finger hit his head at a slow and firm speed.

Then, a roar resounding throughout the tribe sounded, and the light finger pressed through a layer of black fog and hard scales on the surface of the king of lizards, and slowly pressed into the skull.

Then, inside the lizard totem tribe, the black flame burning on the huge totem pole suddenly dimmed, and then quickly extinguished.

The great wizard of the tribe who was praying raised his head to look at the extinguished totem pole and didn’t know how to react for a while. Shao Qing showed horror on his face and said in a trembling voice:

“Our totem has fallen!”

The sudden fall of a tribe’s totem will have various visions. The most direct vision is the extinguishment of the totem pole. Then a wizard who relies on the totem to gain power will find that his power disappears quickly, and black smoke appears in his eyes, ears, nostrils, and mouth. Many, in the end, the smoke turned into flames, and the whole person began to burn.

On the battlefield, many totem warriors of the lizard king suddenly felt a little empty in their whole person, as if something important was suddenly lost.

They are not wizards and have a direct connection with totems, and the sudden fall of totems did not directly feedback them, but it can be expected that they will become weaker and weaker in the following days, until they lose all the power bestowed by totems.

The changes in the tribal wizards and totem warriors directly affected the battle. The totem warriors of the lizard lord tribe, who were already at a disadvantage, were caught off guard by this sudden weakness and were killed.

Even if there are other totem wizards and totem warriors, most of the wizards and totem warriors in the lizard master tribe borrowed the power of the lizard king. Now the lizard king suddenly falls, and the strength of the lizard tribe has plummeted.

The corpse of the lizard king remained roughly the same, but his soul had died.

The treasure bestowed by the ancestor Lin Xiao contained a full blow from a senior true god, even if the king of lizards was no longer able to stop it.

The corpse has no value. Although its strength is comparable to a demigod, its body is not a demigod. After Death, it has no other value. At most, the necromancer can wake up and become a puppet corpse.

Although the real body can transfer a legendary level awakening undead spell scroll through the good fortune cube, Lin Xiao did not do so, because this thing is too powerful in physical body. If awakened as undead, its death aura is too strong and can Easily affect the surrounding area of ​​a few kilometers, which means that this guy turns into an undead, and all the surrounding areas of a few kilometers are transformed into a land of undead.

Of course, he also doesn’t need this combat power now, there is no personality, no soul, only a corpse, and at most the strength of a ninth-order high legendary level, it is not necessary for him.

But the totem of the lizard king is a good thing. After tens of thousands of years, his totem level is very high. He quickly put it away and prepared to wait for it to go back and refine it.

On the other side of the main battlefield of the tribe, with the fall of the lizard king, the morale of the warriors of the lizard lord tribe has collapsed, and now they are still resisting only for the tribe behind them and hoping that other totems of the tribe can rush back.

Lin Xiao said that they had been thinking too much about this. As he killed the King of Ten Thousand Lizards with thunder, many totem auras coming from a distance stopped one after another, wandering back and forth in the distance, but none of them dared to come back.

They were puzzled in horror, but they didn’t dare to come back.

They didn’t know how the mighty lizard king fell. Lin Xiao used the ancestor’s treasure to show that powerful power. The totems were unknowable. He could only vaguely sense a power that made their heart palpitations, but he didn’t know. What is it.

Not only them, but many seniors in the plane can’t sense what’s happening here.

In addition to Lin Xiao who is now a totem, he also consciously restrained the power fluctuations when he used this thunder method. Even the totem on the island may not be aware of it, not to mention that the endless sea is located on the main continent. Seniors.

Although the seniors are strong, but they are not true gods, they know everything that is so magical.

Of course, if a girlfriend who is not a totem uses this method, they will definitely be able to sense that she is now an outsider, and if her movements are larger, she will attract the attention of seniors.

When he returned to his girlfriend, the girlfriend asked with wide-eyed eyes, incredible:

“How can you bring this thing? The teacher didn’t detect it when it arrived?”

Almost everyone has this kind of life-saving method, but it is not allowed to be carried when it comes. At least the girlfriend didn’t bring it. No wonder she was surprised.

Lin Xiao smiled and said:

“You forgot that I told you before that I have a treasure to contact my real body and transfer some small things. This is how this baby turned.”

The girlfriend’s eyes lit up when she heard it, the kind of shining bright, and she said excitedly:

“If this is the case, then your real body contact my real body and bring me something.”

He touched her extremely smooth hair and said:

“It is indeed possible to do this, but you are not a totem now, you are an outsider to this plane. If you use such things that exceed the standard, you will be rejected by the plane.”

She blinked her beautiful big eyes, and the green jade pointed at his forehead and said:

“You are stupid, I can use it for you, I have a lot of good things, which were given to me by my dad and my brother and my dad’s subordinates when I went home. I wrote a note and you passed it to my real body. , Let her prepare.”

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